
Recensioni recenti di DemontEpic/TTV || Epic Gamer

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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
4.9 ore in totale (2.8 ore al momento della recensione)
I'm about halfway through the game at the time of writing this, but I really like it, it requires you to take your time and pay attention to your surroundings, but the checkpoints are frequent enough that dying isn't frustrating. The atmosphere, art style, and worldbuilding are top notch and very immersive, the controls are intuitive and it has full controller support (that can sometimes disable itself and you have to re-enable it in the options after moving to a new area, but that's the only negative thing I have to say).

The gameplay is pretty difficult, but if you take your time to look around for enemies and things that cna distract them, and use the motion detector you get at the start to look out for them, you can get past them easily enough once you memorize their patrol paths, it's a puzzle/stealth game for most sections, with you trying to sneak past enemies to collect and interact with things that'll unlock the next section, with the boss battles revolving around using their weaknesses against them.

If you want a game that makes you plan ahead and think, and doesn't let you just rush through, you'll like it a lot.
Pubblicata in data 22 maggio.
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954.8 ore in totale (868.5 ore al momento della recensione)
It has a really steep learning curve and is genuinely unfun and frustrating until you get a pretty solid grasp on the mechanics. That being said, I'll keep DCing against Chucky until his license runs out and he finally gets removed.
Pubblicata in data 30 ottobre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 30 maggio.
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0.1 ore in totale
I love games that make you sign up to their own mini launchers and then give you fake activation keys, asked Steam for a refund but that won't stop my email inbox from being spammed every half an hour with their great offers.
Pubblicata in data 4 luglio 2023.
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25.6 ore in totale (20.3 ore al momento della recensione)
Fun gameplay, cool worldbuilding and an engaging story, art style is cool too.
Pubblicata in data 18 gennaio 2023.
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10.4 ore in totale
Pretty underwhelming sequel to a great game that gets stupider and sillier as the story progresses, but keeps taking itself seriously. Not a bad game, but nowhere near as good as Beholder 1.

Turned himself into an army of clones, was the most patriotic ♥♥♥♥ I've ever seen.
Pubblicata in data 18 gennaio 2023. Ultima modifica in data 18 gennaio 2023.
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5.1 ore in totale (2.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Recensione della versione ad accesso anticipato
Fantasy Blacksmith has a really cool concept that's executed really poorly.

Made a video if you prefer watching over reading:

-Great idea
-Nice music
-Game is relatively streamlines

-Very slow and boring
-Graphics aren't the best (as well as being pretty inconsistent)
-Swords aren't as customizable as the game lets on, you select from a list which part of the sword is what shape.

In my opinion, it's a great early access game, but if you want a full experience, I'd wait for the final release.
Pubblicata in data 19 settembre 2019.
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3 persone hanno trovato questa recensione divertente
13.3 ore in totale (1.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Honestly have no idea what I'm doing, can't even finish the tutorial (when it actually wants to start) but people appoint horses to their courts on YouTube and I think that's funny.
Pubblicata in data 10 aprile 2019.
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25 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
158.0 ore in totale (111.9 ore al momento della recensione)
I bought this shortly after its release and it was a borderline unplayable mess, but recently reinstalled it a year later because of how many updates it had...

Oof, I feel quite hungry.

There are the occasional bugs, getting stuck in places, NPCs not loading properly, falling through the map (although it teleports you back to where you fell so that one isn't too big of an issue), but not to the extent of a game like you'd see from Bethesda (who somehow get a free pass, despite their RPGs not actually being that good, but if you want me to just ♥♥♥♥ on Bethesda I can do it somewhere else).

KCD is a slow paced game, with its hunger and sleep mechanics, weapon maintenance and dirty clothes lowing your charisma, which can be a bit of a turn off for a lot of people, including me, but it's tolerable as the debuffs from these aren't that bad and can be fixed easily, basically every village will have shops, or at least a tavern where you can buy food (and a lot of them rent out beds, too), and you'll find a grindstone wheel... thing at every smithy you come across.

I could do with a bite to eat...

