Alex_D #NoWar
Alexander   Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg City, Russian Federation
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Screenshot Showcase
A Hat in Time
67 25 1
Hello, world!
My DeviantArt gallery of guns and other artwork []
My GameMaps profile - items not seen in my Workshop []
My YouTube channel - Let's Play, Let's Mod, mod previews, guides

My name is Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Vasilkov. It's like "Alexander, son of Dimitri, of Cornflowers".
I was born on 12 January 1995 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This makes me 28 full years old.
I studied in a school with advanced English. I can speak English freely and even record videos.
I served in the military in 2014 as a T-72B tank driver. I am allegedly prepared for World War III.
I am a certified gun nut, enjoy drawing guns in 2D. But I do some minor 3D modeling these days.
I have a limited experience with texturing, sound editing, and compiling for Left 4 Dead 2.
I also have extremely limited experience with mapping and compiling mods for Unreal series.
I recently started learning how to make first-person weapon animations. It's gonna be awesome.
I am an exceptionally passive, incredibly lazy, but unusually kind and somewhat naive person.
I work as a warehouse dude guy, previously worked in retail, and as an online shop manager.
I live in a country whose rulers and almost half the people are deranged monsters.
I mean, look at my comment section! People in Russia are sharply divided, almost 50/50.
My country wants me to die in the service of a madman. I am but a french fry piece to them.
Artwork Showcase
Modern Warfare Series AK-47 v2.1
59 6 7
Recent Activity
1,724 hrs on record
last played on May 20
13.7 hrs on record
last played on May 20
200 hrs on record
last played on May 17
TOMMY CIOBANU May 8 @ 7:10am 
bubbacheezit Apr 2 @ 4:39am 
oh, okay
Alex_D #NoWar Apr 1 @ 12:11pm 
No, not really. The method I used was basically deleting some game files, which I later learned is dumb and wrong.
bubbacheezit Apr 1 @ 8:03am 
Hey dude, i was having trouble putting call of duty 4 weapons in left 4 dead...but the weapons didn't show up, its just showing the default weapons

can you tell me how should i get it to work
Alex_D #NoWar Feb 27 @ 4:51am 
Как вариант, можно попытаться затереть эти градиенты фоновым цветом, но тогда и модель придется слегка отредактировать.
Alex_D #NoWar Feb 27 @ 4:50am 
Знаю, видел. Главное, не пытайся починить. Оверкилл сделали такую карту нормалей, вместо того, чтобы перераспределить сглаживание как на правой стороне.