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1 person found this review helpful
6.7 hrs on record
An Epic Experience In Scale And Story
That Mixes In Bioshock, A Bit of Fallout
and a Sprinkle of Half-Life!!!

What It Does Well:
  • An engaging and well told story mixing the best elements of Valve's immersive First Person Cinematics and Bioshock's traditional cutscenes
  • Large set piece moments
  • Unforgettable Intro that perfectly immerses you into 50's Aperture while being a nice hommage to Half-LIfe
  • Incredible atmosphere during the mods first halfespecially during the opening and 70's soul-less corporate industrialization of the salt mine area
  • Challenging puzzles, no soft balls here
  • Ingraining soundtrack immersing you fully into the world
  • Great voice acting (Bonus points for Cry of Fear's Simon as the Main Personality Sphere)
  • Beautifully designed and visually unique Portal Gun
  • Lovingly illustrated Posters that perfectly replicate each of the time periods
  • Aperture Cola Machines are a great reference to Fallout and COD Zombies that blend right in
  • The Ending

What Could Be Improved and Things To Know:
  • Puzzles can be frustrating, had to look up the solutions for a few
  • Looping music during some harder puzzles can be grading
  • Few instances of non game breaking annoying bugs
  • Doesn't spend enough time in the older areas
  • 50 star flag outside building in 1952
  • Some set pieces have odd pacing
  • There isn't more

This is a must play mod for Portal fans. It sets a standard for story telling, puzzle design and world building that all aspiring mod makers should live up to and take from, regardless of their mods size or scale. I hope someday this team comes back and makes another outstanding experience like this one.
Posted January 9. Last edited January 9.
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5.4 hrs on record
A lovingly made and well put together mod that near perfectly emulates Valve's style of storytelling and level design.

What was done incredibly well:
  • New well written and voiced characters that fit right into the universe
  • Valve's characteristically immersive First Person Cinematics
  • Fun and engaging puzzles with new mechanics that add a great twist (I especially like the multiple levels with just the one controlled portal)
  • Beautiful and detailed environments that are a joy to explore with creative uses of lighting in dark areas
  • Well composed soundtrack (which at some points gives off Subnautica vibes)

What could be improved next go around:
  • More unique areas
  • Further complexity in puzzles later on with more of them incorporating all the new elements and less repeated steps
  • More easter eggs and lore bits hidden in the world, like the Rattman areas in the first game
  • Better default audio balancing, characters speak much louder at the same audio level as music

This team shows a lot of promise for future projects and I can't wait to see what those are. Kuddos to y'all! Also if the ending is anything to go off of, the sequel is going to introduce an incredibly unique mechanic (unless it's already been done before, this is my first real Major mod).
Posted January 8. Last edited January 8.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.2 hrs on record
A highly underrated and underappreciated western FPS game by the studio that made Dead Island and Dying Light. Well worth its asking price and a must grab on sale. Not very long at about 5 hours on Hard, 21:9 is native but has some blemishes, mouse sensitivity is off (especially zooming in) and shots sometimes don't register when you feel they should, however it is well worth pushing through those slight issues for the incredible story and gameplay experience this game offers.
Posted March 5, 2022.
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32.0 hrs on record
A well told story that's worth playing over and over again and one of my favorite games of all time. The story is very engrossing and keeps you hooked until the very end. The game play is pretty much non existent. At best it's a light puzzle game with some exploration. This is very inline with a telltale game with it's game play, story and more importantly its choices. "Choices you make will affect the past, present and future." as the game says, but in the end like most telltale games, most of the choices don't affect the final outcome. However even with that I still find myself coming back to this game and playing the crap out of it. It's well worth it's current asking price of $20, but it wouldn't hurt to wait for a sale when it is only $4. The first episode is also free, so you have no reason not to give this game a try. This game is also on GOG along side its prequel Before the Storm. So if you want a DRM-Free copy, you can get it there.
Posted June 11, 2020.
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18.2 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
My favorite telltale game and IMO probably the best. This game has such a good story to tell, the setting is unique and interesting, the characters are well written and voice acted and the environments are immersively beautiful. The gameplay like most telltale games is very basic and is mostly about the story. Although point and click games are out of style, I think this one is a fun story to play through. This game is well worth its asking price of $15 and a must buy on sale for anyone looking for a unique and interesting story.
Posted May 31, 2020.
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20.1 hrs on record
One of the best TPP of all time. This game is a gem that deserves to be played time and time again. Reboots are rarely done right, but this one is a complete exception to that rule. This game takes place before the Lara we know, the badass dual pistol archaeologist. In this game she is an innocent young girl, who through this 10-12 ride becomes a Survivor. This game is perfectly paced and always has something unique hiding around the next corner. The collectibles, besides the GPS Caches are interesting and are worth seeking out. The tombs especially are these awesome little puzzles that offer context to the world and hold a nice reward at the end. The weapons you get along the way all have a purpose and feel good to use. The characters are very well written and acted. Most are pretty much forgettable, but they don't deteriorate from the story at all. The final boss encounter however, leaves a lot to be desired. Besides a few gripes here and there, this game is IMO a masterpiece and is well worth it's current asking price of $20. Don't for a sale unless you absolutely have too. Get this game now.
Posted May 29, 2020.
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26.5 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
One the best Sandbox games out there. With its unique premise of building a prison, you can go many ways of accomplishing that. You can become a cruel dictator that gives no freedom, comfort or privacy. Or you can rehabilitate everyone and get them back on their feet. The choice in the end is entirely yours to make. This game is well worth its current asking price $30 dollar and a must buy on sale. Definitely a game where you will waste weeks on just having fun.
Posted May 22, 2020.
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3.6 hrs on record
This is a fun indie game. It's a mix of Hack N' Slash, Bullet Hell and Cyberpunk. It's a cocktail that surprisingly tastes really well. The game takes your through multiple bosses that are very difficult and have multiple stages. This game is very challenging and I only beat on premonade, because I wanted to experience the story. It's difficult in a way like the first and third DMC games. The were designed to be challenging and for you to master the combat and your opponent. The story is mostly left up to you to interpret, although there are plenty of cut scenes and quite a bit of dialogue to satisfy you at a surface level. The environments are absolutely stunning and very well detailed. They really take your breath away during the walking and talking sections which happen between boss fights. This a solid game definitely worth your money at its asking price.
Posted May 20, 2020.
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4.2 hrs on record
Jotun is an interesting indie souls like game. The game will take you only 4-6 hours depending on how many times you die to a boss and how long you explore the worlds. The games design is absolutely stunning and the visuals are captivating. The score is perfect and always fits the mood and the voice acting is well done. The bosses however are unbalanced. The combat system is very simplistic and feels too sluggish. Your dodge is quite pointless as there are no I-Frames. The God Powers are nice, but they would have been nice if on PC they utilized hot keys. The story isn't memorable and doesn't really leave you with anything to take away. All in all it's a fun little indie game that isn't too challenging. Definitely worth picking up, but I would pick it up on sale.
Posted May 18, 2020.
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5.0 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
This FPP is definitely a gem that should be enjoyed by more people. I had initially known about it, because LeafyIsHere used to use it in his videos for background gameplay. I didn't think much of it when I got it for free on one of those "Download Now and Keep Forever" steam sales. This game is a short 2 hour experience if you don't go for achievements, but it is well worth paying the $15 dollars for it. The graphics are mesmerizing and the story is beautiful as well. Definitely a game that you should buy right now and support the developers.
Posted May 16, 2020.
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