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11.1 timer totalt (3.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
this is like free2play cod, if cod drank 20 red bulls... and i love it.

i'm impressed it's only a 2gb install considering how solid it looks and feels. if you're a fps player, you literally have no reason to not give this a try imo.
Publisert 23. september 2023.
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11.9 timer totalt (4.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
My first Assassin's Creed experience - decided to finally pick one of the OG titles up while very cheap during the holiday season. Zero regrets. It's a bit repetitive in the mission types but I didn't buy it for that - i just wanted to fly around roof tops and take out random guards with my hidden knives :) I'm not sure if the games are all pretty similar for the most part so I don't know if it's worth buying multiple titles...

Beautiful game [for its time] and addicting movement - now i just need to figure out if there are combat combos so i can stop spamming buttons... lol.
Publisert 28. november 2022. Sist endret 28. november 2022.
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8.0 timer totalt (3.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you grew up playing Road Rash, this is about as good as it gets in the current generation of gaming.

Same premise. Same fun.

Grab your bike. Grab you bar (or club, or bat, etc.) and go trade some paint with the competition!
Publisert 20. mars 2021.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
2,450.7 timer totalt (6.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
After watching many tutorials I finally dove into the game this evening after work.

6 hours later... I don't want to go to bed (but I must!).

Great game and I love the way you advance and customize your character as it levels. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to get the most out of the gems I have but I already have a pretty good idea for my passive skill tree path.

Looking forward to many more hours!
Publisert 16. april 2020.
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24.8 timer totalt (4.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Admittedly, I have only played 4 hours thus far but after watching a lot of gameplay on Youtube I have zero regrets spending the 20 dollars on the game. Originally I meant to just play single player [which is actually pretty great on high difficulty] but I've already wandered onto the online play. I'm not confident enough to play as a shark online yet, as it seems harder to do well with that due to only being on a team of 2 compared to a team of 4. So I try to hide my inexperience a bit by playing with the diver team so far.

Some of the comments I read about running into long-time players is true, and expected. There are some really fantastic players who play this and have been playing for quite a while. Just know that prior to going online that you are going to have games you just get destroyed. It happens [it happens in just about any video game]. I went in with that approach and I'm having a blast even when my team doesn't do too great.

Looking forward to many more fun rounds!
Publisert 17. januar 2020.
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60 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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1,189.8 timer totalt (1,000.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
- great game for gun enthusiasts (the models/reload animations/sounds are all satisfying
- easy to pick up and play (KF2 is much more suited for the casual gamer than KF1 - which was less forgiving)
- good variety of perks to choose from [known as classes in other games]
- the dev team generally makes an attempt to implement community requests, however, it tends to take a very long time and when it does happen it's usually a very basic effort [please research the weapon upgrade system or the PVP mode added at the community's request for examples
- great community content contributions [maps, amongst other things]
- very polished game, overall

- Killing Floor is known for its wave based PVE gameplay, and these games tend to have smaller playerbases compared to games like COD, BF, CSGO, etc. This is only a minor con as the first game still goes on with an average playerbase of less than 1k [so it's only an issue if you let it be one]
- Although the dev team does try to listen to the community there are issues that have been present since 2015 that have either gone untouched, or have actually gotten worse. Slow game startup times and teleporting zeds (or zeds just spawning on top of you at times). These issues don't ruin the game experience for the most part, but they can be a frustration at times
- if you're starting to play now (in 2019) you've likely missed the best days of the game. TWI is now selling individual gun DLC for 10 dollars each to help continue funding ongoing development. This is an optional thing to buy, of course - but it has left a bad taste in many players' mouths [feel free to search the steam board or google for examples]

KF2 is a lot of fun, overall. Yes, it's repetitive but that's partly by design as you are playing a wave-based game vs the CPU [assuming you are playing the primary game-mode at least..]. It's a very satisfying shooter, and it's a great option for blowing off steam after a long day at work or school. If you find some friends to play with and have a few mics you can take the game to a whole new level of fun though - so I'd suggest that. Even without friends, it's worth the purchase in my opinion.
Publisert 16. november 2019.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1,702.9 timer totalt (899.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Build 'em up and Break 'em down.

