
Thunder Soul tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 11.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.6 saat)
Got it as a gift from a friend. Best! Gift! EVER! I love this game to bits, bits of ice stages, bits of my enemies, bits of myself and beat of the spooky tracks during the awesomely designed bossfights that actually depend on skill of all players and can range from lame and easy to awesomely difficult!

Seriously, if you're a fan of stickmen(little reason to come here otherwise) and a fan of frantic 4-player fighting with whacky physics, exotic weapons, player bosses, a bucket of skill and a smudge of ol' random, I can't recommend this enough. The fun value(screw the hours) is immense unless you're a sore loser; Winter, Western, Lava and Halloween levels are beyond awesome; sneks are cool even when you're being chomped yourself; rounds are quick and fun, especially on destructible(Winter(ice), some Lava(platforms on chains)) and movable(Western(some levels are made of boxes)) levels.

Now, don't get me wrong, this game has its downsides, the biggest is the bad netcode that can't sync up everyone for the life of it, most of the time everyone's only roughly where they actually are, and gods help you when you're on the receiving end of the big and killy desync choppa. First time I played it everyone was standing still for about first 10 seconds of every round, then SUDDENLY action, and after those 10 seconds I usually ended up either one hit from dead or already dead. Was kinda fun, but not as fun as it could've been.
Today I was fine, so maybe it was a 1st launch thing. Some people are still poorly synced up, but it's perfectly fine on my side. Was accused of cheating multiple times by a guy that somehow got himself lag-teleported in between two big boxes that are holding a platform, t' was a good session.

The game can be competitive if you want it to be btw, private lobbies are a thing, just gotta make sure that everyone's synced up and then you can beat the crap out of each other with even more skill involved than on average!

So, overall? I'd say it's somewhere around 7/10, because sync problems are a major issue, offset only by how well-designed and fun the game is in its simplicity.
Yayınlanma 2 Ocak 2018. Son düzenlenme 2 Ocak 2018.
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5 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.4 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Saw the game, thought it might be fun. Graphics and concept at least looked decent.

Completed boot camp, went for a few games against the AI... Lost two, deleted the game.

First was lost because of a single APC that the bot placed on the South lane. It soaked some damage from the MG... before it was overrun by infinite spam of infantry from this piece of unbalanced ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This red green brown wave then proceeded to sweep me back into the ocean.

Second I lost from more ordinary reasons(I placed an MG a millisecond after panzerschreck soldier's recycle ends so it destroyed my last bunker, it was going to be a draw otherwise), but it was more due to the fact that flamethrower for some reason explodes with a delay(and explodes in general while only the soldier was killed, wtf) dealing a weirdly insane amount of damage and kills everything that doesn't have hp of a medium tank.

4/10, balance is a huge issue. You can't just make flamethrower fuel explode like 100kg bombs and APC sheiting out infinite amounts of people like the Chicken Man while tanking machineguns that are supposed to pierce it through and even have enough speed left to kill people behind it. It doesn't work like that.
Yayınlanma 5 Kasım 2016.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 2.8 saat
Build you own ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-class heavy cruiser with miniguns, plasma guns, rockets, PD and lasers, get it raped by plasma rings and bombs on small-ass pieces of crap.
7/10, will adapt existing class to that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Yayınlanma 12 Mayıs 2016.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 61.1 saat
It's 'ight, tech tree is neat, Supremacy designs are badass. But, as most of reviews say, and I totally agree with them, game's just almost empty and is designed for DLCs, vanilla, sadly, is just a carcass of a Civ game. Can't recommend, really. Go for Civ 5 or 4.
Also, bloody ez contact victory and illuminati on huge maps means no normal victory for you, she'll just say "Hey, ♥♥♥♥ yo Emancipation(or any other at that point) victory, I'll build this here beacon and you'll cry because I'm on the other side of the map. Cheers, sucka.".
Yayınlanma 3 Mayıs 2016.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 43.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 34.5 saat)
Came back to check... Still no Bossanova in the list of dubstep guns. So disappointing. It would be perfect with start on 40th second, which is 27 seconds long lyrics windup to a wave of pure bass. 'Splosionfest could've been real, and a bit balanced with that sexy windup.

