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As a Game Designer, it's clear that this was intended to be a challenging and thorough space survival experience, yet it has a multitude of design based decisions that make the game frustrating and not at all rewarding or even relieving. The game is incredibly detailed in certain areas of resource management and city building mechanics yet in others it's incredibly tedious with a number of obvious oversights towards balancing and narrative decisions that don't coherently come together.

Games like Rimworld do a much better job at managing the random and frustrating elements into learnable and rewarding experiences. In Frostpunk you're always aware of the imminent dangers and the morale decisions you have to make in order to prevent starvation or freezing to death. IXION just continuously punishes you for every decision and everytime you progress with no way to avoid or fix it, declining hullpoints, cryopods, workplace accidents, permanent stability decline, resource decline, useless pops, are all just examples of this.

That being said, I still think this game is worth getting. There are a number of elements here wholly unique to IXION that make the game come alive as a space survival and exploration sim. I love how the game sets you up in a similar way to Homeworld, I loved the narrative arc that this game takes you on and it's one of the more immersive City Builder games out there. It doesn't have the same morality conflict that Frostpunk does, but the exploration and sense of discovery is far better, with fleet management elements that make you feel like a small part in a very expansive universe. It's just a shame that the story is very linear, doesn't offer much replayability and the core gameplay loop is insanely unforgiving.

I hope in time the games design issues will be balanced out, as proven the devs already started updating the game and I hope more content will bring me back to this experience.
Postat 11 decembrie 2022.
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58.1 ore înregistrate (56.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The game's Live Service model sadly reflects 343's lack of understanding of Halo and poor handling of the Halo franchise as a whole. I never thought I'd be praying now more than ever that Microsoft give the franchise to the likes of Bethesda and Blizzard.
Postat 1 septembrie 2022.
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Bought this on another account just because £12 felt like I was ripping the Devs off.
Postat 15 aprilie 2022.
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34.3 ore înregistrate (31.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Dementia is not a disease my friends, it's a gift. Because then I finally get to play this game for the first time all over again.
Postat 15 aprilie 2022.
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If there is one game...doesn't matter if it's good, bad, a masterpiece or a colossal "just why?", these don't matter. If there is one game, you should play all the way through, no matter what you experience, no matter what you feel, no matter how much you hate it for what it puts you through....you should play NieR: Automata before you die. I could write more....but this is something you should experience first hand with no spoilers before hand.

If you play the complete the game and experience it tot it's fullest, you will understand why i had to write this and not a full review.

To 2B, 9S, and A2

P.S. I had to delete everything
Postat 22 noiembrie 2017.
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13.3 ore înregistrate (12.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)

Postat 23 noiembrie 2016.
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528.5 ore înregistrate (354.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
If i like this mod when its way more when it's Modded to ♥♥♥♥ (Shout out to Radious and those awesome Legion Mods), then CA has clearly done something wrong. Now before i get into too much, i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love this game, but this is seriously tough love. Even years after their seriously awful release, the game is no where near the game they promised. CA has pretty much all forgotten about this game just like they did with Empire and to make matters worse they created Attila just a couple of years after this which had its own problems.
Most of the bugs aren't in the campaign anymore but sure as hell hinder multiplayer campaign which is the way you wanna play it since the Vanilla AI is so ♥♥♥♥ still, it just doesnt offer a serious challenge, just seemingly cheats still and its way to predictable, when its not its just damn right broken, and ffs...how many Total War games have you seen with decent diplomacy?
Im not gonna get into all the details since it's been done to hell but even years after and all the bloody patches (INSERT ROME WASN'T PATTCHED IN A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DAY JOKE HERE) i still can't recommend this failure. If your going to get it, get it a discount and get Mods, they make the game so much better.
Postat 1 iulie 2016.
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70.1 ore înregistrate (69.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Oh the game is terrible, i just recommended it because ofall the funny ♥♥♥♥ that comes from it, just look at the reviews! Classic
Postat 26 iunie 2016.
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23.3 ore înregistrate (18.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
By the beginning of the series i could already tell how much of an epic Borderlands experience i was in for, even if it still felt familiar territory from both a Borderlands game and a Telltale game the story and the characters begin to develop into there own and despite some amazing comebacks (some amazing *COUGH* Handsome Jack *COUGH* and some...well i will leave others opinions to that) it strongly felt like its own Borderlands experience which gets better every episode. The action is classic Telltale with Borderlands madness and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hilarious Borderlands humour (I wrote this straight after the finger blaster gun fight in Hyperion...it was a slaughter with 0% casulties)
I wasn't kidding when i said this gets better episode, because you really start to care about the characters, besides Vallory there wasn't a single character i didn't like...seriously Ellie's Gorty's Robot is even cuter than BB-8. And even when the stakes are higher, the tension is bigger and the story gets even more dramatic and has you at the edge of your seat by the time episode 4 comes...lemme tell you if you didn't feel anything during that awesome Rocket into Space scene then i don't know what will - The game still maintains its witty charm and by the end i hope you agree that this is Telltales finest, i plan on playing this through the whole thing straight one weekend when i need to some hilarious fun and an epic adventure with memorable characters and a surprisingly emotional story, not despressing like other games but emotional because it just reminds me why i love these games and why i love Borderlands.

Postat 14 ianuarie 2016.
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449.5 ore înregistrate (125.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
110 hrs on my first play through...and i already want to play again!

Bioware, take notes. This is how you end a trilogy! Seriously the Main Quests alone in this game is the same length as all of ME3. You've heard it all before, there is so much in this game, in this world and i couldn't find anything i didn't like. Now i do have to say quickly i did wish more actions in Witcher 2 affected this game, im also missing my best man/elf Iorverth (I need him CD! Plz!) But from my point of view its clear CD wanted this game to be for new comers as much as they did the hardcore fans.
You will find references to the previous games and events from the books but it's clear the game doesn't weigh you down with this kind of stuff, you are playing as Geralt in the here and now, during a war between the Nilfgaurdian Empire and the Redainian's (Cause everyone else was wiped out...somehow...didn't i create a free Pontar for Non-humans in Witcher 2?) The game really does imerse you into this world and especially Geralt and those around him. That being said Ciri is officially my favorite character now, there is nothing i didn't like about her and im really glad they didn't over sexualize her in anyway.
Honestly there is nothing i can really say because you were wasting your time reading this short review, JUST BUY THE GAME AND PLAY IT. You are more than getting your money's worth, this game should be £120, im not even kidding. With that being said, good hunting Witcher, and GL against The Wild Hunt! Va'Vael
Postat 30 august 2015.
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