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127.2 hrs on record (20.6 hrs at review time)
I was going to write a review later, but I was just throwing a ball for Scratch (a dog) and he was returning it because he's a good boy. This game has an insane level of player freedom.

Many of the mechanics (especially spells) have been changed, and it's like a massive list of quality of life improvements that are amazing. Upcasting spells, concentration for buffs/debuffs, throwing mechanics, advantage rolling, etc. Game looks beautiful. Level design: one area had ceiling rafters area I didn't notice until after a fight. Would be perfect for lobbing arrows/bombs down.

10/10 would play fetch again.
Posted August 9, 2023.
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78.6 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
I swear this game is a time machine. I start playing and then it's suddenly 6 hours later. I'm not sure what's happening.Serious part though. It's a solid, tactical base defence game. Switch between a building phase and a defence phase. Game has enough complexity to allow a lot of interesting character builds. Lots of things to unlock. Very challenging combat, the boss fights are brutal. Very much need to use careful planning and tactics, target prioritisation and such to succeed.While nothing stands out as offensive or vulgar, the dark theme and difficulty make this a game for around mid-teen+. I'm a... bit older than that and love this.
Posted March 26, 2023.
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78.3 hrs on record
I usually don't like JRPGs, but this one is good.

Lots of gear styles, so you can gear towards builds. Getting secondary classes helps with this a lot too. Lots of "hidden content" and side content to find and complete. Not too grindy. Combat is fairly easy, but there are a lot of mechanics mixed into it, which means you have to play smart for it to be easy. Hidden items in maps, which aren't hidden by obtuse and esoteric puzzles that require a wiki to solve.

Ochette is too strong, using captured beast abilities costs no mana, they can come with multi-hit, multi-element, hit-all abilities. Why use class skills at all? I almost never do. Using capture will remove an enemy, and can be used to give you buffing food. I haven't even bothered with a second job for her.
Posted March 5, 2023.
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25.9 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
So far it seems like a decent game. As other reviews point out, the voice acting and dialogue is quite average. The combat is decent, the arenas seem a bit small which limits tactics a bit. However the game is terrible at explaining very important information.

After leaving the prison, when buying units, you can shift the units into reserve and then buy more. This is useful for when your leadership skill grows and allows you larger stacks. Just remember you also need the money for this.

The game does not tell you how much mana it costs to learn or upgrade spells. This costs a lot of mana so be careful (learning spells seems to cost anywhere from 30-100 mana).

Some quests have 2 solutions. These different paths reward you an affinity point. If you want to max out your order skills, for example, make sure you complete any order solutions to quests. Also the three classes seem to develop affinity points as they level. I've only started as mage but mage gets some order and finesse affinity to start. This affinity system replaces the rune system of KB1.
Posted August 2, 2022.
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245.7 hrs on record
Played it for a while but just lost interest in it. It presents itself as an ARPG, but it really is an MMO in ARPG clothing. Skill selection is quite limited, but also easy to figure out. The core of the game is getting gear and then levelling it up, compared to other Asian MMO's this is an extremely forgiving system. Also besides one specific set of dungeons the content is easy to complete with a random group. The graphics are good, you can also turn off other player's effects which is a nice quality of life feature.

The game has a massive amount of content. The main quest lines, all the islands, the stronghold, the achievements, the adventure book for each continent, all the collectibles to gather. Just I got to around mid tier 2 and so much of the content is locked behind daily quests, to slow you down. A lot of the content is also locked behind timers (especially islands) and again it's just to slow players down. But also because of the extremely short entry window, it requires me devote a lot more time than I'd like just sitting and waiting for the unlock period to start. Also stronghold building is soooo slow. A lot of materials are needed for anything. Plus no "snap-to" feature makes aligning things annoying.

If you are a completionist, and love the challenge of completing collections and logging in every day for your dailies, while sometimes doing group content then you may like it. It's all uh, I guess artificially slowed down and designed for dopamine triggering rather then mental stimulation and that's not enough for a game to keep me entertained.
Posted April 19, 2022.
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631.2 hrs on record (54.8 hrs at review time)
This game is good. I've spent hours just in character creation.

Also pro tip: use turn based mode. In real time, combat is just march of the melee. Spell casters really can't use their magic effectively and AoE is near impossible to use. Lots of abilities, like Charge or 1 round buffs, just can't be used. Turn based mode makes this so much more tactical. Really the difference is so vast I'm not sure why this can be played in real time at all.
Posted October 28, 2021.
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14.8 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
It's strange. In the adventure phase you can only place card/tiles and change gear. The combat and movement and even potion use is completely automated. But it is so strangely compelling.

But there's also the secret interactions between tiles to find, enough stat variety to try and make builds (RNG willing).

Can totally see a remake/sequel in the future for this.
Posted March 5, 2021.
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6.5 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Was just staring into a wall, too scared to turn around. Hearing this creepy thing groan and cause disturbing static. I don't know what happens if this catches me but ♥♥♥♥ I am just staring at this wall hoping and hoping this thing goes away. And if finally did and I felt such relief, yet extreme tenseness. I've only been playing 20 minutes this session. I want my mummy :(
Posted February 13, 2021.
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270.1 hrs on record (135.0 hrs at review time)
Yeah played for a while now and am extremely happy. Sure I've had some minor issues but nothing that has really ruined the experience for me.

As an RPG- well you remember Dragon Age when that first came out? Or maybe Mass Effect. The engine did pretty good facial expressions, and the games had great voice actors. Well here in the major dialogues the actors will take a drink, look around, stand up and lean on something, pose aggressively and do hand gestures. Hell I was in one of the driving quests and I saw the person driving sort of lurch forward when they braked.

Right now I'm doing a Romance quest/event thing with Judy and it's near the end of the chain when the character is getting close. I've never had a quest in a game get me emotional like this. It just feels so special.

As a shooter- you may be familiar with other games where you can do lethal or non-lethal takedowns. They have a morality system tied into that. Well you can do that here but there is no morality system tied to it. Some quests require non-lethal, a few require you to kill. Not following instructions loses you a bonus but that's it. You'l probably use lethal on maelstrom and scavs, they are awful people.

The game has a similar fast travel to The Witcher 3- point to point only. But driving just feels so good, even if the steering is janky and the minimap is not zoomed out enough catching turns.

Lastly is the character "Fingers". All the characters are so well written. But Fingers... he is just so disgusting. And the hand cream ♥♥♥♥ he uses ughh.... Not sure how you could not punch that scumbag.

But if the bugs you've seen are a negative for you, maybe wait for the free DLC in January.
Posted January 1, 2021.
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5.5 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
So it's playing smooth and looks great. It's basically a game that's 60% quick time events and 40% dialogue choices. But the story is really good and it's done really well so definitely fun to play.

However I keep getting this issue where my keyboard gets deactivated. Unplugging-replugging fixes it but when it dies during an intense moment it guarantees failure. And by deactivated I mean there is no inputs going in, can't kill the game or alt tab out. Will update if I can find a fix but having just failed this section because I couldn't use the keyboard is really frustrating.
Posted June 20, 2020.
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