But overall game is still fun, yup, that's alright.
Yayınlanma 3 Ocak 2016.
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45 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
34 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 410.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 393.1 saat)
Game overall is awesome to say the least. You know,
  • Lotsa explosions!
  • Giant robots!
  • Small robots!
  • Exploding robots!
  • Fatboy The Battleship Tank Factory!
  • Monkeylord The Sneaky Evaporator!
  • Yolona-Oss The "GG" Launcher!
  • Czar The Heaviest Thing That Can Ever Fall On Your Head!
  • Mavor The Ultimate Overcompensator!
  • And some more giant objects!
  • Tiny Tanks that are not yellow for some strange reason!
  • Exploding versions of all of them!
  • Flying rockets!
  • Exploding rockets!
  • Nuclear missile-bombs!
  • Sick nuclear explosions that lack only an equally sick guitar solo by Mister Torgue!
  • Flying aircraft!
  • Exploding and crashing aircraft! In that order! Also exploding after crashing!
  • Artillery that goes BOOM!!!
  • Mobile artillery that goes poof BOOM!!!
  • Tactical missiles that are all going "Caaarnival dayo!" from cruisers in all of your infrastructure worth 5k of sheer explosion damage each! I hate them!!!
  • Volatile generators that can cause a chain of explosions!
  • One particular experimental bomb(okay, okay, flying aircraft carrier, shush!) that can bury a slightly damaged ACU under itself, causing TWO huge explosions!
  • Thousands of entities that are causing even more explosions at the same time choking the only CPU core the game uses! It needs a remaster badly!!!
  • Did I mention explosions yet?!
Now it's up to you whether you want to buy it or not. Mister Torgue would approve the everliving s**t out of this game, and so do I!

A lil' bit of a campaign spoiler, without names. If you're a chiphead and like one particular commander since SupCom... Brace yourself, Operation Meltdown is gonna be a rough one for you. It sure as hell was for me, and it sure as nuclear hell was for one particular commander in Operation Mind Games.

Also, if you feel that matchmaking lacks in populace, look up Forged Alliance Forever, it's a well-established community hub with the replay and mod vaults, hosting lobbies, buncha gamemodes, ladder, base and custom coop and a massive upgrade to the game itself with a ton of balance changes and a few integrated mods that just make the experience better and only a bit different.
Edit! This used to be a spoiler since it sorta condoned piracy(because I care for the people that can't afford games), but they now require you to be linked to Steam with the game on it, used to just need a matching version with the steam release. So if you wanna faf about - go get it! It's rather cheap anyhow. I know, some still won't be able to afford it or would prefer to not give SE any money, but the openness of FAF got abused by smurfs to the point of driving the admins to use the most reliable, if not most welcome, method of stopping the criminal scum. On the bright side - you won't suddenly find yourself, a fresh 0, pitted against a smurfing 1200+ tryhard that couldn't handle his own level disguised as another 0.
Yayınlanma 13 Aralık 2015. Son düzenlenme 8 Mart 2019.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 113.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 19.1 saat)
Охренительная новелла, рекомендуется тупо всем кому нравятся тонны текста.
Но придётся пройти всего лишь через одно, самое страшное препятствие... Идиотизм ГГ, который может совершенно тупо запороть потенциальную хорошую концовку и сделать из неё "Вдоль для результата", а так же выбесить всех находящихся рядом с ним персонажей за 2-3 "хода".
Yayınlanma 21 Temmuz 2015.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 56.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 35.9 saat)
Офигительная игра, подойдёт всем любителям микса классических гонок, Соника, и, если так можно выразиться, хардкора. Имеется драйв, фан, очешуительные OSTы, S-класс в виде 4 сложности(на случай если если A-класс показался легче C-класса), больше 20 персов(часть из которых всяты из других игр), графика на уровень выше кукурузисной, в конце концов до 3 средств передвижения в одном заезде. И маленький спойлер, то, чего не написано в описании - после каждого круга трек меняется. Например где-нибудь случается обвал и это место придётся облетать. В общем, игра, как я написал в самом начале, офигенна. О потраченных деньгах не жалею, игру одобряю и рекомендую.
Yayınlanma 23 Mart 2014.
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