Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

2,595 ratings
Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!
File Size
1.062 GB
Aug 1, 2019 @ 9:35am
Apr 18 @ 8:56am
52 Change Notes ( view )

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Kaiserreich Anime Mod: Moereich!

The new home for the official anime adaptation of Kaiserreich by Soyuzmultfilm! ♥

CURRENTLY UP TO DATE WITH KR 0.26.1 & HOI4 1.12.*! If your launcher says anything else, you've run into a Paradox launcher bug, please consult the KR Wiki help section.

Moereich is an anime submod for Kaiserreich that seeks to replace every in-game portrait with an anime counterpart and still stick to the spirit of Kaiserreich itself with over four thousand portraits, hundreds of event pictures, an updated and non-intrusive UI, new unit voices and much more!

We've just moved after the mod's original founder departed from the project, but we'll do our best to keep this anime adaptation your your favorite Weltkrieg map painter going. If you subscribed to us over at our old location your saves will still work as MR remains a graphics/sound only mod!

V0.29.4 - Updated for KR 0.26.1.
Patch notes[pastebin.com]

V0.29.3 - Some hotfixes for things that slipped through the cracks in the LKMT update.
Patch notes[pastebin.com]

V0.29.2 - Update for KR0.26.0.
Patch notes[pastebin.com]

V0.29.1 - Hotfix correcting some issues with KR0.25.
Patch notes[pastebin.com]

☑ Total leader overhaul with 3000+ portraits for generals, admirals and politicians for every country in Kaiserreich! Every leader a waifu!
New voices for Japanese, Chinese, Russian, British, American French, German, Spanish and many more!
Over 600 event and report pictures!
New KR themed loading screens graphics and quotes! Links below!
Non-intrusive anime UI for research, aces, espionage, laws and more!
Non-purged hats!

This is what's presently being worked on by the team and what can be expected to make it into the next update or two.

☑ Looking into replacing all the purged ministers and accounting for all the changes in the KR character files, and touching up some of the older tags.

Subject to change given how things pan out. Please feel free to ask the dev team about any specifics on our Discord!

In the far-flung future, we're hoping to do the following:

☑ Adding more unit voices (suggestions for sources appreciated!)
☑ Replacing all applicable event graphics
☑ Further updating the UI where applicable
☑ Maybe unit graphics in the far flung future (modelers welcome!)

Q: What about multiplayer and save game compatibility?
A: Moereich is a graphics only mod that will never break a save game nor will it cause sync issues beyond HOI4's usual antics in multiplayer.

Q: Will this mod still run if Kaiserreich or HOI4 updates?
A: Since Moereich doesn't alter any gameplay, events or history files, it'll always run if you don't mind seeing a few of Kaiserreich's stellar portraits.

Q: What should I do if I find a glitch, portrait error or some other issue?
A: Please comment below, join our Discord or contact us through another method and describe your problem to us. Please be as descriptive of the issue as you can with names of the characters if applicable.

Q: Can I get the source for [art x]?
A: Please join our Discord server if you want sources on images. Requests made on Steam will be ignored, the comments section is for feedback and reports only.

Q: Is there a list with sources for all portraits in the mod?
A: No because there's 4000 portraits in the mod and maintaining a gallery like that would be impossible.

Q: Can I have the loading screens?
A: Here are the V0.09.1+ loading screens[imgur.com] and the old V0.01-V0.09 loading screens![imgur.com] Since I'm garbage about updating it, feel free to yell at the Moereich dev on Discord if the one you're looking for isn't there.

Q: Can I use your assets for my own mod?
A: I'm generally cool with people borrowing UI (espionage, research, etc) and such as long as credit is given and we talked about it. Sound files are iffier since a lot of it is commissioned and I'd rather not have portraits lifted en masse. In any case, please contact me first, thank you!

Q: Are you going to do anime versions for other major mods?
A: Our team has made a near total conversion of TNO and we put out a mod for KX as well!

