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Recent reviews by Sir Chicken VII

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5 people found this review helpful
77.9 hrs on record (77.6 hrs at review time)

My thoughts:
- Gameplay: Finicky, restrictive and boring. Trying too hard to be an action game and failing. Trying too hard to be a strategy game and failing. Worse yet it's littered with just too much half-assed side content with uninspired writing and lackluster voice acting. It was painstakingly difficult to find any enjoyment in the gameplay whatsoever especially in comparison to previous installments.

- Story: Lots of potential for a truly grand and epic story and yet so poorly executed. They "pretend" to go with the story premise of having a random nobody thrusted into the clutches of chaos and prove themself and save the world, only to HEAVY HANDEDLY smack you in the face with a god complex and people worshiping the ground you walk on so much they might aswell stroke your- anyhow... This game is a terrible entry point into the series because unlike the first or even the second game it doesn't function well as a stand alone story. It relies WAY too heavily on the previous installments for context and references. Amazing if you've played the previous games, confusing and likely off putting if you haven't.

- Characters: Probably the ONLY strong point in this game in my opinion. The cast of characters are all very unique with a lot of interesting twists to bring to the table. I found a lot of enjoyment in seeing how each of their individual character arcs played out. My all time favorite moment being a lot of them gathering together around a deck of cards and just having a laugh. Beautiful.

- Final thought: The climax of the game (which I will not be spoiling) for some reason just left me with an almost empty feeling. I felt disappointed with the conclusion of the story along with everything else. It just did not feel as grand or amazing. This entire game, start to finish save for the few sweet character moments here and there was just one big roller coaster of disappointment. I hate it.
Posted December 9, 2023.
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41.0 hrs on record
This game is definitely not without flaws, but I could FEEL the heart that was put into it.

Major drawbacks include a much more linear story where your granted fewer choices that effect your character and the world around you. On a related note the environments you will find yourself in feel very samey. There is little variety in the scenes you'll be entering into. Numerous zones just reused throughout the game.

As for the things the game did right, the companions. Oh lord the companions have so much tender love and care put into them. Each one going through their own story arc throughout the game. It truly was fun and interesting seeing how they all grew and reacted to the events happening around them. The combat was... simplified compared to the first game. Not nearly as complex or customizable. I see this as a drawback, but others may disagree. However it did have its high notes and was often satisfying.
Posted November 16, 2023.
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2.6 hrs on record
Such a masterpiece. One I wont soon forget.

When I was younger I remembered my whole family playing through the game, but I never sat down and beat it myself. I regret not doing so as this has easily been one of the best gaming experiences I've had and now holds a place in my favorites.

The story is great, the lore is great, the dialogue is great, the music is great, the combat has a learning curve that rewards tactics and strategy which may not be for everyone but for me it was refreshing. The leveling system is impressively intricate and allows for so much customization. It was such a grand feeling growing not just my character but my party as a whole into a team that covered each others weaknesses with their own strengths. Masterful.
Posted November 16, 2023.
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15 people found this review helpful
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16.2 hrs on record (16.0 hrs at review time)
I had been waiting actual years to play this game. I was fairly excited when I finally got my hands on it. Then I was fairly disappointed when I got to playing it.

The graphics are great, the animations are great, it all feels somewhat realistic, not to mention the level design is very well done as well. The combat can be satisfying and the parkour most certainly is. I absolutely love running through the few parkour levels they have and the arena mode gives me no shortage of excitement.

The tutorial was god awful and left me scratching my head the ENTIRE game. Until I looked up a few guides on how to actually do stuff correctly, which for the record you should not have to do for any game. The main stories are way too short and frankly all of the combat scenarios felt unfair at best, unplayable at worst.

Side Note:
I sadly did not dive too deep into the modding scene. The small handful I tried left a bad taste in my mouth and they were high up on the list of popularity. I'm sure there are some gold nuggets in there somewhere.
Posted August 16, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
615.2 hrs on record (127.1 hrs at review time)
An absolute blast. I began playing before the 1.0 launch. It was amazing watching this game grow into what it is today. It's a highly replayable rogue-like blast. It can get kinda boring if you play it solo only, but with the addition of a good multiplayer system, it's gonna be hard to get bored with the game. 127 hours I've played this game, and I've loved every second of it. I'll love every second more that I spend on it.
Posted August 23, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
82.5 hrs on record (35.5 hrs at review time)
Incredibly fun, just an absolute blast. Mechanics take a hot minute to understand (especially the dweller hat) but once you got it down, ho man. Can't stop playing.
Posted November 3, 2019.
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356.6 hrs on record (68.9 hrs at review time)
Confusing to get into, but thats with any new program. This program has, and always will have the potential to give users the power to do anything.
Posted January 1, 2017.
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106.6 hrs on record (100.1 hrs at review time)
I'm literally the only person I know whom actually ENJOYS this game. It's free, give it a shot. Best zombie simulator imo.
Posted December 31, 2013. Last edited April 28.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries