
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย Majestic 12

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กำลังแสดง 21-30 จาก 83 รายการ
1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1.0 ชม. ในบันทึก
What makes a game fun? It's a difficult question to answer. However, Nosebleed Interactive seems to have a very different idea of fun than me!

The game revolves around you managing a laundromat with arcade cabinets in the back. You clean up trash, put laundry in laundering machines, put washed clothes in dryers, put dried clothes on a table, remove gum, empty hoppers (coin mechanisms) and clean toilets. You make money while doing all of these which you can then use to buy extra arcade cabinets.

Does all this sound fun to you? Yeah, to me neither.

"But, you're representing the game wrong! You're supposed to be playing the arcade games while the laundry is spinning!"

Ah yes, the arcade games. OK-ish knock offs of existing classics ... but every time a dryer or washing machine is done, your hand (with watch) pops up to remind you it's done which not only distracts you, it blocks part of the screen. What a blast it is to try and play a game to constantly get reminded the tedious job of emptying & filling machines is to be done!

I mean, the idea isn't bad and sure you end up getting rid of the laundromat in the end ... after hours of tedious grinding to get there.

It's also such a wasted good idea that is poorly executed. Instead of you starting in 1985 or so, you start in 1993, well after the arcade craze had died down massively and the Playstation was close to be released which pretty much killed the arcade cabinet industry. Yet half the game seems to be 80's themed, the other half 90's themed. Nosebleed, what on earth were you thinking?

There's also so much that could have been done better. The 80's vibe (or 90's vibe) isn't there. There's no music that fits either era, the TV is some early 80's style and just shows a test image, you can't stock candy or soda machines (or remove the coins), you cannot interact with any visitors, etc. Another grave sin is that the game refuses to let you run the game in the background to pass in-game time. It will pause it no matter what you do.

On top of this are the technical problems: rebinding keys is extremely buggy - some keys refuse to be rebound and the on-screen prompts show the original keys. The FOV is also extremely low and almost made me nauseous which is very rare - I've been playing FPS games since 1993 and it's been a long time since a FPS made me nauseous.

Does the game have positives between being a good idea? Well, the graphics are OK (but not on par with the way better New Retro Arcade which hits the retro vibe a million times better) and the arcade games are decent. Other than that? It's just no fun.
โพสต์ 3 กันยายน 2023
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121.3 ชม. ในบันทึก (50.3 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
- The game is huge
- There's tons of places to explore, loads of secrets to reward you, lots of variation
- The graphics are great
- The voice acting is amazing & almost everything is voiced!
- There's so much freedom in how you tackle combat or quests - the game allows you to be really creative
- The quests are really well done and are rarely simple "go fetch" quests. Most quests have multiple steps and multiple outcomes making replaying them more interesting.
- The game allows you to fully respec everyone which removes one of the biggest issues I had with Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 giving you a choice of who you want in your team AND have them be the right specs.
- Combat, while not real time as in BG1 & 2, feels very well thought out with terrain playing a big role.

- The game does feel like it's a heavily modified Divinity: Original Sin 2 so it doesn't feel quite as fresh as you might expect
- The music is decent but Baldur's Gate had truly epic music which I feel is missing here
- The dialogue is often bugged with dialogue options re-appearing after a while
- Dice rolling is cool but the animation takes too long. If you click to speed it up, it doesn't properly tally all bonuses so you're forced to watch it complete.
- Romancing male companions happens without even trying (or even accidentally) while female romancing takes WAY longer. It's a bit silly.
- Stealing is a bit silly - you have to exploit the "teleport to a rune" trick to quickly get away from an area or risk immediately getting caught. The red zone of visibility is also insanely big - NPCs have insane eyes in this game.
- There's still quite a few bugs in the game - none that are game-breaking so far but for example I came to the burning Inn and the character I was SUPPOSED to save was already dead when I got there. Every walkthrough says they should have been alive unless I came to close (which I didn't).
- The atmosphere is a bit too jolly, a bit too upbeat. It often doesn't fit the tone of the location. Larian is known to make more tongue-in-cheek games but the brooding atmosphere of the original BG1 and BG2 is sorely missed. The female narrator sounds playful compared to the more majestic male voices of the original two games.

