Please dont send me random friend requests, and if i do accept please, tell me why you sent me that request.
So who am i ? Just a typical student who likes to play games, and in life is awkward.

I used to be in to TF2, now i dont play it as much as i do in the past, cause now mostly i play Dota 2.

Ussualy nowadays i only play Dota 2, since it's so much fun. But the games that did play in the past are :
-) TF2, i still play just not as much
-) S4 Leauge, quite fun but the hackers, and P2W (Pay 2 Win) is not my thing.
and some other random stuff.

So in those what hundred words quite sums me up in a nutshell, and im ussualy on 24/7, since i dont turn off mah PC, so if im not responding in like 5 minutes im ussualy away.
Currently Offline
SKYick Dec 23, 2012 @ 3:18am 
Marx Nov 29, 2012 @ 10:35pm 
k thx
SKYick Nov 29, 2012 @ 8:23am <--- My referral links. This is one of the site where you can win steam games. Please sign up using my referral link. That helps me to get into a giveaway. You may do research on internet if you dont trust the site.