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If you love zombies or round based shooters at all this game is great my only issues with the game are it needs more maps weapons and better weapon feeedback but the devs already have a roadmap that shows they will add these so I do highly recommend this game
Postat 28 mai.
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The game is amazing and genuinely one of the best rpgs ive ever played once they fix the performance issues itll be goated dont listen to the other reviews get this game
Postat 23 martie.
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228.8 ore înregistrate (6.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Genuinely one of the most fun coop games ive ever played shooting is fun mission variety is fun and the devs are live in the discord constantly fixing any issues with the game.
Postat 8 februarie.
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The games just a fun breath of fresh air for the gps genre
Postat 12 decembrie 2023.
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33.2 ore înregistrate (27.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The game is the best pvp game to hit the market in ages the review bombs are dumb people just need to change their fov I think the only genuine negative thing about the game is that heavy’s and mediums are pretty strong compared to lights they need to buff lights a bit more as a light shouldn’t lose a fight against a medium when they shot first and got them by suprise but because the medium and heavys guns are stronger you lose other than that the game really is phenomenal
Postat 11 decembrie 2023.
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9.7 ore înregistrate (3.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I’m not sure what the game was like before as I’m a new player but this mmo is so much fun it reminds me of playing Valheim for the first time and just loving the environment the combat gathering etc I highly recommend this game.
Postat 13 octombrie 2023.
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It’s great
Postat 26 septembrie 2023.
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17.9 ore înregistrate (1.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The game is so much better now and is genuinely a 10/10
Postat 24 septembrie 2023.
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70.5 ore înregistrate (9.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
One of the greatest rpgs of all time possibly one of the greatest games of all time it’s so much fun and the sheer amount of content and how your choices affect the world around you is amazing this game is a must play for anyone that’s a fan of the rpg genre
Postat 7 august 2023.
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The game is phenomenal if your a fan of games like borderlands, god of war dark souls, elden ring etc youll love this game the build variety is great the different worlds are great and different classes are too and best part no micro transactions at all
Postat 26 iulie 2023.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 12 intrări