Now, I'm going to talk about the negatives first because there are hardly any, first and foremost, it's pretty poorly optimised, you'll need at least a mid-range PC to not have the definitive console peasant experience, I have a pretty mid range PC (with a very outdated GPU) and the game ran at about 50-ish fps on low-medium settings at 1366 x 768. The loading screens are also very long, although that might be down to me using an HDD (maybe there's an unwritten rule for Eastern European game devs that loading screens have to be longer than a certain time or a squatting slav monster will come with his army on angry game journalists to get them). Something to keep in mind if you don't have the most powerful system.

Another huge downside (for me, at least) was the combat, KCD tries to be as realistic as possible, and the combat mechanics show (I actually made a video about realistic mechanics, you can check it out here ), I'm not exaggerating at all when I say this might just be the most tedious, least fun combat mechanic I've ever experienced, a legit 0/10 for me. Although luckily, you can go through the whole game without having to kill anyone apart from Runt, although that's a 1v1, very different from the vast majority of the avoidable combat , and there's even an achievement for doing just that.

*stomach rumbles* oh, don't you start.

There are a few cliches in the story, I'll list a few, but the game's story is so long I'm basically nitpicking at this point:
It follows the Hero's Journey structure to a T
"Henry, I am your father"
Let me explain my evil plan to you as you're tied up, a la Col. Volgin style

Now onto the good stuff.

-It's really immersive, I played through most of the game in 6-8 hour sessions, you really get absorbed into the world
-The RPG mechanics aren't a carbon copy of every other game, one thing Skyrim did right was have individual levels for each of your skills and this game does exactly that, but even better, IMO.
-It's low fantasy, no overpowered wizards or dragons that can one shot you or any ridiculous, tropey crap like that. Just a story of a peasant at least as far as Henry's aware trying to survive a war his country's been sucked into.
-The cast of characters are really likeable, the dialogue is really entertaining.

Haven't had a chance to get the DLC yet, but the free tournament one is pretty cool, despite it revolving exclusively around the aforementioned combat mechanics. I will probably buy From The Ashes in the near future and write a review for that, too.

Honestly one of the best RPGs I've ever played that didn't involve vampires in LA. would definitely recommend if you're a fan of slow paced western RPGs that focus on lore and the world it's set in.
Pubblicata in data 28 marzo 2019.
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14 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
9.6 ore in totale (8.4 ore al momento della recensione)
This isn't a game, it's an interactive movie (think TTG's stuff), I'm going to recommend it but only if you fit these criteria:
#enjoy story driven games
#have the patience to watch long, unskippable cutscenes
#play games for the plot, rather than the fun value

The game revolves around three characters, who you frequently switch between (along with a few side characters who you'll play as once or twice). Think of GRRM's ASOIAF for an apt comparison of how the story is structured.

Apart from the story, there really isn't much to talk about, the rest of the game is QTEs and button mashing.

+Probably the closest thing the PC Master Race has to a game like Heavy Rain or Detroit: Become Human
+Best story I've ever seen in a game that wasn't about vampires in LA
+Experiments with a mental state mechanic, bad things will mess you up, good things will raise your spirits
+Cheesy pop culture references

-Barely any actual gameplay
-Unskippable stealth sections
-Fairly rigid story, not a lot of adaption to the player's choices
-A product of its time, there are a lot of now obsolete features like scores and extra lives.

EDIT: The man who directed this also directed Heavy Rain, which... explains the similarities.
Pubblicata in data 8 dicembre 2018. Ultima modifica in data 12 dicembre 2018.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
35.2 ore in totale (16.8 ore al momento della recensione)
Solid game. Doesn't allow for very much roleplaying however, because your choices don't affect the world past how many enemies you'll find in certain areas, if you're expecting an immersive RPG game, you're going to be disappointed, but if you want to beat up vampire hunters and drink people's blood because it's cool, you'll have fun playing it.

PS: The tragedy of vampire RPGs is that they'll all be compared to VTMB, and will inevitably look garbgae in comparison; which is a shame because I want to see a lot more of them.
Pubblicata in data 21 novembre 2018.
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