Olaf   Sweden
What do Vikings do for fun?

Green Olaf: What about the Shield Toss?

Tough Viking: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. [grabs a shield and throws it at a door]

Anything else?

Tough Viking: Um.....

Green Olaf: Oh! What about Flaming Shield Toss?

Tough Viking: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [grabs another shield, lights it on fire with a torch, and throws it at the door]

Tough Viking: [spitting] Now that you're part of our crew,... I guess we should introduce ourselves. [punches a Viking on the chest] This is Olaf. [slaps a Viking on the chest] And this is Olaf. [points to a Viking] And this is Olaf. [points to a Viking] This... is Olaf, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf, And... um.... [covers his eyes and snaps his fingers]

Viking: Olaf.

Tough Viking: Olaf.

Squidward: So, let me guess. Your name must be....

Tough Viking: That's right. Gordon.
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GEO TANK 23 юни 2014 в 12:07