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kayıtlarda 1,431.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,395.9 saat)
Don't mind the people with all the complaints, they're only playing the UI and not the game itself. The game is in a really awesome spot and I wholeheartedly recommend it. Nothing is perfect, all games have issues but, nothing is like Hunt. I don't want these reviews to ruin the game and it's influx of new players. UI is clunky, yes but you can work around it. It's quite buggy, but not game breaking. Predatory monetization? Absolutely not. I have no idea where that statement even came from.
Yayınlanma 8 Haziran 2020. Son düzenlenme 23 Ağustos.
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kayıtlarda 86.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 85.4 saat)
Great game to play during the brainless hours of night, just jump in to a random players world and see what world seed they got. Experience 4 different biomes packed with their own bosses, enemies and items.
Its an awesome experience with friends as well, but what game isn't.
There isn't too much depth though, you can level all your traits to the max, so you cant theory-craft your own unique build.
You can somewhat create builds using gear, rings and amulets, but that's quite limited as well.
Just use whatever you think sounds interesting to you. That's pretty much how far it goes.
The gear and weapons you get are quite interesting though. Both in looks, utility and usage. Like a sawblade crossbow with bouncing projectiles for example.

Great game overall, fun to play when you just want to blow off some steam and not think too much.
The game does get a bit repetitive, which isn't too bad considering all the stuff you can find and use. When you've ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it all it gets quite dull though.
Still haven't completed Nightmare mode, which is a positive in my book. Really brings the teeth to a grind!
Yayınlanma 5 Eylül 2019.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 15.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.7 saat)
There are so many ways to play this game. I had me quite a many rounds this evening and every match was different depending on my and my teams playstyle.
One of my first missions had us utilizing the walkers stupidity to our advantage by sneaking past every encounter as well as we could. But for every mistake made the more intense it got, and sadly we all equipped ourselves according to our expectations of a quiet mission without hassle. In and out. It didnt go that way sadly and we where overrun by the living heaps of flesh, teeth and bone.
My second mission on the same map had us getting geared to the teeth. We wherent gonna let these freaks stand in our way. We went in guns blazing and managed to wreak some bloody havok. This playstyle seemed much more methodic, you glued yourself onto your fellow allies and kited the walkers, one wrong move, one step out of line and you where completely overrun (But of course, it was much more managable than having stealthy gear and being exposed). You need to herd the horde and take advantage of their simple movements. When we where carrying the water-purifier back to our only escape we discovered that an enourmous horde was right around the corner. One of my allies gets the clever idea to shoot the boomer style walkers inside the horde to destroy their formation. Too bad that he didnt have a silencer. The horde heard the gunshots and cornered us in a hallway choke where we stood our ground, to no avail.
The third match was the last straw, we had lost to the walkers several times and we where done with it. We got the idea to rush through everything and only focus on the objective. We ran across every being, living or dead to complete this mission. We though that we where in the clear, that this was too easy. We take down all the remaining members of he Family(an opposing clan) and get our water-purifiers packed and ready....... without noticing that the horde that we ran past kept following us and had become massive. Not only that, we where in a store with all our exits surrounded by walker. Needless to say, we became the walkers chicken dinner.
I'm just baffled at how every playthrough, however we play, there is something that screws us over. Dont take me wrong, every time we lost it felt like it was our fault. We have succeeded with missions that we screwed up everything in, but still somehow got through, by sheer luck or skill i dont know. But one thing is certain, every round was really damn fun to play. Win or loss.
Yayınlanma 6 Kasım 2018.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 31.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 15.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Its an awesome game! I can highly recommend. Keep in mind that its still in early access, so all the characters are not added yet nor are they balanced the way we are all so familiar with Stunlock studios' games.
Yayınlanma 30 Eylül 2018.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 280.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 119.2 saat)
This game is awesome! You get so much content for so little, and its a ton of fun to play. Both solo and with friends.
The incredible map design, the weighted feel when you swing a 2H Hammer through a horde, the bants between the characters, the LOOT!
I've played since the launch and i can say, it was in a much rougher state then than it is in now.
Mind though, there are still a lot of bugs to be seen here and there. And some of them can be quite annoying; even Gamebreaking. But thats completely overshadowed by the sheer amount of content and fun to be had!
Band together members of the Ubersreik! Lets defeat this Boga Wazzal Raki and Kazaki'dum threat once and for all!
Yayınlanma 8 Haziran 2018.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 104.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 17.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is incredible!!! Dwarves, scifi, mining loot, Fully destructible environment, beards, exploration, huge hordes of enemies, an impressive variety of mission types that i did not expect and much more. If any of these notes interest you, you've found the game for you. Not to mention this game is in early access and its this good already, Aka there is much more to come.
The only con i've got right now is that there arent enough players!
Get this game. We need a bigger community!
Rock and Stone brother!
Yayınlanma 29 Nisan 2018.
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14 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
8 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 27.8 saat
I'm writing this review on the go, so whenever i find something new or interesting i will note it here.
No spoilers though so dont worry about that. I can already say that this is an awesome game.
There are new/ unexpected things popping up every now and then, thats why i feel like this review cant really be completed till i finish the game.

