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[WOTC] Fair Lost Targeting
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17. Sep. 2017 um 17:20
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[WOTC] Fair Lost Targeting

In 1 Kollektion von NotSoLoneWolf
NotSoLoneWolf's XCOM 2: WOTC Mods
15 Inhalte
A very simple mod that makes the Lost's chance to attack XCOM instead of ADVENT 50%, rather than the base game's 70%. Because those dang Lost just won't play fair! I think they're in cahoots with the ayys...

This mod can be installed mid-campaign, but if you install it and load an in-mission save it won’t take effect until the next mission you start.

DISCLAIMER: This mod does not mean 50% of the Lost onscreen will attack ADVENT every single time. The target selection system takes into account not only the DistributionPercentToXCom variable (which is what this mod changes), but also the range to targets and the threat of those targets. So if there's one ADVENT trooper 19 tiles away and six XCOM soldiers 5 tiles away, a pod of 10 Lost probably won't send 5 after each side.

In addition, there is a 'catch' to the Lost's AI. every turn, the Lost who already have targets chosen with the 50% to XCOM, 50% of ADVENT allocation reevaluate. If a Lost's current target is already the target of other Lost, then it has a chance, scaling with the amount of other Lost attacking its target, to switch targets to a target that is not being targeted by other Lost. In other words, if every ADVENT is getting mauled by 1 or 2 Lost already, the rest of the Lost swarm will ignore them for other targets. Those other targets being XCOM.

You can change the 50/50 variable to whatever you want in my mod's config files, here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123260291\Config\XComAI.ini

Check out my other WOTC mods!
151 Kommentare
I used notepad++ to search my whole ass mod folder and found 2 mods that. Edit it. Including one that bumps it UP!?

You could use Notepad++ to “search in files” (a tab in the ctrl+f screen) to search for stuff like that

Generally helps with any modding debuggin too
Raf's 26. Mai um 12:15 
Not that I am aware of, I guess maybe the Long War of the Chosen update brought some changes to the targeting, only mod I can think of that got updated.
Dragon32 26. Mai um 10:27 
Lost targetting is handled by the vanilla game, this mod just edits one .ini value (see the image). Perhaps you've another mod that edits the same value
Raf's 26. Mai um 9:47 
Seems that recently the mod stopped working correctly, was playing with a mod pack, same I played last time and the lost almost exclusively target me now, even if I am miles away and they are in the middle of an Advent squad, anyone can confirm or is it just my game?
I have to say I kind of wish there was no bias and they just attacked whoever was closest
I thought I was so clever bringing a ton of flashbangs wasting equipment slots to a city only to be SORELY disappointed that I couldn't tactically lure the lost on top of an Advent position

This mod will have to do <3
IceLancer 14. März um 12:48 
Dont know, this might have been fixed by someone already. Highlander perhaps?
Without the mod Zombies attacked chosen assassin instead of my team and she ended up heavily engaged by them
Dimyell 9. Jan. um 15:42 
Very nice QoL mod, i've most certainly noticed that lost actually run down ADVENT if they're even slightly closer than my units. Heck, sometimes they stop chasing me and run down a very distant advent that entered LOS. Really appreciate this mod!
Killerkitty641 15. Sep. 2023 um 14:04 
Could use a few tweaks still tbh. I find the lost still preferentially target Xcom, even when they A) Spawn closer to other faction forces and B) Have multiple nearby non-Xcom enemies who have no lost nearby, while Xcom are surrounded. Often at the same time.
One or two will target advent/raiders/whatever else, but the bulk of any given swarm will try to surround Xcom despite the above.

It might be because I'm using a modded Advent (Advent to the Galactic Empire), but there's not been any other issues because of that yet so I'm not entirely sure.
Irritant 10. Mai 2023 um 21:36 
The idea that the Lost would even have a concept of "faction" and start by picking a faction to attack (instead of just going for whatever is closest) only makes sense in Firaxis' 100% logic-free design basement. I used to think Firaxis' games had too much RNG, but whenever they try to code something isn't pure RNG, it somehow comes out even worse (ex., AI and LoS calculations).
Marss 9. Mai 2023 um 22:29 
why is it even based on a percentage like this? the stupid zombie should just maul what is in front of it