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83.1 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Oh my GODS!
It's Hades, but the second one! :D
My wallet says i shouldn't spend money recklessly but the Fates forsee a different path xD
This game is doing everything a sequel should be doing right - it's basically the same game but with even more cool features that don't break the integrity of the original and a new story that adds to the established world.
People will say about this game a lot more than I can be bothered to say at the moment, but one thing I must mention is that this game seems to be running on my 8 year old laptop even better than the first one. I have no idea how did the devs managed it but kudos for that!
Posted May 7.
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1.5 hrs on record
Wellllllll... It IS HoMM 3, working all nicely, with many crevices ironed out... BUT it doesn't contain the two expansions, Armageddon's Blade and Shadow of Death, which in my opinion is a huge no-no. Not to mention that if you buy this game you'll be paying Ubisoft, which they don't deserve.
Just do yourself a favour and get HoMM 3 Complete from GoG and then install HotA mod which will bring the game up to modern standard with full multiplayer support, alon with some other great QOL improvements.
Posted January 18.
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38.1 hrs on record (37.7 hrs at review time)
There's a lot to be said about this game and many already said it better than I did, so I'll just mention one thing that might be sometimes omitted in other reviews: this game's soundtrack absolutely f*****n slaps!
Posted December 20, 2023.
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23.4 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game seems like a blend knockoff of Hades and Halls Of Torment made by a Torchlight fan, in a good way.
Posted December 2, 2023.
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3.9 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
My God, how much I love this game and how much have I missed it... I finished it long time ago on PS2, I remember how it amazed me with it's beauty and surprised with it's storytelling as well as the plot's length, not to mention the soundtrack...
Now I played it for a bit and just to hear the familiar music and meet some of the known characters made me shed a tear of joyful nostalgia...
This is not the best game in terms of gameplay, especially combat can feel very repetitive, even with the uniqueness of the Celestial Brush, but there's certainly A LOT of good content and mechanics that work well enough to keep you engaged and want to explore more and more, all while admiring it's artful visual design that simply cannot age and hours worth of Japanese folk soundtrack... I remember it took me almost 80h to beat on PS2, although sometimes I did just leave it on so I can listen to it's music...
Oh, and it runs super smoothly on my potato laptop. What's not to love? It's one of the most overlooked cult classic games of the 2000's!
PS: Did I mention that it has a sick soundtrack?
Posted October 17, 2023.
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10.9 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My goodness, I've spent 20 years playing Crimsonland over and over and ooooveeer and now, thanks to Vampire Survivors' success, I get to play more and more little gems that satisfy my crave for this kind of gameplay just perfectly. This game is fun! It feels like it takes the best parts of Crimsonland and Vampire Survivors with a handful of classic Diablo touch and some of its own flavour (is it just me, or the near misses while dancing around enemies feel more satisfying and slick than any other game of this genre?) and makes it all soooo worth its ridiculously small price. I'm well up for seeing this kind of games succeed and show them greedy top publishers what really matters in gaming: FUN. Chef's kiss!
Posted September 21, 2023. Last edited September 21, 2023.
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36.1 hrs on record (30.1 hrs at review time)
Let me get this first out of the way: now the time to buy Broforce is better than ever. Its Forever update not only added new Bros and enemies, it also improved some visual aspects of the game and the controls have never been slicker. It's an absolute mayhem delight.
I've always been aware of Broforce since it came out but somehow it resided at my wishlist for many many years. After finally buying it, I still didn't give it a chance for another year or so; but then I did and I couldn't stop and I wanted to play it with all my friends ASAP.
Broforce is a side-scroller bullet-hell platformer shooter, similar to classic Metal Slug. Its selling point are the Bros - an exaggerated parodies of many famous action heroes, mostly from movies and TV, but there's some comic book character and an other video game ones too. Each Bro and Broess have a unique basic weapon (which can be ranged or melee, depending on a Bro), melee and special attack, move speed, jump height and sometimes some extra action (oh, and all of them have the ability to climb vertical walls), so their usefulness vary, but I assure you, even though there certainly are some favourites, after some time you'll learn to use each of them to their full potential (wow, that was a long sentence). Most of them are unlocked automatically after rescuing a set amount of POWs, similar to Metal Slug, which in this case provide the player with one extra life. We start with one life per stage and if we lose one while still having an extra, we'll be respawned at the checkpoint with another Bro chosen randomly from the pool of already rescued but not deceased in this round; if we run out or lives, we need to repeat the whole stage again (with few exceptions here and there, but that also varies with the difficulty level and achievements we're going for).
The premise is very simple: get to the choppa, arriving at the very right side of the map, usually after killing many terrorists and a token devil in a suit, standing behind it all (interestingly, to finish the level, the player needs to kill only that last dude, every other kill except for the boss fights is optional, but who cares). The action is both heavy paced and methodical, because on most of occasions one hit of anything kills you, and there's a loooooot of those things. Aside of the standard gunfire, grenades, missiles, shelling, mines, guard dogs and other enemy danger, there's a lot of explosive barrels and crates as well as loose bricks and stones that can crush you when falling from the sealing, as well as simply falling into the a pit ourselves.
