
Последние обзоры MrKewlTube

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53.8 ч. всего
Came for the infrastructure inspection and urban exploration. Stayed because the flood door closed behind me.
Опубликовано 28 июня 2020 г..
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3.2 ч. всего
Things I got:
  • Another Puzzle Agent game
Things I still need:
  • Some hot dish
This game is even better than the first game, and improved in many ways. The twists are better and I thoroughly enjoyed my whole playthrough.
Опубликовано 21 июня 2015 г..
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3.7 ч. всего
Things I need:
  1. Another Puzzle Agent game
  2. Some hot dish
Seriously, this game is great, the puzzles are interesting, and the story is outstanding. Just the right amount of humor and intrigue. Buy it while it's on sale.
Опубликовано 21 июня 2015 г..
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283.9 ч. всего (166.6 ч. в момент написания)
This game is outstanding. This is definitely one of my top 5 games. It includes a great setting, great game play, and great immersion, to the point where you don't believe you're only playing a game. The DLC is amazing as well, as they each play differently, and bring a unique element to the Courier's story. I would recommend this game whether or not the DLC was included.
Опубликовано 20 июня 2014 г..
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