Lazlo   Algeria
victim of own success

deep in the bible it says that jerkin off is the deepest form of prayer known to man
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The real reason you can't invade Australia is because it doesn't exist. Australia is not real. It’s a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It’s a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call “proof” are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They’re all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

If you think you’ve ever been to Australia, you’re terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby – or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.
I just wanted to say you are an inspiration. You are not afraid to be flamboyant and admit that you live an alternative lifestyle. I think you are one of the best gay streamers on twitch and you are a great role model. I know some people probably don’t understand, but just keep on being you
emplex Dec 19, 2023 @ 12:19pm 
this guy told everyone i work for the JIDF and i had to explain to my professor that i'm not a zionist. now my passport is now invalid for Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia,Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Algeria, Brunei, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Somalia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia and a more but the next page just says 'intentionally left blank'

thanks a lot pal
alyosha Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:05am 
Game induistry is sad.. buncha flops and CEOs looking to get their qui ck cash!! back when iwas gaming we'd get a cd and chuck it in thje ps2.. no patches no dlc.. just Pure Gaming!
alyosha Nov 6, 2023 @ 6:34pm 
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r̳i̳c̳h̳ ̳p̳o̳o̳r̳m̳an Nov 3, 2023 @ 2:32pm 