This is a good moment to mention the level design, because it plays an important role in the game. Differently to games like Metal Slug, which Broforce seem to take a lot from, this game doesn't have its levels made up from large scrolling bitmaps, but rather is compiled of many blocks that can be destroyed and have fragility depending on what they're made of. Some of them can also catch fire, some of them will react to ground shaking, etc. It creates many opportunities to experiment with different Bros and the environment, while also providing an extra difficulty, as it prevents the player to just hamfist through the level with an overpowered Bro. It's nowhere near as complex as Noita, (after all, Broforce was first released back in the time when Minecraft was still in it's early days) but it creates an incredible dynamic that makes every attempt different, looks cool as hell and forces you to think more about your next move.
If you haven't figured it out yet, Broforce is full of very corny humour. It's so bad that even if you don't like this type of jokes, you'd at least smirk with amusement. It's not everybody's cup of tea, but, honestly, if you don't laugh sometimes at the voice telling you to GO GO GO histerically with a voice that sounds like a stack of beef steaks with a beard of a lumberjack smoking three cigars at the time, then what the hell are you still doing here? Broforce's references can vary from super cheesy to quite niche and it's plot (which there's very little of, don't get it twisted) reminds me of Metal Slug 3 in particular, just cranked up to 11 in terms of ridiculousness.
What else is there to say? Well, I guess I should point out what's not so great... Firstly - the sound design is very mediocre, especially when it comes to soundtrack. I'm a great video music fan and this one just doesn't cut it. I appreciate some actual (cooooorny, because hey) metal theme songs you can come across the game, but during the play itself, there's pretty much always this forgettable military march playing. I'm not even sure if it varies or not, and I claim I pay attention to music a lot, so wtf? Not that it really matters, of course, because I'm to busy bringing freedom to the oppressed foreigners, but still, could do better. Sounds of gunfire and other different events could be mixed down a bit better or be more distinct from one another in general, for the brain to make more sense of the chaos around, but that could be counted as a deliberate design to increase the difficulty of the game, or even - I might be stoned and just not remember how distinct they actually are and I'm just being nitpicky.
I could also complain a little bit about the controls not always doing what I want, but after looking at the list of achievements in this game, as well as playing after the new update that somehow made the movement feel so slick, I have a feeling that this is entirely on my part... xD
All in all, Broforce is an excellent game that easily will withstand more of the test of time, with a simple but hard to master gameplay, a rewarding amount of variety, archaic but stylish graphics and a good dose of silly humour.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that it has PvP as well as co-op, both local and multiplayer. GO GO GOOOO!
Posted August 10, 2023. Last edited August 10, 2023.
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77.9 hrs on record (65.0 hrs at review time)
No matter if you jumped on the wagon of this kind of games recently after the huge success of Vampire Survivors, or been a hard-core Crimsonland veteran for years, in terms of gameplay this game is a nice combination of both, with a bit of Hades thrown in there for a good measure in shape of few cool perks.
It's definitely not as hard as Crimsonland and not full of content as Vampire Survivors; rather, it seems to be focusing on giving you the possibility to tinker out most creative builds for maximum damage, with some relatively sensible difficulty-grind-fun ratio (tbh I cannot remember how it felt to get all the points to unlock all the characters, weapons and runes, it's been so long ago, but I don't think it was tedious). The proof of that, in my opinion, was the addition of the reindeer lady who is a bit too OP, but allows even more variety in the way you slay them masses of sprites.
The audio-visual aspect of the game is probably the least important, but it's worth noting that, despite being somewhat monotonous, the game art and sounds are quite well designed to help you make sense out of the mayhem you bring upon the monsters. Plus, it makes the game be able to run on a potato like my PC and the controls are pretty slick too. The music is pretty meh, bun not bad, I only switched it off after 30h of gameplay, but it's nothing to talk about.
Generally speaking, it's a solid game from this genre, to which I come back every time there's some new achievements to max out and it's always lots of fun, but after unlocking everything it gets to the point there's no more to achieve... the endless mode allows for so crazy builds that eventually you can just go AFK for as many hours as you like for that sweet, sweet, completely meaningless high-score. For this money? Still worth it.
Posted June 10, 2023. Last edited June 11, 2023.
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2.3 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Holy moly, I did not believe that I'd live to see a day when Re-Volt would be available on Steam!
It's just as I remembered - a ruthless, hard AF racing game with unforgiving physics and power ups that can help you as much as they can f you up... gosh, it's so damn good!
PS: I can't believe I was into psytrance when I was 7 years old... this soundtrack slaps!
Posted July 29, 2022.
