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Quotes (Mainly ♥♥♥♥ Yacek says)
"Ale odlatuje mam Gabena na ryju" - Yacek
"George Bush does not care about black people" - Kanye
"Economics, is that like to do with animals and forest" - Normie
"- Kacper
- Kocham cie
Ok" - Kuba
"Why the ♥♥♥♥ am I not in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ quotebook" - Killian
"Your mothers job is sucking" - Dont cry its only WallHack
"A ty to masz twarogi pod foreskinem" - Yacek
"To te kejsy cluj napomoc francuzom" - Marcel
"Ale ten Lalusix to ma downusik" - Yacek
"Kene S" - BrzechU #NoSkill
"Taxi, Banan, Inferno" - Dresiarz
"Nie obchodzi mnie czy to nie realne i tak wbije" - Marcel
"John Deag" - Anon
"Pizdyet" - Russian kid
"Do ktorej grasz
- Do MGE
- Chyba do half past Global" - Marvel und die Avengers
"Polish dobry czlowiek, dobra wodka" - Prox!
"Kon ♥♥♥♥♥" - Zloy
"Ta kaszanka to ma good smak" - Yacek
"Wy bedziecie pic soczek pomaranczowy a ja bede pil wudongu" - Yacek
"Targa to cie wujek po dupie w przyczepie" - Yacek
"Ta babcia z reklamy to mi lody robi" - Dominik
"Robie YouTuba
- A na jakiej mapie ?" - Yacek und Olek
"Ja mam syndrom Zyda" - Dominik
"A tu som sekrety Trzeciej Rzeszy" - Yacek
"Shut up kid go to school" - Gablyat
"Netflix and Chill of course of course" - Hathor (bae)
"Retaad infection player rusian" - Voltury
"Prefire all possible corners" - Yacek
"He's deplanting" - Shameless
"I am very good at collecting money" - Andy man
"This is only mindgame ok" - Yacek
"Przeze mnie Kurt Cobain sie zabil" - Yacek
"All Green Day songs sound the same" - Tony
"If u dont want kied dont ♥♥♥♥" - Sharon
"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Polands in team" - Pulchkter
"Am I retarded or am I just self employed" - Yacek (St Jimmy)
"Ty to jestes taka ostra Slowaczka" - Yacek
"Kolezanka Szklanka" - Dominik
"Babcia to cie Domcia nazywa" - Yacek
"Twoj ojciec to wpierdala klapki" - Jakub
"Matka wie ze tu jestes" - Muah
"Po co to robisz, ale jestes kolega po chuju" - M4mEd
"Ja pierdole kurwa idz tak cie nie nawidze idz se wristy slashuj zembami Dominiki" - Yacek
"Ahh lad 50 ♥♥♥♥♥ euro down and up the road HAHAHAHAAAH" - Some drunk pikey
"Tylko Zeus sprawiedliwosci albo Krakowski noz" - Wartosciowy SkyeN
"Kiedy oni zrywaja" - Marcel
"Zostaw morze dla rybow" - Marcel
"Trzeba bylo tyle nie dosowac z Debilika to bys wiedzial" - Jakub d roast meister
"Taki zes kawal odwalil ze asz o tobie mema zrobilem" - Marcel
"Ale sie ten server tnie, normalnie jak dziewczyna w loreto" - Jacek
"Ta mapa ma wszyskie memy" - Banter Crew
"Oni chca fizi mizi" - Jakub
"Jak ci mama do pokoju w chodzi to smrodki sa" - Marcel
"Nash kupuje Fiji Mizi" - Jakub
"W chustke, ja do buzi biore" - Marcel
"Ale wy jestescie dziecinni" - Mishka czy Nikola czy costam
"♥♥♥ an d mic" - MC Bzyk
"Rybe do kieszeni wsadzilem i podjebalem" - Marcel
"To jest raw value" - Jacek
"Biore CODa do kieszeni i spierdalam" - Jakub
"Nie no to nie jest ewa ale spoko" - Jakub
"Ja jestem careless piece of ♥♥♥♥ robie co chce" - Jacek
"Machne cie jak Lee Harvey Oswald Kennedyego" - Jacek
"Brales cos
- No jasne" - Marcel
"No a jak nie bralem tak sentymentalnie z kolegami" - Jakub
"Idz wes cyke na spacer a nie, trawa nie pomalowana; nie patrz sie na moje majtki spodnie mi jebia co ty tu robisz" - Tata Jacka
"Full marks to ty masz cycki" - Jakub
"Dream white and gold" - Some drunk ♥♥♥♥♥♥
"Put it in your mouth you wont regret it" - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Not Dominik)
"Dostalem tego, fajnego , wypij kolego" - Jakub
"I have timer set and you have 1 minute okej" - Hathor
"Czy ty masz dorty grzywka raw value czy takie proste" - Jacek
"Yes, of course" - Hathor
"What do you buy with your pocket money
- Well 4 GTX 1080 whats wrong with that" - Hathor und Jacek
"Here it comes, OH OHO" - Hathor singing Sean Paul
"Make your face go blue for autism by hanging yourself" Matviy
"♥♥♥♥ it, lets go" - David D., leader of the team that got mowed the ♥♥♥♥ down 2 seconds after that sentence was said
"*Olek slavs squats*
Jakubs Dad - Co on sra ?"
