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The Curse of Monkey Island
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The Curse - Title screen
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Review Showcase
One of my all time favorites. It left such an impression on me back in 1997, that I don't even pretend to be objective.

However, ff I were to pretend, I would say the visuals look unique and cool to this day. Music didn't loose any of it's charm. As far as writing and puzzles go, both are still exceptional. Although, I do admit they feel a little less magical at certain points. There are some characters and jokes that could have been done better. And a few puzzles (a few, not many) are a bit too wacky and out of sync with any kind of reason. Nonetheless, The Curse of Monkey Island is still worth playing and replaying.

PS I would be excited for a remastered version, how about you?
Screenshot Showcase
Oh the colors
The Pirate I Was Mean't To Be
Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates!
Edward: A sailin´ out to sea.
Bill: When you hear our gentle singing...
Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee!

Guybrush: Oh, this is just ridiculous.

Guybrush: Come on, men! We've got to recover that map!
Bill: That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap!
Bill: We're a club of tuneful rovers!
Haggis: We can sing in every clef!
Edward: We can even hit the high notes!
Haggis: It's just too bad we're tone deaf!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Let's go defeat that evil pirate!
Edward: We know he's sure to lose, ´cause we know just where to fire at!

Edward: We're thieving balladeers.
Haggis: A gang of cutthroat mugs.
Bill: To fight us off ye don't need guns!
Edward: Just jolly good ear plugs!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: All right, crew, let's get to work!
Haggis: Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'd never shirk.
Artwork Showcase
Guybrush Threepwood by Vincent van Gogh #2
Favorite Guide
Created by - Dimi
There are 2 methods. The first method is a simple one, without file modifications, that filters the graphics to make it less pixelated. The second method adds a high quality image upscaling filter by Zenju “xBRZ”.
Featured Artwork Showcase
Something borrowed, something yellow
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Do you want to be a Pirate?
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1,017 hrs on record
last played on May 17
9,711 hrs on record
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6,822 hrs on record
last played on May 17
ooshata Mar 26 @ 10:49pm 
Opet sam prekartašio s Marvel Snapom.
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"Uređen Steam profil znak je uređenog života"

- Konfucije
ooshata Feb 29 @ 7:57am 
Ja sam profil čovjeka koji ima Steam profil.
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Steam profiles are epic. Epic profiles are not Steam. :gameover: