Dark Knight   Canada
Gamer, programmer, parapsychologist (Ghost hunter, UFO's, Cryptozoology, you name it!), goofy bastard, and all around nice guy with a strong inner rebel and a hint of bad boy!

Fun Facts:

Grew up in the country with a pet chicken!

Lived in several haunted homes...

Been a country boy, a bad boy, a city boy, a nice guy and a metro businessman with a strong rebellious side towards corps and love for non-profits and green technology.

Equal parts Inventor, artist, writer, cook, engineer, carpenter, mechanic, and more… Basically a modern day renaissance man.

Fell off more cliffs and rock faces than office chairs... (Crazy youth)

Been through the grinder a thousand times and still standing! (Somewhat… Older I get more I feel it. lol)

An optimistic realist with tested IQ of 175 who lurks in the darkness chasing the supernatural.

Closest thing to religion I can get behind is a combination of Wicca, Buddhism, Native American, and Taoism.

Can’t stand closed minded, bigoted or extremist mentalities.

Very respectful… Everyone gets a default amount of respect upfront. How much it grows or declines depends on that person not me.
總時數 9.1 小時
最後執行於 6 月 11 日
總時數 0.2 小時
最後執行於 6 月 6 日
成就進度   0 / 69
總時數 12.6 小時
最後執行於 3 月 25 日
成就進度   27 / 42