Karl Marx
Heard & McDonald Islands
i'd give my right hemisphere for a few hours of sleep

i wish i had like a massive ball that only i could bounce but it made the ground shake because it was that heavy even though it wasnt that heavy.. i also want to have to ability to make the words i say have reverb or be heard from usually far away even though its not louder than normal.. i hope and pray that there is some aspect of reality that we simply havent discovered that allows for mystical and wonderous, magical things to happen .. when i was much younger i tried moving my hands in a "magical" fashion to try and discover some hidden combination that would allow me to levitate a paper clip or something.. i still beleive in the back of my mind that there must be something we dont know that is magic, there has to be.. stuff like walking on walls or short-range teleportation that is probably not possible based on our understanding of the world but feels like it just has to be! I just wish it was the case that there was a whole other technological tree based on some psionic force or something... because there must be something to this,, like the random movements my hands make and the weird words i would chant to get the universe to respond in some way must have a deeper meaning than what i assign it, right? there must be someway i can exert force based on my will alone? right?? why not!? why cant i just levitate 0.1 mm for just like a second!? and yes i like physics and i dont want a spell-wizard type world i just want a weird thing like thaumaturgical incantations to work! ! ! auuargh
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Karl Marx May 9 @ 9:11am 
false bud
got a source to back up that claim
||||||||||||||||||||| May 9 @ 8:29am 
Karl Marx Apr 26 @ 6:32am 
source ?
prove ?
entenkopper Apr 26 @ 12:54am 
black ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ black ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cuck
Karl Marx Apr 19 @ 1:32pm 
nah you woudent
XxxLETMECOOKXxx Apr 19 @ 11:56am 
Nah I'd win moment???