Bonk Nickeltoon
Brandon   Chicago, Illinois, United States
Before adding me for anything, please state the reason why, and then I will gladly add you (if I have the friend space!)

Don't be a ♥♥♥♥, though. I won't accept that, nor being a ♥♥♥♥ towards my friends.

==My Links==
TF2Maps [] Rep []
Currently Offline
Workshop Showcase
"When wearing, replace medicated toothpick hourly or as needed to maintain euphoric state. If hallucinations or delusions of grandieur occur, please double the dosage and record the experience." Model - Mr.Pink Promos - Bonk Nickeltoon
3,929 ratings
Status - Pending, Created by - Mr.Pink and Bonk Nickeltoon
Screenshot Showcase
15 3
Little more insight on who I am.
Profile Picture made by Furai
Hi there! I am Bonk Nickeltoon :tr_slavya:. I am a person who just wants to make people smile! Steam has been a home to me for over 10 years now, and you guys are still an awesome family!

Here is a little about myself:
-I am 26 years old.
-I used to run a server called Bonk's Funbox (For 6 years!)
-I work on workshop content for Team Fortress 2 and Source Filmmaker, ranging from Models, Textures, Particles, War Paints, and even Promos. If you have any questions regarding what I do, or want to work together, feel free to contact me and I will respond ASAP!
-I've been a part of Steam since 2007, however it states I have since 2010, because was hacked awhile back. So I had to start a brand new account sadly.
-I do not doubt anyone's decisions in life. It doesn't matter if they are gay, straight, etc.
-I love Yugioh. I have played the game since I was 6 years old, and my favorite card is the Blue Eyes White Dragon (Slifer the Sky Dragon is best God Card).
-I enter various Lego competitions, mostly Brickworld. 2016 was my favorite one!
-I have unboxed 101 unusual items as of 04/24/2023.

Workshop Contributations

-The Croaking Hazard
-The Catcher's Companion
-Unusual Effect: Vortex
-Unusual Effect: Static Mist
-Unusual Effect: Pyroland Daydream
-Unusual Effect: Good-Hearted Goodies
-Hollowed Helm
-Unusual Effect: Pyroland Nightmare
-Festive Flip-Thwomps
-Unusual Effect: Frozen Fractals
-Unusual Effect: Twinkling Lights
-Unusual Effect: Reindoonicorn Rancher
-The Alakablamicon
-The Bone Cone
-The Batter's Beak
-Unusual Effect: Pumpkin Moon
-Unusual Effect: Spires!
-Unusual Effect: Smissmas Swirls
-Monsieur Grenouille
-Taunt: Shaunty Shipmate

Some of my Best and Awesome Buds:
-White Russian Bear
-Source Mittens
-Nessie Da Seamonsta
-Zir Zeek
-The Winglet
Artwork Showcase
Scout's Ballin'! (Promo Poster)
55 3 1
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙃 May 9 @ 10:34pm 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
berriz44 May 6 @ 11:32pm 
Someone is impersonating you in a scam.
Libertarian Femboy Apr 27 @ 6:58pm 
Adding because you were chill, we should share the heroin needle (Mecha Engine)
names iris Mar 30 @ 11:08am 
hey someone was trying to bribe me to vote for malibu sunset with a few keys
Lin_nikk Mar 29 @ 3:56am 
Add me as a friend, I'm on business
Dabu Mar 27 @ 6:11pm 
Heya, it's Dabu!