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Recenzii recente de Cammers

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Sony finally got their stick out their spine and listened to the fans en masse. As much as I didn't care for the issue I'm glad they saw the frustrations and backed RIGHT the heck down.

Don't ruin one of the best things ever, you hobgoblins.
Postat 3 mai. Editat ultima dată 6 mai.
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33.6 ore înregistrate (14.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Okay, NOW it's worth it.

Still... Really wished it was good on launch.

But alas, the heretics cannot be left to spread.
Postat 8 octombrie 2023.
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55.0 ore înregistrate (18.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A very polished upgrade on the foundation the first Remnant created. Better in almost every way.

Game stability is a bit of an issue, but it isn't too terrible.
Postat 27 iulie 2023.
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37.2 ore înregistrate (20.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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I used to recommend this due to being the current best thing to a VR MMO type deal, but with current fiascos revolving around the developers I don't think I can anymore.

The brushing off of important issues regarding bugs and hampering experiences with accessibility have tipped me over the edge and I do not think spending anything on this is a viable use of time or money.

Overall it's good and I did recommend this for avid VR fans, but the developers are beyond reason at this point. Removing from library. Learn how to treat your playerbase.
Postat 16 mai 2023. Editat ultima dată 10 octombrie 2023.
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0.7 ore înregistrate
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It's not terrible, just does not feel finished right now.

Rather buggy and unpolished on top of not very fair on both sides in certain aspects, which does not equate to fair play overall.

Needs more time in the oven, but I do see promise as a decent clone to DBD.
Postat 21 februarie 2023.
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8 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
22.4 ore înregistrate (21.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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Don't do it.

Mod.io is not something you should turn to instead of the inbuilt Workshop here on Steam.

May as well try to sell this only on Epic Games, and VR games would never do well there.
Postat 21 februarie 2023.
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0.6 ore înregistrate

After the amount of times this was pushed back you'd think it would have been fleshed out.
Postat 29 octombrie 2022.
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19.4 ore înregistrate (16.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Spent $500 AUD for valve index controllers JUST to play this.

And BOY was it worth it.
Postat 18 octombrie 2022.
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2 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
27.5 ore înregistrate (7.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Game is great, nice improvements to BONEWORKS and has a lot of side content compared to it too.

Campaign is real short though, and the avatar thing feels like a gimmick but could be good with the modding scene coming out.
Postat 1 octombrie 2022.
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620.4 ore înregistrate (435.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Simply one of the best games I've ever had the grace to experience.

The world (heh) building and the gameplay are stellar backed up by a beautiful and mesmerising soundtrack. I could play this for all my life and not be bored.
Postat 8 august 2022.
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