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Posted: Oct 24, 2023 @ 4:59pm
Updated: Feb 9, 2024 @ 3:56pm

Endless Dungeon by Sega offers the player various incentives to buy. These include Denuvo, Epic Games and telemetry, advertising, Sega telemetry, Google connectivity and heartbeats.

What does this product do?
At the start of the game, the very first Denuvo Anti-Tamper will be activated, followed by dozens of Steam API/SDR queries, an Amplitude service with hundreds of "Hello" heartbeat queries, Epic Games telemetry and online coercion, connection to Photon (Exitgames), Google Stun Server, Amazon Cloudfront, Amazon S3 and connection to Sega's in-house telemetry service, which also retains the entire game session

Even if Denuvo were not there, this title would only be limited or not at all usable without online functions.

Who runs the product?
Developed by Amplitude Studios and published by SEGA Games Co., Ltd.
Amplitude Studios was acquired by Sega 2016.

Where are the service providers located?
Amplitude Studios - 80 Av. des Terroirs de France, 75012 Paris, France
Sega (Headquarter) - Shinagawa Grand Central Tower, 2-16-3 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8762, Japan
Irdeto B.V. - Hoofddorp, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
Exitgames GmbH - Hamburg, Germany
Google, LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Building 43, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Valve Corporation - 10400 NE 4th St, Suite 1500, Bellevue, WA 98004 USA
Amazon.com, Inc - 410 Terry Ave N Seattle, WA, 98109-5210 USA
Epic Games, Inc. - 620 Crossroads Blvd., Cary, NC 27518, USA

Playtime and Stats
21 minutes and 31 seconds
Thu, 19 Oct 2023 15:44:29 GMT - Thu, 19 Oct 2023 16:06:00 GMT
Played: Singleplayer, first tutorial mission (The product is explicitly advertised for singleplayer)
EOS Version: 1.16.0-24762224

Summarized connections
  1. 298 telemetry calls by Epic Games API
  2. 273 friendlist checks and Heartbeat callbacks to Amplitude
  3. 11 telemetry callbacks to SGAAS
  4. 1 Cloudfront callback (?)
  5. 1 EOS (Epic Online Service) callback to S3 Amazon Webservices (?)
  6. 25 connections to Exitgames (PhotonEngine), hostname and IPv4 (MP/Analytics)
  7. 1 Connection for Denuvo Anti-Tamper
  8. 6 Connections to Google STUN serivces (MP)
  9. 1 Connections to Amplitude Pop-Up-Market (Advertising)
  10. 28 IPv4 direct calls to Valve Corporation
Total: 645 opened connections
Telemetry: 561 connections
Rest: For singleplayer not necessary

A query can contain multiple IPv4 addresses. This has not been taken into account now. In my test 93 unqiue IPv4 addresses were counted (but there are more, depending on the playtime and userlocation)

What data is collected?
Everything :] (The listing is not complete)

Epic Games
Epic Games, Inc. API is active in this product for telemetry only. So called Ingestion stats are collecting the player progress tied to unique identifiers like Account and CorrelationID's as example:
PlayerID, Timestamps, Operating system, version number
Door opened, ressource collected, turret built, boss,- and monsterkills, amount of killed/collected xxx, Hero unlocked

Sega Game Activity Analytics Service
SGAAS (Sega Game Activity Analytics Service) is a telemetry service provided by Sega Games Co., Ltd.
Application start, timestamp, gamecode, DirectX, Graphics Device Name, Memory Size, HWID (Unqiue Hardware Identifier), Operating System, Platform, PlatformID, SessionID, System Memory, System Processor, SteamID, Application Version, EventID, Event-Names, Event-Timestamp, GameID, GameType, Playtime, RunID, Heroes chosen, Zone,- Discrict and Levelnames (example: LB_Dungeon_Tutorial, AstralHarborDistrictDefinition) Game paused or running (Focus), gained Food/Industry/Ressources/Blueprints/Money, Wavetype, Damage taken, Active skills, Monsters killed, Ultimate Skills, Crystal damage taken, Live percent, Quest progress
and more. In short: Everything you can interact with is tracked, inclusive the player itself.

On my profile and project page you can also find some prepared more data and screenshots such as for Endless Space 2 or Two Point Hospital, where the SGAAS service collects extensive data. Pictures sometimes say more than words.

This "service" of Sega can be found in every newer product. For remasters and remake versions, SGAAS is implemented afterwards.