"Mucha bez fiuta nie rucha" - Daria
"I fought the law and the law won"
"Przestan bo pala mi staje" - Dom
"Brother I require your oats" - Spunkmeyer
"Swear to d devil" - Toby forge for minecraft
"He is overpass
- Ohhh we have genius here" - Marcel and Unicorn
"Siedzisz pedale puki slonce jest" - Miha
"You taste like alcohol and cigarettes" - Poonk gorlfrend
"jan matejko grzmoci małe dzieci" - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
"Nosac Sundajcy" - Jebana cebula
"Haha, we are premade you ♥♥♥♥♥ noob" - Plakus
"You know Vejder is d fader of the look" - Obi Wan Kenobi
"Sprzedalem twoja matke za Profit" - Yacek
"To jest kutas z Golda, Phallus Mortus" - Plonker
"Tato to cie po pizdzie smyra" - The_WANT3D
"Ja czysty jestem co ty" - ♕VenoM♕ ™
"Ty Venom zobacz tego skin
- Ty ale ty wiesz ze jestes czarny" - Plakus i ♕VenoM♕ ™
"Pierdol szkole zostan ninjem" - ♕VenoM♕ ™
"Ide do technikum pa" - Ja
"Is nice of course its nice im faking good" - Marcel
"You think hes on drugs nahhh Oliver Sykes, ♥♥♥♥♥♥" - Matviy
"Doom Metal goes at like 1 BPM Per Hour" - Matviy
"Czy twoj passat robi szum we wsi" - 0lek
"Twoja matka gra na slotsach
- Jedno reki bandyta" - Muah i jacek
"Marcel ma randy'sa 0" - Plockus jockus
"I hope the ocean dries and puts on to Mitchelstown" - Murkel
"Grin ♥♥♥♥♥" - Rusek
"Jesus christ dont play with other people if youve inadequacies" - Slothic
"Ty zielony idz se internet kup a potem graj w CSa" - Feyek Mashine ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com
"We're just styling on these bois" - Matviy
"Your mother has ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" - Pomohaci
"Poszlem with the train half price" - Marcel on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
"--rep Jacek polaczek" - Monkrel
"My pc always on sleep during day and night is off just like me" - Mukrel
"He starts the video saying hold up I dont even know what the ♥♥♥♥ he just said" - Mat on d Jermy Kail show
"March of the Pengiuins" - Colossal ♥♥♥♥
"Ej BCAA to jest Bol Chuja Ameno Arnold" - Mukrel
"How did you call me ?
I CLICKED THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CALL BUTTON" - Sophster and Mukrel
"me: smoking 2 packs of cig a week
also me: ordering a 🅱️o🅱️a-🅱️ola zero next to my big mac"
"When youre dead SHUT UP
When youre alive SHUT UP" - Oshin
"The spin jump releases natural testosterone around spicy senoritas" - Ay Aron
"What rhymes with manly TIEGE HANLEY" - Ay gAyron
"Papierz sral na male dzieci" - Anon
"Hmm court case called no faking internet" - Unknown Soldier
"Women power, how about some Paddy Power *bonk* , silly woman" - Lad fela boi
"Najs gaj good pancakes" - Krispy Kreme
"Te bronzowe znaczki obok naszych imion az hanba" - Mikael Miha
*Patrzy sie na cyce Klaudia* "Dziwka jebana sprzedala sie. Budaiowe sie sprzedaja" - Mikael Miha
"Youre ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game ♥♥♥♥♥♥" - Yung Plak
"Jak cos pobierasz to jestes nie fair" - Grzes
"Avnger i друг" - Avnger i друг
"Tobacco use causes tobacco causes tobacco" - Milohasz
"Kto chce bachory jak mozesz jarac pepe, The end kurwa" - Miho
"What John Wick is this kurwa big boobies kurwa" - Miha
"Ah you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monkey big tits give me epilepsy" - Miha
"hey do you vape?
yeah i vape
V-i get very angery
A-over the videogay called for honour
P-and call everyone ♥♥♥♥
E-to try and feel better about myself"- INCREDIBILIS
"Jimmy Saville your penis is smooth" - Plakus
"Where is that cripple with my vodka" - Ginger spit facts
"Im not gay I don’t like halanspenos” sen de por
"Pacz klacz
- No zara bedzie placz" Plak i Srak
"Marcel has 0 euros" - Musheen
"One short hes like 5 foot" - Kubz
"Youre ♥♥♥♥ my friend" - lone soldier 69
"My English is very low" - Slodka Grazynka
"CT No" - Slodka Grazynka
"Woah that was retarded" - Mukrel
"s1mple dont black
s1mple white" - Сашa Малыхин
"VACation rapor edildi, rapor numarasi 3611407524818845797" x6 - BigaLi17
"Co bylo mowione ?" - Miha
"Why the ♥♥♥♥ would you look at a woman wh
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SoFlo. - Public Group
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76561199260021322 Aug 7, 2023 @ 10:11am 
signed by me, lets play csgo
76561199261623335 Jul 8, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
signed by me :) lets play
lirrows.lrw Jun 6, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
hey!add me please
76561198875615405 May 4, 2023 @ 12:41pm 
+rep the best eminem in jersey city <3
your_girl May 4, 2023 @ 8:52am 
go for a game
kowalski Apr 8, 2018 @ 12:53pm 
-rep eats piza instead of play