Caught In 1080p
A proud Skull Merchant main <3
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2,314 hrs on record
last played on May 26
502 hrs on record
last played on May 26
223 hrs on record
last played on May 25
ColdPussy 5 hours ago 
new SM ava:ManaRegenerationYing:
lunar girl Mar 18 @ 5:33pm 
+rep strongest unknown player
Mackay Feb 18 @ 1:24pm 
+rep. would.
Caught In 1080p Jan 28 @ 2:10am 
Imagine getting this mad over someone liking a character in a video game. Kinda pathetic :(
Jan 27 @ 2:13pm 
-rep I feel bad for you. Imagine actually defending, and liking, the disgusting rule34 sex game character and fortnite character combined lookalike, low effort, low quality garbage, straightbait, that is "merchant".

And the even more, more recent, hilarious thing, is that your picture isn't even of that cancer. it's of the beforehand concept art. What that cancer SHOULDVE been. But instead it's what they released.

And you're one of the truly sad people defending it.
Caught In 1080p Jan 20 @ 6:21pm 
I will, thanks :)