🗡romance on my mind 24/7.
:crow: Dragon Age
This game by far my favorite rpg series. You can be sweet/or cruel to the point others will come to
hate you as the story continues on.
My first Origin was Dalish Elf, contracting the blight and being forced to join the wardens after the
loss of a dear friend. Since then, I've done half of the starting characters.
Alistair is awkwardly charasmatic, but know his faults. Fenris, is broody, quick to anger and hates
mages with a passion. Solas, the elf that only romances elves, and very knowledgeable with a nice
voice and bald head. Leliana, seems a little out of it when you first meet her, but when you get to
know her, and play her (dlc) it really shapes how her personality used to be and what she has
Finished Romances: Alistair, Fenris, Solas, Leliana

:crow: Divinity Original Sins 2
I played human on my first run.
I basically romanced Ifan Ben-Mezd, because of his deep voice and charasmatics, especially with
his beard and lone wolf attitude drew me to him. I wish I had played as Elf when I decided to
pursue his romance though.
Finished Romances: Ifan Ben-Mezd,

:crow: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Becoming a Sith Lord, as the Sith Warrior was badass, my first Sith was human.
I wasn't expecting romance when I started playing this game when I was younger, but its one of the
best mmo's that I always go back to. Several years have been put into playing and I still play.
Finished Romances: Malavai Quinn, Vector, Torian, Andronikous Revel, Corso Riggs, Doc, Iresso,
Jorgan, Nadia,
DLC Romances: Arcann, Theron Shan, Lana,

:crow: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Female Byleth was my first choice.
I really dig blondes, so of course I romanced Dimitri first. Out of all the main house romances, he is
by far the edgiest and gets the worst endings besides the one with him.
It has been a while, but I plan on finished Claude's route to check off another romance. I wish I
started with Claude's romance first, because he's handsome and funny as hell.
Finished Romances: Dimitri, Edelgard,

:crow: Red Embrace: Hollywood
I need some more bearded guys.
Golgotha was by my standards, the perfect fit of crazy to be introduced.
You even give Randal a sweet, nickname. Vandal. But the special endings, got me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up.
This game has by no means, any happy endings when you go farther, initiating intamcy is the worst thing you could do.
Completed Romances: Heath, Randal, Markus.
Recent Activity
6.2 hrs on record
last played on May 26
93 hrs on record
last played on May 25
5.2 hrs on record
last played on May 25