- It's extremely easy to miss out on content or to wreck quests before you are even aware of them. This makes it feel as if you HAVE to use walk-throughs. It's also easy to sell items you pick up thinking it's just junk when it turns out to be quite important. The game could give at least a small hint that the items have a bigger use because you end up hoarding everything.
- There's WAAAAAY too many containers to loot. At times I felt the subtitle should have been: Baldur's Gate III: The looter of boxes. I don't dare to guess how many of my 50 hours involved going through a place checking every container but at LEAST 20%. That's 10 hours of looting! The huge bulk of containers are also empty or filled with rotten food. The problem is some contain key items so you're pretty much stuck checking every container. Larian should have made the bulk unlootable to save us the wasted time.

So yes, it's an amazing game BUT there's definitely room for improvement.
โพสต์ 13 สิงหาคม 2023 แก้ไขล่าสุด 13 สิงหาคม 2023
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6.5 ชม. ในบันทึก (6.0 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I've played (or tried to) Myst multiple times the past 30 years. The original game was gorgeous back in 1993 but the problem was that everything was sooooo slooooow. This game tested your patience more than your puzzle solving skills. You moved from pre-rendered screen to pre-rendered screen and this quickly got tiring. Some puzzles were not hard to solve but required navigating many dozens of screens to complete. As such, I never completed Myst because I lost my patience shortly after the start.

I've tried remakes over the years as well and while some improve the problems the original game had, this is the first version that actually makes playing fun. You have full movement freedom this time making navigation fast and you're not confused about your orientation anymore. Even better: you can take screenshots inside the game to keep track of clues & drawings. This is direly needed and before, you had to copy it to paper. Not a big deal you might think but it's a creature comfort.

In the end Myst went from a 3/10 game to a 7/10 game. It's still mostly basic puzzles but since this was the "original", some forgiveness is in order.
โพสต์ 22 กรกฎาคม 2023
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9.8 ชม. ในบันทึก
Having played Vampire Survivor for hours when I was sick last December, this game feels very familiar. It adds more complexity and options to the game by adding gear and quests but in the end it's s till a Vampire Survivor clone.

The thing is, as well as this game is done, as fun as it is for a new player, ... it's basically just wasting your time. The game is basically walking a round for half an hour avoiding enemies while you auto-attack and picking the right skills and items. That's it. The first 20 hours of Vampire Survivor and this were fun. Then you suddenly realize you're just doing the same over and over and over and over again and I realized it's not a good use of my free time. Your eyes start glazing over as you play, your mind wanders and you're playing in auto-pilot without realizing because the game requires so little interaction.

You may say "but what about games such as Diablo and so on?" but those had way more interaction. You had tons of random weapons & gear to go through, gems, runes, inventory management, tons of skills to upgrade, co-op mode, etc.

These games are currently popular but as fun as they are, it's a very arcade-like game. I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't take half a freaking hour to get to the end of a single map.

Basically: they're fun but they're a time sink and you may feel you've been wasting your time on a mindless game.
โพสต์ 21 กรกฎาคม 2023
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66 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
19 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
0.9 ชม. ในบันทึก
This is a scam - half of the screenshots are not part of the game. This is not a dating sim at all! The sex scenes happen randomly and just look very dated. The actual "game" is horrible and short. The dialogue is clearly translated by someone with only a very weak grasp of English. There's zero chemistry with the girl you're supposed to be seducing. I hoped for it to have at least a decent story but nope.
โพสต์ 17 กรกฎาคม 2023
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514 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
46 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
22.7 ชม. ในบันทึก
Please consider this a SOLO PLAY review.