Q: Can I help you guys out in any way?
A: Your feedback and support is all we ask for! If you have any specific ideas for the mod, please leave them in the suggestion stickyor head to our Discord. We'll never take any donations of any kind though and will thus never operate a Patreon or similar service. If the thought of supporting us financially ever came to mind, please direct that towards the Kaiserreich team or the artists behind your favorite art in this mod! Thank you! ♥

Q: Will you change the male names in the mod to be female?
A: No, because like any gameplay changes that'd break multiplayer compatibility and force everyone to have our mod running just to play with friends. The in-universe excuse is that this is like Fate/Stay Night and that dudes are magical anime girls because magic/reasons and no one should bat an eye about it.

Join our friendly Discord[discord.gg] for updates and news with your fellow MR players!

Related mods:
Awoo: Momiji Console Graphic - Included in this mod, standalone requested by fans.
Moeredux - A sister mod that adapts MR to KX, made in collaboration between the MR team and community members.

Team Moereich

Rei - Lead developer, responsible for most art and character placements and contrib on the KR team. Yell at this person about any bugs in either MR or KR.
Kneesocks - Art cleaner and editor.
Hystiklopp - Art editor and character assignment assistant.

Additional help

NooИ - Sound technician.
Scorpion, Okuramodonn, Hello, Xapisco, dj233, Lusitani, Lys, Panzer Kurz and RenFilmor - For helping out with translating voice lines in various languages.
olliemeeuws - For providing Dutch voices to the mod.

Special thanks

Rinbro - Original mod founder, developer and lead art editor. Left the project in July 2019 but the legacy lives on!
Popular Discussions View All (5)
Apr 18 @ 11:29pm
Apr 28 @ 8:48am
Dec 1, 2022 @ 6:33am
M_Mikoto May 18 @ 4:19am 
Кайзер без этого мода не кайзер.
Kami May 14 @ 2:00pm 
Oof! Well hope they sort everything out soon!
Rei  [author] May 11 @ 10:45am 
@CruxVincit1571: A recent update to KR randomly renamed 4000 portraits by essentially copy-pasting their names from Wikipedia (at least that's our assumptions since none of the errors seem like things you'd get with an automated process) while also selectively breaking all file prefixes. The whole thing was a complete mess, somehow made things less standardized and introduced a myriad of issues to the base mod as well. Since then they've been renaming things back and forth to fix the mess they created. Don Jaime is one of the dozens (and eventually hundreds) affected by this.

It's all very tiresome and unfun to deal with. Patch coming as soon as I'm less busy with work. :KneelingBow:
CruxVincit1571 May 11 @ 10:12am 
For me, at least, Don Jaime doesn't have a portrait yet, but great mod nonetheless
Rei  [author] May 8 @ 11:39am 
@lochbessie: No, I'll get around to it just like everything else. Just busy with real life and really burnt out after the last update on top of that. I'll try and look up some help once I have time to work on mods again later in the month. Just a busy time of the year, sorry. :steamthumbsup:
lochbessie May 7 @ 7:44pm 
The Chinese units also have default male voices as well and seeing your previous response does this mean you will no longer keep the voice lines up to date anymore? It just really breaks my immersion.
Rei  [author] May 2 @ 7:09am 
@Gothiq☆: Definitely not intentional. Not even the only one with issues. I'm just so tired of doing maintenance on these things every time they break things for no reason. Last time it was because they added a bunch of weird dependencies related to 3D model submods or something goofy like that. :KneelingBow:
Gatosen May 2 @ 5:53am 
sand france units have default voiceovers :(
is that supposed to be so or not?
Rei  [author] Apr 29 @ 1:57am 
@Sudo: The errors occur because our content basically overlays on top of all the material in KR. Usually these issues aren't too bad (like a renamed folder here or some name corrections there and usually with a logical explanation). Issue this time around was that they tried to do a file reorganization which for some reason introduced a new layer of .gfx files, removed the standard prefix in file names that vanilla and basically all mods use, and then (we think) just copy-pasted everyone's name from Wikipedia and turned it lowercase by default, across several thousand files.

In the process and after going through all of it with a very fine comb, it really just seemd to be like things were far less standardized than before (all operative portraits all retain the old style for instance), so I really have no idea what the point of this was, especially when just using a bulk renaming script would've been a lot faster, easier and more consistent.
Sudo Apr 29 @ 1:38am 
I understand, it does seem crazy to me how all of this is caused by arbitrary file name changes, what a strange thing to change.

Please do take your time, this is a graphics mod so the game functions normally, and thank you again for all the work.