
Aflac_Attack の最近のレビュー

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Well until such a time that there is an official (or modded) way to play Squad pre 6.0 update, I can say that I'm done with this game. Which really sucks because I did greatly enjoy it and this was my go-to shooter for the last three years. But honestly, it's just unbearingly bad now.

I appreciate the devs willingness to attempt to keep the game updated and relevant.... And I'm generally not opposed to changes, updates, or balances (been playing since the Early Access days so seen plenty of those).
But the 6.0 update was pretty much the opposite of what they should have been doing. Almost all of the decisions they made to "balance" the play style was a move in the wrong direction. Not to mention the fact, that it's probably not a good idea to completely overhaul the combat system in a FPS 3 years after it's been out... Kind of alienates your existing experienced playerbase...

The ONLY positive change I think they made was removing the Q/E spam. I'll admit I used it every so often, as it was effective, but I agree it was abused and can ruin the firefight experience for newer players. Other than that, I feel like every other change was a piss poor decision that has ruined the game. I honestly can't think of another game that's made such a backwards decision like this.
投稿日 2023年10月11日. 最終更新日 2023年11月1日
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grafix pretty awesome for a 2010 game
投稿日 2012年7月17日.
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