Bonk Nickeltoon
Brandon   Chicago, Illinois, United States
Before adding me for anything, please state the reason why, and then I will gladly add you (if I have the friend space!)

Don't be a ♥♥♥♥, though. I won't accept that, nor being a ♥♥♥♥ towards my friends.

==My Links==
TF2Maps [] Rep []
"When wearing, replace medicated toothpick hourly or as needed to maintain euphoric state. If hallucinations or delusions of grandieur occur, please double the dosage and record the experience." Model - Mr.Pink Promos - Bonk Nickeltoon
3,931 次評價
狀態 - 待處理, 建立者 - Mr.PinkBonk Nickeltoon
15 3
Little more insight on who I am.
Profile Picture made by Furai
Hi there! I am Bonk Nickeltoon :tr_slavya:. I am a person who just wants to make people smile! Steam has been a home to me for over 10 years now, and you guys are still an awesome family!

Here is a little about myself:
-I am 26 years old.
-I used to run a server called Bonk's Funbox (For 6 years!)
-I work on workshop content for Team Fortress 2 and Source Filmmaker, ranging from Models, Textures, Particles, War Paints, and even Promos. If you have any questions regarding what I do, or want to work together, feel free to contact me and I will respond ASAP!
-I've been a part of Steam since 2007, however it states I have since 2010, because was hacked awhile back. So I had to start a brand new account sadly.
-I do not doubt anyone's decisions in life. It doesn't matter if they are gay, straight, etc.
-I love Yugioh. I have played the game since I was 6 years old, and my favorite card is the Blue Eyes White Dragon (Slifer the Sky Dragon is best God Card).
-I enter various Lego competitions, mostly Brickworld. 2016 was my favorite one!
-I have unboxed 101 unusual items as of 04/24/2023.

Workshop Contributations

-The Croaking Hazard
-The Catcher's Companion
-Unusual Effect: Vortex
-Unusual Effect: Static Mist
-Unusual Effect: Pyroland Daydream
-Unusual Effect: Good-Hearted Goodies
-Hollowed Helm
-Unusual Effect: Pyroland Nightmare
-Festive Flip-Thwomps
-Unusual Effect: Frozen Fractals
-Unusual Effect: Twinkling Lights
-Unusual Effect: Reindoonicorn Rancher
-The Alakablamicon
-The Bone Cone
-The Batter's Beak
-Unusual Effect: Pumpkin Moon
-Unusual Effect: Spires!
-Unusual Effect: Smissmas Swirls
-Monsieur Grenouille
-Taunt: Shaunty Shipmate

Some of my Best and Awesome Buds:
-White Russian Bear
-Source Mittens
-Nessie Da Seamonsta
-Zir Zeek
-The Winglet
Scout's Ballin'! (Promo Poster)
55 3 1
JAHMCR 5 月 20 日 下午 9:37 
Hey! Hope you are doing well :)

I'm an item collector interested in your Aussie Wrench, is it available for trade by any chance?
CroshorCrash 5 月 18 日 下午 1:00 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship lol
𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙃 5 月 9 日 下午 10:34 
have an offer for ya, added mate.
berriz44 5 月 6 日 下午 11:32 
Someone is impersonating you in a scam.
Libertarian Femboy 4 月 27 日 下午 6:58 
Adding because you were chill, we should share the heroin needle (Mecha Engine)
names iris 3 月 30 日 上午 11:08 
hey someone was trying to bribe me to vote for malibu sunset with a few keys