Here are some questions being answered from the comments and a little update of my experience with this game 15 hours in.

SMALL DISCLAMER: The beginning of the game is really slow, there is a 3-4 hour long tutorial pretty much. Just keep playing and you will understand the appeal. I've seen so many players that are under 5 hours of gameplay say that this game is boring or whatever. The game just gets better and better the farther in you get. Now to the update:

The zombie variety is very little so far. The AI is also very simple, nothing special really.
Edit: Nvm what i said. There are a lot of zombie varieties. I've come across 6 of them so far and 3 of those arent even zombies. They're a bit more interesting than that. I dont want to mention them too much. The experience will be better if you find them yourselves.

The exploration is definitely the best part about this game. There are blueprints and items littered around the world and it feels great to get a new item blueprint to take home to your base to craft(If you survive the way back to the base >:)
Sidenote: With a full stamina bar you can run for aprox 30-40 seconds. Not too bad imo. Your stamina drains much much faster in the dust storm though.

That 10 euro saveslot is just meaningless. I dont see why you would want multiple characters when there is so much to do with a single one already. No point in getting it.

I would say that this game is its own thing. There are a lot of games like it but at the same time there are none. This game is brutal and unforgiving, its a bit grindy but super satisfying. You have to plan ahead on all of your ventures into every mission, scavenge food and supplies to craft ammo and repair your gear and such.

The dust storm is super intense, you get an oxygen-tank to bring with you which becomes a terrifying resourse to keep track of. Its also very easy to get lost in the dust storm, your map becomes pretty much useless and your vision is very limited. Always keep track of your oxygen and make sure the oxygen container is repaired for every venture.

The stealth system is amazing, there are SO many ways to approach a zombie infested base its ridiculous and the more you play, the more options you get.
The microtransactions are non-intrusive, its just ingame currency. You get those coins ingame just from playing and logging into the game so no worries there.

There is also a leveling system that can increase your stats, give you new moves with certain weapons or new moves overall and there are also different classes that specialize in different playstyles.
Apparently you dont get these new classes till the end of the game. I guess thats when you really start putting time into the multiplayer.

I havent ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that far though so we'll see what happens when i do get that far into the game.
Yayınlanma 23 Şubat 2018. Son düzenlenme 25 Şubat 2018.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 449.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 160.4 saat)
Game launched: This game has problems. But its so much fun its hard to criticize.
Problems promised to be fixed, still waiting. Game not dead yet.

Season 5 edit: The game has ♥♥♥♥♥♥ fixed in many aspects. So now there isnt much to criticise except for the bugs and some imbalance of course.

Season 6 edit: The game is really great now, nuff said!

Pre-Season 7 edit: Get it! Just do it! There are some awesome updates coming up with a new faction and awesome characters!

This game... It has had a really rough start with server p2p connection problems, bugs and glitches, imbalance between characters and so on.
I'm really glad to see how far it has come and how much potential it is garnering.

Conclusion: Get the game, its good now!

And that concludes my review of For Honor.
Yayınlanma 4 Şubat 2018. Son düzenlenme 1 Temmuz 2018.
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kayıtlarda 6.6 saat
I had a bad review for this because of the lag that i had in fights. Its pretty much resolved now except for the glitches that i go through. Whole areas being unloaded with flying objects everywhere, getting stuck in area transitions etc. But the game itself is incredibly fun when you start getting the hang of it. It might be a bit of a slowburner in the beginning but all that changes when you start getting new moves and can create your own deck/build. The atmosphere is also topknotch, its very reminicent of darksouls. Which is a very overused "term" nowadays, but its really true for this title. Ive player through all of the darksouls games, this game gets the lonewanderer feel to the brim. You never know if someone is friend or foe which also brings some immense pressure. From what i can tell though most people dont attack you on sight. Ive had one fight with someone so far and they picked me up afterwards as if to test me. I really enjoy this game and if you have the patience to learn new and unique mechanics and love exploring vast areas and collect cool loot, this game is definitely for you.
Yayınlanma 29 Ağustos 2017. Son düzenlenme 31 Ağustos 2017.
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kayıtlarda 14.2 saat
I don't usually write reviews and such but this game really deserves it.

This is the most fun i have had in a pvp scenario. I've played most of the competitive FPS' and they really started to bore me out. I was looking for something new, something fresh. Something to break the FPS craze that is today.
Then suddenly BAM! There it is: For Honor in all its glory.

If you enjoyed the Darksouls pvp or the combat in Chivalry you will like this. Its incredibly difficult from start to finish which for me is really appealing.
You get the same satisfaction in learning a new move as you do killing a boss in Darksouls. Or getting your first double-kill, outsmarting multiple players and seeing them spam the "Wow!" message.

Its awesome, ignore all the nay sayers, they just need to git gud!

11/10 Would Deus Vult again!
Yayınlanma 12 Şubat 2017.
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