Kawasaki Ki-10
Max   Norfolk, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Dead by Daylight is too scary for me :slimescared:


I guess i'm classed as a mapper, go sub to my maps if you want.
Currently Offline
Workshop Showcase
A lab inside of a few special caves containing crystals which are being experimented on. Includes: Lots of traitor traps Secrets (including 4 secret buttons, see if you can find them all!) Big open caves and close quarters laboratories Traitor tester 2 sep
24 ratings
Created by - Kawasaki Ki-10
Quote Bank
"When I play with myself, my aim is really good." - Gallade 2k18
"I've tried that but it goes around me, not inside me." - Alfie 2k18
"I'm not sure if you can count, but it doesn't go 9, 11." - Sergeant5415 2k18
"You just sprayed it in my mouth you gay boy" - Scott 2k19
"What if you died and they used you?" - Gallade 2k19
"I can't have a penis" - PhoenixRising146 2k19
"I don't think he can sex them." - My Mother, 2k19
"You be the miner, I'll be the farmer, the wooder, and the fisher." - Sergeant5415 2k19
"Well I’ve tried to do it with you but there’s just not enough people to do it with" - Sergeant5415 2k19
"It would have been right if it wasn't wrong!" Gallade 2k19
"Therapists are overrated, just take drugs." - Nohead34 2k19
"There are words in this book" - Sergeant5415, 31/01/20 7:59pm, 2k20
"I've just gotta pull out properly fellas" - Quirky Murloc, 2k20
"Oh no I opened my Capri-sun on my legs and now it looks like i wee-wee'd!" - im loling 2k20
"2 weeks is about a month" - im loling 2k20
"Okay so what you do is a bunch of three ways" - Sobble 2k20
"When the pizza man comes knocking, build a door." - Damien 2k20
"That's like me buying a cheeseburger for the cheese" - Bully Hunter 33, 2k20
"I resisted the suck!" - Ellie 2k20
"i got eaten by her before, and i've also been eaten by the black one." - im loling, 2k20
"No, don't pog off!" - Horcson 2k20
"You should have gotten the big one, then the small, then the smaller." - Ellie, 2k20
"I love eating nuts, they're crunchy" - Ellie, 2k20
"Have you seen my slippers? I lost all of my slippers." - Bloodstone's Mother, 2k20
"Ow! Who's banging me!?" - Ellie, 2k20
"I took it from behind and you took it from the front" - Ellie, 2k21
"I'm trying to do it quietly because all of my parents are asleep" - Bloodstone, 2k21
"As I said, we froze all the babies." - Gallade 2k21
"No I'm not, I just have to bone her." - Bloodstone, 2k21
"That's better than no feet." - Firecooluk12, 2k21
"How do you get raw egg whites?" - im loling 2k21
"I was about to jump off a roof, but then i changed my mind" - BowDownUglyBums, 2k21
"Not gonna lie, that's an interesting ass." - Rustybus61, 2k21
"If I make it bigger, will it last longer?" - Sherk, 2k21
"Damn, here comes the fisting." - Rustybus61, 2k22
"Omg are those two people actually doing it?" - Askioas, 2k22
"I'm staying on this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ floor because of 'dicky'" - Askioas, 2k22
"What, your first instinct isn't to rub it all over something?" - Askioas, 2k22
"I got destroyed in the basement" - Askioas, 2k22
"Ahh now my hands are all sticky" - im loling, 2k22
"When in doubt, be French." - Askioas, 2k22
"You don't have to eat the babies if you don't want to." - My Father, 2k22
"Didn't Elliot swallow one of the babies?" - Gallade, 2k22
"I knew you should have put the baby in the toilet." - BowDownUglyBums, 2k22
"Oh ♥♥♥♥, I slimed all over it." - Askioas, 2k22
"I'm going to kill half of my babies." - Yuumi, 2k23
"That's a horse!?" - im loling, 2k23
"Am I a witch? Am I being executed?" - Yuumi, 2k23
"What the frick is that Riley why do I look like a skull!?" - Yuumi, 2k23
"Alright c'mon dead, lifeless body, you'll make it up eventually." - Rustybus61, 2k23
"He's fully opened up my hole" - Bloodstone, 2k23
"Maybe God did do something right when he gave you diabetes" - Bloodstone, 2k23
"Imagine if stick insects were venomous and it just came up in the kill feed 'killed by a goofy guy'" - Marcy, 2k24
"It's actually getting really hard... not me, i'm in serious mode" - Bloodstone, 2k24
"What the ♥♥♥♥? Why am I in a microwave?" - ConnieXD, 2k24
"If I got a cat, I'm naming it 'Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet'" - Bloodstone, 2k24
"OH - It sucked me off!" - Bloodstone, 2k24
"NO!!! Please tell me she dies, I HATE French people." - Bloodstone, 2k24
"I'd send pictures of my meat any time." - Bloodstone, 2k24
"That's the first time I've heard [Bloodstone] complain about someone being white" - Askioas, 2k24
"I was just fishing, and Willy came inside me." - Askioas, 2k24
"Hey guys, I'm spreading the Alien's legs." - Bloodstone, 2k24
"I came here expecting a shower stream and I am extremely disappointed." - Rustybus61, 2k24
"I zoned out for a second and heard [Bloodstone] say "that's why beehives are Mexican"." - im loling, 2k24
"I love the fact that cats can just burn." - Askioas, 2k24
"Morales, can you juice me with your Terran magic? Don't quote that." Bloodstone, 2k24
"That's dangerous, the bin man could explode." - Bloodstone, 2k24
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Guide
179 ratings
This guide aims to expain the various functions and objects in the game that may not be entirely obvious to the average modder. This guide will be updated constantly as I both experiment and discover these functions and figure out how to explain them.
Review Showcase
Fun game if you don't have a track record of putting your fist through your monitor
Recent Activity
3.2 hrs on record
last played on Jun 10
294 hrs on record
last played on Jun 10
41 hrs on record
last played on Jun 9
Kawasaki Ki-10 Jan 6 @ 3:36pm 
Community Notes: The comment below is false and the person behind it is a paid actor.
queenyuumi Jan 6 @ 3:36pm 
im loling Dec 30, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
+rep he has half priced cracked ice and miles upon miles carpet tiles!
im loling Dec 30, 2023 @ 9:24am 
rustybus61 Aug 22, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
:os_niko: :os_pancakes: :os_sun:
queenyuumi Jun 29, 2023 @ 4:47pm 
love the cats