I have over 20 hours put into this and for a long time I wasn't sure what kind of review to give this because after having played dozens of similar games over the years, the question is always: what makes a game like this fun? Do you look past the grind to the very slow advancements? Is it the playing with friends? Is it PvP?

Now I don't like PvP in these kinds of games because the person with no life (or kids) will always win against those that have a job and I'm sorry but I don't want to get punished for having to make a living. So that leaves co-op or solo play.

Now here it becomes trickier. The first 5-10 hours of the game, you advance quite fast. Then ... it starts to slow down. In solo the game is clearly unbalanced since boss fights can be highly challenging since the enemy will always focus on you. There's no time for healing and so on which makes it less fun. This is where a friend would be vital but let's come at this from a solo play view since this game is not tagged as multiplayer only.

The issue is that the game starts to slow down, you have to walk further and further away from your base and the teleport system is completely useless because half the loot you find you CANNOT teleport. At that point the game starts to completely and utterly disrespect your free time. The day/night cycle makes this even worse because you constantly feel rushed to get to a boss in time, defeat him, return to base before morning.

As distances become bigger, this becomes more frustrating and the answer is: build a second base! Sounds good, doesn't work. Most players will have just a single base because it just takes way too much time and resources to set up a second and because moving non-teleportable items between bases means a long jog, the whole system falls flat on its face.

After 15 hours the game becomes a chore, a grind-fest, with a ridiculous amount of resources needed to unlock items. This unlocking is done by chance so it could take many hours to unlock improved weapons which are vital to combat higher level bosses. The fact the game is punishing isn't the issue - the problem is that you often get into long fights just when you're out finding measly resources that are spent in seconds. There's just not enough reward vs effort. The game artificially drags out the progress to a point where you're stuck with the same gear & outfit for many many hours and you're just repeating the same thing over and over.

is this fun? ... In short bursts, yes. But after 20 hours I look back now and think "Is this really worth my time?" and then the answer is ... no. There's plenty of games that offer fun AND feel meaningful. A good story for example or tactical depth. This game gets pretty repetitive in combat after you find the ideal build and then you don't happy when you're slogging through scores of enemies. It becomes a job. Sorry Stunlock, I already have o ne.
โพสต์ 25 มิถุนายน 2023
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
10.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (8.4 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I'm a solo player so consider this review from the point of someone who played it solo. Most of my negatives still hold up in co-op but of course you would have a little more fun there to negate the negatives.

This game has a lot going for it ... but ultimately makes a lot of mistakes as well.

The game starts out really well with plenty of scripted events, story elements, stuff to read & explore & discover ... and then it VERY quickly devolves into a basic combat game - a mix of Diablo & Dark Souls but far more basic.

The main issue I have is the way the game deals with procedurally generated maps in combination with check points. If you play like me, you tackle each map carefully since you can easily trigger waves of monsters and in solo mode this is tricky at times. Clearing a zone can take some while but the game forces you to move on to the next check point because returning to base means EVERYTHING respawns. After some hours this becomes so tedious and needless (I mean, why not limit respawn to resting instead?) that it often forced me to replay a certain area because I had to go afk for some time.

The second big problem is the lack of loot. Scrap, iron and ammo are 99% of the loot you'll find. You MAY find a skill book or a potion or healing item but these are rare and usually placed inside the map. Enemies drop nothing special so don't expect them to drop new weapons or armor. Basically, forget what made Diablo so good. You'll be knocking down loads of cupboards for scrap to buy new gear ... very fun ... NOT.

The story starts out strong but then quickly crawls to a slow pace and reminds me of Diablo ... in a bad sense. I know that in co-op games you don't have a lot of story but having maps that look identical and a vague story is not enough to keep me going.

The combat is most likely better in co-op because you can check each-other's backs but in solo the difficulty spikes are insane. The game constantly goes from very easy to "♥♥♥♥, I better run". Enemy AI isn't the best either and doesn't really inspire you much.

