Robin   Hessen, Germany
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shinykev Jan 15 @ 10:08am 
+rep very good killer, but he killed my Meli first :(
TBcMeli Jan 15 @ 10:08am 
+rep Sehr gut gespielt
Black-Hound ツ Dec 31, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑷𝒀 𝑵𝑬𝑾 𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹! :csgo_crown:
GayInAPastLife Dec 23, 2023 @ 4:18pm 
milk it in soloq or when they get mad and 4 stack it on the killers*

they realllly milk those momeents they get an easy killer now, I do it too if I'm being honest. That's just howpeople get when developers make a game toos weaty and make the funner moments scarce as well, we wind up fighting each other over who has to endure the suffering. It's just how it is, most developers don't even play their own games any longer

. some dbd reds admitted outright theyd on't play at home and share the same live server experiences we do because they somehow believe their office circlejerk at work qualifies as 'playing'. those dbd devs have lied since thebeta for this game, but I won't waste your time going into that there's plenty of resources ont he web that have documented that probably lol. I don't use this account much, so don't worry btw. last response from myself as I don't care much about that game any more lol. kinda getting tot hat point with cod too now for the same sbmm reasons
GayInAPastLife Dec 23, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
they ban people for speaking even politely about certain issues at certain times and eventually the ban becomes permanenent, since this is a throwaway i won't lie This acc I asked for it but I already knew it was coming anyways whether warranted or not so I kind of pulled the punches once I had to make an alt to post. B

ut aanyways, it's the stress of never having those rare god lobbies any longer that drives people to need to milk those rare moments where they get one over in game, and since soloq is currently the most miserable part of dbd where it's crabs in abucket no matter how good you are personally, people tend to really make it in soloq or when they get made and form a 4 stack lol. I slugged a lobby the other day for that behavior, lol. I mean finish the gens and leave is what i'd tell them, but I've been a PO'd solo surv myself post 6.11 so I understand.
Poker Sep 19, 2023 @ 9:49am 
+rep swell teammate!:Emily3_Like: