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Definitely can recommend this game, Its really fun to play ! It remind me a games from my childhood. You know these old flash games. Basicly thats the same but with very nice graphics effects, very nice colors. Gameplay is perfect for me, really like it. I know I have a very little time played but right now I know its a great game. Buy it :)
Postat 24 iunie 2017.
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829.1 ore înregistrate (493.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Easy to pick, hard to master, Extreme fun. Must have game !!! :)
Postat 28 noiembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 25 noiembrie 2017.
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24.4 ore înregistrate (20.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Never gets old, get it if you can ! :)
Postat 28 noiembrie 2016.
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Awesome, Awesome and Awesome !!!
Postat 28 noiembrie 2016.
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422.3 ore înregistrate (201.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Must have... tons of content, tons of tracks. + all incoming dlc. Top physic, ffb , ... just great game, love it. I could write really looong review but I am to lazy to do that... Simply the best buy
Postat 7 noiembrie 2016.
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37.0 ore înregistrate (12.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I have more than 2000+ hours of playing this game (non-steam). Love it soooo much, if you are bored with vanila game, get a movie battles 2 mod ( moviebattles2.com is site to download) Spen my childhood playing this.
Postat 16 iunie 2015.
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164.6 ore înregistrate (114.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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Its a masterpiece. It provide you unlimited fun, plot twist, insame speed, traps, powerups. simply perfect to play it with friends. if you dont have friends play ranked match or quick match, there is a lot of kind people out there. You will never get bored. There is also XP system which push you forward for a rewards. Good job.
Postat 11 iunie 2015.
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302.6 ore înregistrate (16.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I have always been a hidden fan of this game, watching reiza's every step. Then I decided to buy this. Game was getting new content, then more new content. Sudenlly of us got a message that Stock Car Extreme will be on steam and now its finally true. When I tryed this game at the first time... well. .. yeah... I fell in love immediately.

- Stunning game out of the box, no moddification needed if you dont want to. Everything is perfectly setup by default.
- FFB perfect. I feel very comfortable with that. I would say the best one to be honest.
- Nice visuals, high resolution textures, very well looking road shaders.
- Few ppl complains about poor adge quality but its easy to solve with forcing AA and other stuff which I dont understand well. There is many many guides on racedepartment.com forum also here on steam is one.
- Full Day/Night cycle
- AI is great, very competitive, sometime I got weird feeling if AI is real person. Agresive and gentle, fighting with you but not in a jerky way
- Cars - V8 stock cars, opala stock car, Formula Reiza (2012), Formula extreme (2014 formula), Minies, Street Camaro SS, Formula V12, Formula Classic, Formula Retro, Formula 3, Formula Vee, a lot of types of karts, MetalMoro M18 (I hope that I have them all =D ) ====== look at pictures on store page
- Many Tracks I will not writing down them here.
- Classic modes practice, single race, championship.
- What more ? I dont know. Its awesome. I spen many hours playing this game, so time on steam is really a nothing.

Postat 14 februarie 2015.
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7.2 ore înregistrate (5.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Absolutely perfect racing simulator. I spend a lot of hours playing this game. I highly recommend this for tough simracers. High resolution textures, nice shaders, day/night cycle, fantastic AI, feedback. Just everything is perfectly set up out of the box. And Truck racing is not common in racing game so its nice experience to see such a title. Physics is probably the best on the market. Reize studios did pretty impresive job!
Postat 2 februarie 2015.
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19.3 ore înregistrate (18.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
One of the best pool games I have ever played. I played a lot of snooker championship games but this beat them all. It has simply nice awesome graphics, Nice to look at. Pretty good ball physics. Clue controll is perfect, trick shots. Only negative is that the AI is stupid and unnature but It doesn't matter. This game offer you many opportunities to have a really good times. Im looking forward to a Snooker DLC. Now Box of Tricks FREE DLC is in beta. Probably will be soon

EDIT.... Cherry pop let me down, release the game, care about it for a short period of time, then just move on with not very finished product ... not again, promised DLC wasnt release. and box of tricks for free ??? hahaha how could I be that silly
Postat 7 decembrie 2013. Editat ultima dată 15 mai 2017.
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