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Neue Rezensionen von calastrophe

Ergebnisse 1–6 von 6
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
75.4 Std. insgesamt (48.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Overall Avorion is good, but it lacks in certain spaces.
I felt the gameplay was just repetitive. Mine, build a ship, fight some easy mobs, clear more areas, mine, build a better ship, repeat.
The amount of customization is awesome and honestly endless. I just feel like they need to add more new unique content.
If your turn on is space, just buy the game. You'll either play for a week, or like it forever.
Verfasst am 2. Mai 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
84.8 Std. insgesamt (9.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
There is nothing bad about this game, cosmetics have no effect on game-play, the game has potential high IQ plays, and even the great moments that you discover the imposter. This game has so many ways to play and I find that fun - you are never limited to the amount of strategies that you can do. If there is one game that if you have a good group of friends and want an awesome game to play to test friendship, this is it. It is the make or break, it will turn friend into foe, but damn is it addicting.
Verfasst am 30. August 2020.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
0.1 Std. insgesamt
This game is utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, to compare this to Battlefield is like comparing a pile of ♥♥♥♥ to a goddess. This will never be anything, I couldn't even join my friend, the AI are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded, I shoot an AI 5 times, he doesn't die, I get shot once, I'm dead. This game was a waste of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time and internet with its download and gameplay. To even say that this game is remotely good, would be an insult to the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ games that actually deserve to be called somewhat 'good' compared to this. Never again, ♥♥♥♥ this game, and ♥♥♥♥ my bandwith that I wasted on it.
Verfasst am 3. August 2020.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
3,836.7 Std. insgesamt (3,460.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Honestly, with the hours I have accumulated over the years of playing this game it is no question if it has me coming back time and time again. If you don't already have Garrys Mod, seriously get it. This game has given a bunch of memories and friends that I can still contact to this day. This game, unlike others, doesn't really die out although it is more toxic now than it was 5 years ago. Despite that, this game still has made me laugh and keep wanting to play - and I've owned this game since like 2009-2010? or maybe earlier? Despite that, this had a huge impact on my childhood and taught me how to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do multiplication! ( Yes, I was that young. ) Seriously, this thing will teach you business, friends, and even math and maybe some science with some drug RP. Don't play yourself, get this game!
Verfasst am 12. November 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
989.6 Std. insgesamt (632.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Verfasst am 14. Januar 2014.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
68.3 Std. insgesamt (35.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Great Game.
Verfasst am 25. Dezember 2013.
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Ergebnisse 1–6 von 6