This ageless hat simulator just keeps going no matter how many years go by. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard "TF2 is dead" I would be a rich man by now.

Second to none gameplay. Timeless characters and graphics. A class to fit any style you can possibly desire.

The formula that comprises TF2 never gets old. Let's hope for another decade of good times!
Publisert 12. februar 2019.
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4.7 timer totalt (4.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
I played Q3 for over a decade and Quake Live for 5 or 6 years... never have I played a Quake game that you are unable to tell the direction the footsteps are coming from. What is going on with the audio in this game? I truly don't understand. This leads to constantly being surprised. I had hoped google would hold some answers, but I just found others with the same issue having no luck in resolving it.

You tend to figure out how to keep things in front of you as a result of the problem I noted, but it just changes the carefree/strafe style of play you'd be used to if you played previous games in the series. Beyond that, I think the game plays and looks great, but I'm not returning to the arena until I hear some things have been addressed regarding the audio.

Bethesda, I honestly don't know how you messed up a game where you basically gave Quake 3 a 2018 face-lift and just added character power ups. You did though, so congrats.
Publisert 12. februar 2019.
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329.6 timer totalt (59.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you're looking for a simple Battlefield/Call of Duty-type game for the cheap, this really did the trick for me.

Do not let the "pay to win" rants by others deter you from at least giving it a fair try on your own if you have any interest at all. Are you able to buy gear with real money that has marginal advantages? Yes, there is no denying that. Personally I just run gear I buy with in-game currency and I hold up just fine against guys who do this. So if you let it bother you, it will. If you just play the game, I doubt you'll notice. A lot of times I find the people who have this gear to be average players at best in the middle of the scoreboard.

The 4 classes give a good enough variety to work with. Personally I found most of the TDM maps (my preferred game mode) to be generally close proximity so I tend to use Medic for the ability to heal yourself and the shotguns are highly effective up close and personal - as they should be. Rifleman tends to be most player's "go to" choice. It's probably the most well-rounded choice and I'd suggest using them first (you only have Rifleman and Sniper available when you first start the game). After you level up a few times you unlock Medic and Engineer. The levels to get these other classes go by very fast, so no worries about needing to grind a while to get them.

Overall the gameplay is really satisfying in my opinion. The graphics do look a bit dated by 2019 standards, but I always set graphics to lowest in PVP games to help with enemy contrast anyway - so I hardly find it a deal breaker. Currently the playerbase is hovering between 2.5k-3.k average players which makes it plenty easy to find a game. It appears Warface was recently bought and re-launched for console in 2018 so it still actively is receiving love from the current dev team. This is a nice plus for a free to play game since most are just launched and never touched again.

Give it a shot if you're curious. Don't let someone else's review decide for you.

~Review Update after 52 hours of play and reaching level 22~

To anyone who was concerned, as I was, about how hard the game would get once you reach level 20, I am updating my review to dismiss the majority of the nonsense you will find on reddit or these boards even.

Do you find more guys with special looking guns and skins above level 20? Very much, yes.

I was afraid my fun in this game would end at 20 and I'd get frustrated and quit with the horror stories you can find online from people raging. To my surprise, my K/D is actually rising since reaching the "advanced" bracket. Since you start out with all the other low level players in the original bracket you are placed in, I thought maybe that had given me a false sense of the game experience.

Full disclosure, I have put some money into the game, but I've only bought a USA banner for behind my name and I wanted one of those cyborg reskins. My gear is completely f2p. I strongly encourage you to buy a Warlord vest if you play PVP a lot and not playing Sniper. It's a lifesaver and anyone can buy it with warface currency (just don't buy the full set or the repair cost will cripple you).

Happy Fragging.
Publisert 12. februar 2019. Sist endret 24. februar 2019.
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En utvikler har svart 13. feb. 2019 kl. 12.08 (vis svar)
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736.0 timer totalt (450.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very enjoyable experience and quite a nice change of pace from your everyday, warfare types of games like COD or Urban Terror. It also doesn't hurt that blowing up zombies is just mindless fun that I can't ever see getting old.

You also cannot beat the price. Definately worth taking a look at if you have not already bought any similar games in the Zombie/Undead killing genre of shooters.
Publisert 11. oktober 2011.
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