Dark Knight   Canada
Gamer, programmer, parapsychologist (Ghost hunter, UFO's, Cryptozoology, you name it!), goofy bastard, and all around nice guy with a strong inner rebel and a hint of bad boy!

Fun Facts:

Grew up in the country with a pet chicken!

Lived in several haunted homes...

Been a country boy, a bad boy, a city boy, a nice guy and a metro businessman with a strong rebellious side towards corps and love for non-profits and green technology.

Equal parts Inventor, artist, writer, cook, engineer, carpenter, mechanic, and more… Basically a modern day renaissance man.

Fell off more cliffs and rock faces than office chairs... (Crazy youth)

Been through the grinder a thousand times and still standing! (Somewhat… Older I get more I feel it. lol)

An optimistic realist with tested IQ of 175 who lurks in the darkness chasing the supernatural.

Closest thing to religion I can get behind is a combination of Wicca, Buddhism, Native American, and Taoism.

Can’t stand closed minded, bigoted or extremist mentalities.

Very respectful… Everyone gets a default amount of respect upfront. How much it grows or declines depends on that person not me.
Nedávná aktivita
9,1 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 11. čvn.
0,2 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 6. čvn.
12,6 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 25. bře.