Basically, it's underwhelming and while on the surface the game looks great and does many things well, but then it falls on its face when it comes to the pace of the story, the respawn mechanics, the loot system and the procedurally generated maps.
โพสต์ 10 มิถุนายน 2023
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6.0 ชม. ในบันทึก
When I think of a classic murder mystery I think of a smart detective that can puzzle things together which are not obvious until the very end. It might make you wonder what makes murder mysteries so popular since the reader is always enticed with trying to guess who the killer is but the writer always throws a wrench into the works by revealing key information the reader could never have figured out.

Now, translating this to a game is tricky and the developers sure have tried. They "mimic" Poirot's extraordinary skills at piecing together clues rather well making you feel as if you finally know what's going on inside his head. Like in the books, series & movies he doesn't reveal his findings to Hastings or the police but keeps his ideas close to his chest until the very end. This is all very authentic and it makes for a very interesting "interactive" murder mystery.

However, the game has some crucial flaws for those wanting more than a game version of the book. The game is very very rigid. It's very hard to make a wrong move because most things need to be done in a very specific order. You can never explore more than one or, at most, two locations at once. There are also a bunch of cheap logic puzzles that seem out of place. Puzzle chest after puzzle cupboard after puzzle suitcase ... it breaks the immersion. I get why they added these puzzles but honestly, they should have ditched these and focused more on cross examination.

As it is, the game is an OK murder mystery that could have been a great deal better. Aside from the mediocre (at best) puzzles, you mostly move from scene to scene, examine all there is to examine, put together clues to reveal facts and you talk to witnesses in a limited way. 6.5/10 I'd give it. Enough to recommend for fans of Poirot but for those seeking a real point & click game, look somewhere else. There's very little object based puzzles.
โพสต์ 4 มิถุนายน 2023
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
20.6 ชม. ในบันทึก
I bought & played the original way back in 1999. I got about three quarters through the game before I got stumped. The game was amazing but the graphics and dated low resolution interface was often a struggle. This was very much a game that would have benefitted from VESA. The maze-like maps looked greatly the same and the way you moved took some getting used to. In other words, a classic but with some flaws that made it harder to play than it needed to be.

Almost 25 years later and now we have a pretty faithful remake that removes most of the annoyances of the original. Proper modern FPS controls, better gun handling, improved interface, a better map and of course much improved graphics that make the game a lot easier than you'd think.

I didn't expect to complete the game right away. I usually delve into a game for an hour or two and then come back at a later time. However, something kept me playing and I realized it was the way the game is designed: in floors. It's easy to play a full floor at a time, going from room to room, solving all the puzzles and ending the game after you've done a complete floor. Leaving behind map marks for areas you can't reach (yet) makes it easy to keep track of open ends.

While the combat is still rather basic, it serves its purpose and the fun of the game is in the puzzles, piecing together all the clues and discovering what to do next. In this I had a real blast. I recall the original being a real maze but I didn't have this feeling in the remake - I don't know if they improved the level design or if the new graphics & controls just made it less of an issue but it only bugged me a few times (the Executor level being the worst with the repeated need to go through a very long crawling corridor half a dozen times).

But besides a few small minor issues, this is one of the best remakes I've ever played. The fact I completed it in a few days shows how fun it still is today.
โพสต์ 3 มิถุนายน 2023
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1.2 ชม. ในบันทึก
I miss games like these - fun, not overly complicated, colourful, nice graphics. Indie devs try too much to stand out by having the weirdest and often most unappealing graphical styles & interfaces. Form over function is a real problem but this game is wonderfully "old school" in that everything is nice & clear, it's all about the game and having fun. It doesn't do that much new stuff but it does what it does really well.
โพสต์ 7 พฤษภาคม 2023
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ผู้พัฒนาได้ตอบกลับเมื่อ 9 พ.ค. 2023 @ 10: 53am (ดูการตอบกลับ)
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กำลังแสดง 21-30 จาก 83 รายการ