Bot Jeff
Bern, Switzerland
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Vitrine du Workshop One map, seven practice modes! In this map you get all the tools to be able to improve your map knowledge on this specific map. It has a large emphasis on improvement and challenging yourself wi
16 208 évaluations
Créé par - Yesber
Vitrine des succès les plus rares
✞Dutu✞ 4 févr. à 11h07 
+rep ✞ Jov 22:21 Romans 10:9 ✞ God loves you! For more questions ask me!
76561199537418844 17 nov. 2023 à 20h25 
прими го трейд
Luusbueb*iu* 10 nov. 2023 à 11h13 
why no rank?
MΣ† 3 nov. 2023 à 14h19 
+rep , good teammate
Vlad 10 janv. 2023 à 5h33 
💎🌟 The best player who was in the game, didn't whine, played to the end, tried your best, Thank you for playing, we'll roll the rink together later. +REP Add me as a friend 💎🌟
Sanrasa 13 oct. 2022 à 11h23 
+rep :miyu: