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122.4 hrs on record (85.9 hrs at review time)
A fun creative survival game that has some challenge and some lore to it.
Posted February 23, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
2,431.8 hrs on record (1,093.4 hrs at review time)
After a thousand hours in-game, I have to say that the price is well worth it.
It might be a bit hard to learn at first, but once you pick it up you can sink so much time into it.

This game isn't just about building a base, killing raiders, and eventually leaving on a ship.
This game is also a story simulator, it's one of the most extensive and creative games that semi-randomly tells of tragedy and triumph, and almost all the control is put into your hands.

If the game isn't creative enough or if you want to spice things up, there's thousands of mods that make the game even better, although I got a thousand hours with only a couple of mods along the way. You can make scenarios and play certain ways or you can create your own stories and stick to them.

Overall, this is one of the best simulation/management/strategy/survival games out there, and I can't do this game justice just by typing. Watch the game on youtube, go on reddit, ask your friends who have it, I guarantee you'll see lots of positivity.
Posted May 18, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
10.1 hrs on record
There are a few things I just want to say before you play this game, if you have not already.
1: Don't look up anything about this game if you haven't already, this game is heavy on the story and spoilers will ruin this.
2: Play the game on your own and do whatever you want. This is how you have fun, don't follow any set rules, don't try to listen to anyone that tells you to play the game a certain way. Learn for yourself and have fun while doing so.
3: Don't even try to compare this game to modern games. The only similar game you'll find is Lisa. The closest comparison to this game is Earthbound or Mother 3, and even then they differ greatly, yet they give you that same nostalgic, awkward, lovable, memorable, excitable, wacky, zaney, spooky, annoying, adorable, cuddly, warm feeling, dark, life-lesson-filled, happy feeling.
Posted December 3, 2015.
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