Wade Limitlessberger   Rhone-Alpes, France
Bonjour mes amis américains puants et inintelligents. J'espère que vous pourrez lire. Si c'est le cas, bon travail, petit pote. :GhostFlowerHappy::GhostLoveEyes:
Sin conexión
Coleccionista de juegos
Expositor de los logros más raros
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557 horas jugadas
Hello from France, my friends!
Maybe you are seeing this and you are saying to yourself, "oh my how this guy he is speaking such good english for a french and i am like the way he is presenting himself!!" and i would say to you, my friends - "Paint everything French!!!"

Ok my friend this game, is not like other games.
Okay so i know you say - hey my french brother, how is this game differentness than the other games?? And then my friend I would say to you, "Pardonne-moi, mon ami. Mais je me souviens que tu avais récemment dit que Napoléon était très petit et que la France avait perdu la Seconde Guerre mondiale. J'ai ressenti le besoin de tendre la main et de te rappeler que non seulement tu as la structure génétique d'une crotte de chien irradiée, mais que ta mère a l'air comme une cuvette de toilettes tachée avec la quantité de pisse qui la traverse. J'espère que tu te souviens du temps que nous avons passé à jouer ensemble, mon ami non français. Je m'excuse d'avoir dû faire un ♥♥♥♥♥♥ et afficher sur vous mon statut d'homme intensément dominant basé sur la testostérone. Souviens-toi de moi, mon ami."

Which roughly translated means basically that I am saying I am flattered to play on team with you and have strategies like Napoleon to overthrow the enemy team and subjugate them to our dominance.

So then my friends, I ask you. This is the best game, no?
Or would you rather, as we say in France, play piano strings with your dead uncle's colostomy bag?
This is the thing with us French. We have such a beautiful way with words, no?

And as i often say, Let the truth be told through the barrel of a french gun that fires only french bullets because the only true truth is the french truth, no?

Alas my friends, I hope to see you on the battlefield of Countrestrike but only in french
God bless you in french only my friends, as God intended it.
CRANK 18 ENE a las 19:51 
Wherever he goons i goon
Boof 11 MAY 2023 a las 14:02 
Fart _ it wont let me place an emoji. :(
CRANK 23 SEP 2021 a las 23:36 
Hope the DISNTRY GOES GOOD! :rocketrat:
Stinky Pinky 26 FEB 2021 a las 13:15 
do I know you cuz?
Bazookabooka 26 JUN 2019 a las 18:56 
What happened in the discore?