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Nylige anmeldelser av Ash!!! (the third)

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88.9 timer totalt
its cool
Publisert 12. mai.
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48.5 timer totalt (31.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

The End is Nigh (or TEiN for short) is a game developed by Edmund Mcmillen, the creator of both of my favourite games, The Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy.

Let me emphasise the last one, Super Meat Boy.
That alone should tell you that this game will be incredibly difficult and precise with its jumps and mechanics, though it is not supposed to be compared with SMB as it simply plays too differently from that game.
Another indicator is that this game is also based on Edmunds depression, hence the hopeless, "end of the world" setting. Also he wants to share the pain he went through straight to you in game form! How nice of him :)

In this game you play as a black ball (of tar? cancer? whatever), Ash. A lonely and depressed dumbass who decided that he wanted to build a friend after his gaming cartridge broke. So now you go to the literal ends of the world, in the end of the world as you encounter difficult obstacles and tricky enemies to find the pieces to build your friend into life!

The game teaches you the controls and unique mechanics of the game, like having Ash rely on hooks and corners of platforms to be able to latch on and perform a wall jump. And if you can either do a normal jump off of the platform, or you can hang on and "lean" in the opposite direction of the wall you are hanging on and perform a "leap", getting you much farther but without much height.
The controls are tweaked at just the right amount where every death will (usually) not be the fault of the game, but rather your fault for making the mistake. Die, Learn, Improve, Die again until you have beaten it.

There are many worlds and even a hard mode version (that will come up later) that introduce new obstacles and have around 20 levels each.
Checkpoints in the game are based on the last part of the screen you entered, so for example if you progress to the next stage while in a jump, you are going to respawn at the height you entered the new stage when you die. If you entered from a different enterance, then you will respawn there instead. Quite handy!

There are, of course, collectibles which are put into difficult spots for you to collect. Tumours are the most common collectible, and theres one in each stage (unless in the top left corner the tumour icon has an X over it, which means theres no tumour in the stage). For now they are simple collectible with no meaning in the normal mode world, but play a much bigger role in the hard mode world.
In the worlds you are also able to find secrets, which could contain "Super Tumours", which are worth 5 normal tumour if picked up.
Remember that you have to collect the tumour and then leave the stage in the same life. Otherwise it will not count and you would have to do it again.

Another kind of collectible are Cartridges, which only need to be collected once and are able to be played with the TV inside your home. They are bonus stages that have an 8-bit artstyle and (arguably) are much more difficult than the normal game. If you complete the cartidge and its extra challenges, you gain an extra tumour per challenge for your efforts!

While you suffer through damnation and anguish, at the very least you get some sick beats to listen to. Every song is a remixed, metal version of classical music (Hungarian March, Flight of the Bumblebee, ect.) composed by Ridiculon, and it has the 8-bit version of those songs for the Cartidges
(When you listen to the track for The Tower ingame, trust me when i say that you will likely be able to play the whole piece on a piano by the time you are done. Every note and instrument will be ingrained deep in your mind, scarred for life.)

anyways uhh this is a good game i think you should buy it
Publisert 30. mars.
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1.5 timer totalt
i dont get it
Publisert 29. desember 2023.
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26.1 timer totalt (6.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
i can hear the screams of a thousand sinners ring in my ears as i pelt the cubes with my bullets, the red, white and gold shapes begging me to stop, to quell my senseless fury as i decimate each and every one.
powerless against my endless onslaught, they pray and scream for me to halt. that there is no reason for such violence against their kind.
but i know that it was all for a good reason, the reason as to why i slaughter these geometric shapes with reckless abandon.
the one and only reason.

the cause that only i can understand.

for the fun of it :D

Publisert 16. desember 2023.
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34 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
29 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
10.0 timer totalt (8.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
hehe everyone died to sex
Publisert 20. februar 2021.
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165.2 timer totalt (120.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If you wanted a game that instantly raises your hearts BPM when you are assigned to be an imposter, you should probably check up at the doctor after this.
Publisert 24. desember 2020.
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0.8 timer totalt (0.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert 23. oktober 2020.
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2,890.3 timer totalt (1,507.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

EDIT: During recent times it has gone downhill due to bots and cheaters plaguing the community. How do we expect to get new players if this is what we have to show to them?

So much love and effort was put into this game, years of development...and now the love is gone and the game is being neglected. sadly i have to not reccomend this game in protest of getting Valves attention on the matter. Fine if we dont get updates at this point, just please remove the cancer that has been growing in this game for years, the bots and cheaters
Publisert 16. november 2019. Sist endret 23. juli.
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50.7 timer totalt (31.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
is gud
Publisert 1. juli 2019.
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0.2 timer totalt (0.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
i really like this game, but even with the lowest setting my comp cant handle it, but i still reccomend it for the potential it holds, and the gameplay that is really simple but how loud the stepping behind you can be, it spikes your anxiety more than talking to strangers, oh and the 2014 was amazing and this is like a major upgrade from the original
Publisert 5. oktober 2018.
Var denne anmeldelsen nyttig? Ja Nei Morsom Utmerkelse
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