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2,209.4 hrs on record (2,020.5 hrs at review time)
An apex classic style MOBA game that polishes well all the mechanics of the original MOBA - Defence of the Anciens mod for Warcraft 3 (I know, there's also granddad Aeon of Strife). It's more complex in its mechanics than League of Legends - another early successor of DotA - more strategic, not as fast-paced and not as kill-focused. It's not perfect and there will be some really toxic people out there, but if you keep positive and not treat the game too seriously, the matchmaking soon should sort them out for you, more or less. The amount of possible strategies, due to a massive hero pool and quite versatile items can virtually turn any hero to any desired role. Very much recommended, but only if you can take a step back, not frustrate yourself and keep friendly with others.

The long thing:

So recently I have reached over 2000 hours of playing Dota 2. Been playing more or less from the 1.0 version and before that I've spent years playing good old Defence of the Ancients. A game in which (gonna explain that very quickly in case you've been sleeping under a rock for a decade) two teams of five animate their chosen heroes with unique abilities to push the tide of the battle on three different fronts to eventually get through enemy's defences and destroy their main structure called the Ancient. Simple as that. Over and over and oooooveer. What's so good about it? What makes this game so addictive for me?
Don't get me wrong, I have had moments of realisation that I am cussing at the screen more often than smile for prolonged time with the game, then leave it for months but somehow I always return for more and it's not just the satisfaction of getting another kill - that, after all, I can get from many other games on my list. What is it then?
So I thought about the way I play and I realised that 90% of my plays are as a support role. Helping other heroes with healing, wards, buffs and stuns became my go-to style quickly after I found out that in almost each game you are nothing without your team. Sure, you get kills, perhaps but the objectives are more important. Destroying towers and pushing on lanes, on which computer controlled forces continuously march towards the enemy base , securing space, helping others. It's a nuance a lot of players seem to omit, even after years of playing. All that matters to them is their kill count. But I am different.
Again, don't get me wrong, I also get greedy and do stupid dives into enemy territory, that's not the point. I guess that I am different in a simple way and there are others that also get it. It came to me once while not playing Dota 2 but doing something strangely, surprisingly similar.
You see, I am a musician and every Sunday I go to the forest with some friends and we gather around the fire and bang on drums and what not into the night. In those moments, when the rhythm is really good, people sync, I close my eyes, go into the trance... and then, "randomly" I get a vision of Dota 2! And then it hit me! Did you know, that while experiencing music, one of the main parts of our brain involved in the process is a problem solving part? Music is like a self-solving equation to our brain. What does it have to do with Dota 2, you may ask?
The game of Dota before its end is an unsolved equation. You have to find a solution to make the right stuff be on your side of the equation. And you have to do it with other people, using the instruments given or chosen, in a neatly synced timing. Dota 2 or, in extent - MOBA games are the closest you can get to jamming with people outside of the musical world! :D It's magic! xD
That's right, the real feeling that makes me come back for more is the feeling that we as a team played well together and did a good job and it carried us to victory. It just feels great when heroes combo-chain their abilities and think wise for each other and not just chase another kill even if it means death and argue about kill-steals.
Still, though, those situations exist in Dota 2. There's a lot of toxic players but predominantly, these days, I've noticed that people try not to feed such behaviour and even more in ranked matches where people perhaps try too keep their cool, knowing it's important for winning. Despite the fact that there will be some poor angry souls out there spilling their bile, I strongly believe that if you communicate with others well (strongly suggest getting on that mic! people respond more human to a human voice, duh) and bring that team spirit up, you can have some fantastic games!
Oh yeah, and if you're really new, there's a New Player Mode, as well as many useful tutorials that explain few intricate mechanics unique to Dota 2. Of course you cannot learn everything from them, the meta is huge in this game, but no wonder - there's 121 heroes to choose from, all quite different from each other and when you throw into the mix the amount of items you can use, some of them allowing you to use a spell similar or same as another hero's ability, you can start shuffling strategies and ways to play certain heroes, even changing their roles entirely. That, I believe is the major difference in between Dota 2 and League of Legends where you just can't have supports go full carry or vice versa and generally, supporting is a daunting, unpopular task in LoL, with which Dota I believe deals a bit better. The possibilities are wide and open.
Another big, personal reason why I play this game is pretty much Warcraft 3 nostalgia, which Dota 2 feeds by mimicking its cartoony-yet-gritty graphic design. I really like the way the game looks and you can only imagine how many options for changing its looks it has if you're willing to put your money into it... (sigh) Let's not dwell on that.
Probably the only thing I'd really complain about this game are rather frequent random disconnects from the game. I really hope that Valve can fix that because there's almost no game these days without somebody disconnecting for a minute or two or more. Luckily you can still reconnect even after having to restart your PC and people in the game can pause it (if they will).
Despite looking somewhat gorgeous even 8 years after its release, that 8 years age makes the game very easy to run on pretty much any PC. Cool :)
What else is there to say? It's a great game with mechanics too complex to yap about in here. Just check it out and try to have fun. :) Just don't come complaining in few years if you find yourself spending too much time on it and too much money on silly cosmetics xD
And there it is, my little love letter to the game that consumed almost three months of my life xD

Thanks for reading :)
Posted September 15, 2021. Last edited September 21, 2021.
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