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[WotC] I'm the Commander here
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Sep 7, 2017 @ 2:41am
Jun 9, 2024 @ 8:15am
55 Change Notes ( view )
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[WotC] I'm the Commander here

Pure frustration over your beginning soldiers getting the worst Trainingcenter ability combinations while some random dude you got as a reward from a Councilmission has all the good ones?

Don't worry no more, as you are the Commander here this mod will let you choose any eligable ability for your soldiers to your likings for a little amount of AP of course after you build the Trainingcenter.

Extension Mod
This mod [WotC] I'm the Commander here extension will add more abilities for herosoldiers to roll naturally.
Check the mod-page for more details. (Note: This feature was earlier incorporated into this mod, but I decided to move it to a seperate mod keeping this mods functions cleaner.)

Mod config files

Main-config file for this mod, see the config itself for further explonations on what the settings do.

I included this to enable Sparks having Trainingcenter abilities and remove some abilities which are nonsense from the selection choice like Deep Cover. Also introduced AP to Sparks on promotion.

You can adjust the number of how many TC abilities any soldier gets. Defaultsetting is still 4 and setting it 7 or above will break this mod and your game.

  • Works with any promotion screen (default,new,community)
  • Don't use this mod WotC: Sparks with AWC Abilities in conjunction with this one as its features are already incorporated
  • If u play with RPGO u don't need this mod.
  • Does not work in conjuction with WOTC Richards Hero Classes Rework This mod will let you do everything that mod does and even more.
  • This mod needs valid soldierclasses to work properly. If another mod let's you change classes midcampain and does not do everything correctly chances are this mod will not work for that specific soldier.
  • For LWoTC you need to set xLWOTC from = false to = true inside XComImTheCommanderHere.ini to make it work properly.

Gamepad support
  • to "click" the respec button he must be visible and then you open the console and type: ClickRespecButtonByConsole
  • DPAD: UP+DOWN will let you cycle through the left side choosing the ability you wanna respec (purple/psionic colored)
  • DPAD: LEFT+RIGHT OR R1+R2 will let you cycle through the middlescreen choosing the new ability (yellow colored)
  • A for XBOX OR X for PS4 Controller will accept the choice, B or O will close the screen
  • Use this mod RS for respecc for opening the respec window with a gamepad

Same Mod for other iterations of the game

  • Everything works midcampagin.
  • if you find yourself only being able to respec the first ability plz read what I wrote under gamepad support as it describes how this mod works
  • See the change notes for what is new and has changed.
  • If you go back from LWotC to standard X-Com 2 don't forget to set xLWotC to false.
  • RPGO players do not need this mod.

Before making a comment about a "bug" or a "feature" not working ask yourself:
  • Did I read the description of this mod?
  • Did I look at the pictures of this mod?
  • Has my question recently been answered in the comment section?
  • If you make a comment about a bug be as detailed as you can. Sentences like "it's not working" won't enable me to solve any problem.
  • If you need extenisve support feel free to contact me on Discord: Dare#0357
  • Very technical and foremost individual problems should be asked on Discord

One may use any of my code as he sees fit as long as appropiate credit is given.

  • Robojumper
  • RustyDios
Dare  [author] Mar 25 @ 4:02pm 
TexasRed Mar 25 @ 12:27pm 
Does this mod allow me to change my soldier's class as well? That's what I'm looking for
Impact-49 Mar 2 @ 4:46pm 
Okay, no, I'm a dunce. I haven't modded XCOM 2 since like 2019. I mistook this mod for the Community Promotion Screen (formerly the "New Promotion Screen by Default" released in 2017) after seeing this in a collection. Went "OH yeah! I loved this mod" after seeing it in the screenshot. I had this one favorited, but not community as well for some reason. Must've lost brain cells trying to get 10 pages of old mods to function properly between 3 launchers because you even mention the promotion screens under compatibility in the first line(genuinely the only line I think I skipped over).
Dare  [author] Mar 2 @ 1:57am 
check if u are playing wotc. if not check the desc for the vanilla mod. Other than that verify gamecache and or delete your config folder and restart the game twice.
this mod DOES work but you have to use the xcom2 alternative mod manger in order for it to load properly
The Leader of the Free World Feb 25 @ 10:34pm 
this mod does not do anything. There is no respec button I am at full end game with every research complete and every building built and upgraded. this mod has no effect on the game
Void Smasher Feb 11 @ 6:48pm 
And vesTanPants was right on the previous comments page, LWOTC no longer uses ability decks named Tier1_XComAbilities , despite the fact, that their definitions are still in the LWOTC XComClassData.ini . Instead Rank1_XComAbilities decks are used with numbers from 1 to 7. Abilities in "tier" and "rank" decks are not exactly the same.
Void Smasher Feb 11 @ 6:42pm 
Sure. However PsiOperative problem might be more sensitive than the last one.

Was digging in the LWOTS config files and found class definitions in XComClassData.ini

Random abilities are actually named here:

[PsiOperative X2SoldierClassTemplate]
+SoldierRanks=( AbilitySlots=(
(AbilityType=(AbilityName="Insanity", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon)), \\
(AbilityType=(AbilityName="MindMerge", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon)), \\
(RandomDeckName="Rank1_XComAbilities"), \\
(AbilityType=(AbilityName="Magnum_LW", ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_Pistol))), \\

So random abilities which the mod should modify are named as RandomDeckName .
That's might be useful for LWOTC = true option.
Dare  [author] Feb 11 @ 4:39am 
I'm quiet busy atm, once I get the time I take a look at it both things. Thx for the report.
Void Smasher Feb 10 @ 4:47am 
Found another porblem and a solution for it for LWOTC.

If you save the game with xAllYourAbilitiesBelongToUs = true, and then load it with xAllYourAbilitiesBelongToUs = false, many class-specific skills added in LWOTC, such as BlueScreenKnives, will remain on the Respec screen for all classes.

To fix this you need to remove the mod with "Remove Missing Mods for WOTC" mod (you need to make a new save), and then enable it again.