Mukai Toshiaki   Japan
If they want war, then we shall give it to them!
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byteframe's cat Apr 2, 2020 @ 2:14am 
Free Jokes! Sorry if they're crude!

🥗 * 💗 * 💛 * 🍆 * 🎄 * 📘 * 😺 * 🍖 * 📕 * 💚 * 👃 * 👾 * 🐛 * 🎈 * 🎁 * 🌏
ㅤ* Tell me a little about your life in joke.
ㅤ* Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told.
ㅤ* A pessimist is someone who looks at the land of milk and honey and sees only calories and cholesterol.
🏀 * 👔 * 🎍 * 🚕 * 🐊 * 💃 * 🥞 * 🎫 * 👳 * 🐳 * 🎍 * 🐠 * 🚘 * 🚗 * 👑 * 🎄

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ teehee!
BriXsuS May 10, 2017 @ 11:16am 
Soap May 1, 2017 @ 10:41am 
沸羊羊是我最好的朋友 Jun 17, 2015 @ 8:14am 