Belongs to Amplitude Studios. This service checks player friendslists and invites. It's also spamming callbacks every 5-6 seconds with "Hello" response

Advertising by Amplitude

Google Stun
Stun Servers are there for network stability, connectivity or to route network traffic by players. This also includes a logging address.

User agreement and opt-out/in?
The user agreement can be found in 5 languages on the Steams' store page. Opt/In/Out does not exist. Services involved are not named.

Can this behavior be blocked?
Apart from Denuvo, everything can be blocked for single players. However, it should be noted that online functions no longer work and users only have half a product in their hands. If Denuvo is blocked, the activation servers fail/cannot be reached, users are faced with a completely worthless product like in Warhammer III and many other
Otherwise it's a GAAS (Games as a service) product that won't work without an online connection

Additional Info
For additional details such as a connection overview for blocking connections and involved IPv4 addresses, company details, and a German version of the review, can be found as usual at https://gameindustry.eu/. If interested, join the Penguin Domination group to ensure you don't miss any reviews on Steam.
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
ペンギン May 28, 2024 @ 2:36am 
1. Customers are often not sufficiently informed
2. Non-transparent behavior of developers
3. Customers are sometimes lied to when it comes to program behavior
4. Violations of the GDPR or other data protection guidelines
5. Insufficiently secure connections or transmission of login information in plain text
6. Data is often not even necessary for development

Apart from that, when you see where the data goes, how data is misused, whether it's sales, advertising, leaks or whatever.... Data is out of control and users no longer have control over their data.

This is an issue that concerns everyone. Whether games, web browsers, operating systems, patient or ID data or metadata processing in general.

The only problem is that I can only write about specific products here on Steam. The topic itself is also too complex to discuss here. The product reviews should serve as an impetus for people to look for themselves which actually takes place on their own devices.
Whoudini? Apr 26, 2024 @ 3:20am 

Just to be clear, I am not trying to antagonise your work here. You clearly put a lot of effort into it for what is clearly to you and many others a noble cause.

What I am curious about is why are some of these things you bring up such a big concern? Why should someone be concerned about some of these things? Genuine question as if I am missing something here and at least in the above review if these open connections etc you point out are actually a much bigger issue then they appear to be then I want to be aware of it so I can avoid games like this one in the future.

At face value; I don't see what the issue is, but am more than happy to be proven wrong and actually want to be if this turns out to be a big deal.
ペンギン Apr 25, 2024 @ 9:26am 
@That Craig Girl
Many thanks for your comment. Appreciate it.

I don't care about "trolls", "don't care opinions" or any form of attacks (like the two comments above you). That's part of it and i have to deal with it since i explicitly allow comments. It's exciting to see how people behave here.

Acceptance and interest in the topic is also slowly increasing and I think that's a good thing to be able to change something, even if it's only on a small scale at first.

Wish you much success with your streaming channel.
Kipman Apr 12, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
was this written by ai
Whoudini? Nov 22, 2023 @ 9:55am 
Is it just me or does all this game play data they collect not really matter? People go on the privacy witch hunt but collecting the actions you do in the game seems super minor.
Ceana of the Crags Nov 22, 2023 @ 4:19am 
Thank you so very much for the in-depth information, and the time and effort you put into this review.

Gaming giants have become completely mental and heavy-handed with their invasion of our privacy, which they justify by claiming it is to improve products, which never get improved. It is a beef I have with UbiSoft, Electronic Arts, and more.

The "someone might be cheating" mentality is moronic. Most games are not an actual competition between gamers. If people are that kind of loser, let them be that kind of loser.

I love DotE. It made me contemplate this one. I never pay full-price for games anymore, because games are thrown-out onto the market half-baked and usually abandoned still filled with bugs. It is a complete rip-off.

All of these things will continue, as long as people permit it by participating. So, they people dissing your post are part of the problem, but will never be part of the solution.
Malsour Nov 21, 2023 @ 7:10pm 
Thanks for the review, I love the endless series but I absolutely refuse to spend money on anything with this intrusive offense to gamers.
GermanDad Nov 21, 2023 @ 11:34am 
thanks for your work and feedback on this "game"
trevormoney1 Nov 21, 2023 @ 9:15am 
Thank you for your service. You are a champion of customer empowerment.
saltyking Oct 31, 2023 @ 5:24am 
get a life bro xD