Michael Ault   Michigan, United States
My Crystal and Rapier are not just tools I wield,
They are extensions of my soul, to sway the battlefield.
I strive to use not just my blade; I also strive for balance.
To only use one of my trades would rob me of my talents.

I take the arts of Duel and Spell, and with those arts envision,
A flurrying of spell and blade to paint the field Crimson.
Veracity of White and Black do not my path dictate,
Alacrity of Blade and Staff, I do not emulate.

The color which I bear is mine; do not my color chasten,
Only for the fervor by which my spells are hastened.
The Red is for my passion, and for the blood I'll shed
To aid my friends howe'er I can, until the bitter end.
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