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112.8 hrs on record (102.3 hrs at review time)
Einfach Gutes Spiel.

Mehr kann man nicht sagen.
Posted May 10.
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1,038.4 hrs on record (525.0 hrs at review time)
Great Game.

I do read those complains about 3 player Teams ruining the Game Fun.
Well why do those poeple just not click ONCE on deactivating that.
I play all the time still games with Max 2 players.

I still enjoy this Game like hell. It is slower paced as Fortnite PUGB and co. And i like it.

Posted September 2, 2019.
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438.2 hrs on record (168.5 hrs at review time)
Great Game. Enjoying it with my Family. We share time playing the same char until we get another computer to play as a Team.
Conan Theme fits very good with the idea of Survival and PvP Game. The Balance of having Max 40 Players on a world reduces anonymity between the players who are most activ and the enemy clans and individual players form a breathing friendship or rivalry that is bejond the normal anonymity on huge MMO Games.

I joined differnt Official Servers and everywhere the same. After sometime you get to know who is who and create either friendships or trade helps. This i like very much.

Also due to the Purge System and the beautiful Buildings you think twice before you attack someone - knowing this might be the end of your own loving home sweet home - as you risk a counterattack.

So often even if you are on a PvP Server encounters are not - kill on sight. The opposite... far less agressiv Gameplay.

I personally think you need to play ona PvP Server to experience the full potential of the Game - and you would miss out on alot on a PvE Server.

My only negative feedback is - Please increase the Decay Timer to be Max 360 hours reachable. The 144 Hours is a demotivater to make a deep dive to create huge large towns. As the risk of loosing all due to vacation time in real live is for me too hight.

But else - i say - awesome , great and currently a game i look forward too to log in and play with friends and family in the evening.

Posted June 4, 2018.
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21.7 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Friday the 13th has me loving it

The first Hour of me Gaming -

I liked the Atmosphere
I had problems with the Interface and walked or did run.
I was not sure about how, what, who.
I ran around like a lost Baby snd got killed fast.

But i understood that this is me who needs to take some time getting to understand how to play.

I watched others play and learned alot doing it.

I also learned that you can improve alot as coubsenlor on skillful play increasing the survival time against a direct encounter and follow and outsmarting Jason alot.

But the most important i learned:

This Game i play for the Fun. Not for competition.

I enjoy it and the voice interaction with players who can be hilarious.

If i want competition i go play PUGB or DbD or The Culling.

But this Game for me is enjoying a good made franchise.

Jason needs to stay for me stronger then counselors.

Not balanced.

It has to stay that most games you will get killed.

Escaping has to bevsomething rare and special. Not a normal occasion.

Else it would break the uniqunesd for myself.

I can understand that some thought this Game should "again" be competitive.

But i feel it should be unbalanced to the advantage of letting Jason be what he should be: A thread like no one else.

Great Game!
Posted June 1, 2017.
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208.6 hrs on record (36.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The Culling is Early Access.

My experience the first Games i played:

Confusion about how to craft, where to go and how to fight the first games.
If you press Help you get a Crafting Table - I would highly find it good if it would also be in written form the symbols because if you are new to the game you do hard to guess what some symbols mean

Not knowing what building is called what.
You get the information that a Airdrop will be delivered to a location. Even so after some games you have been to some locations as a new gamer you are not sure what building is supposed to be what 100%.

I think i did know it after the 10 Game after looking on helppages on "Maps" and "Descriptions".

Perks - At first I was scared and you tend to like to use "Inhuman" to not be able to be locatet and "Scouting" and "Moneybag".

But after like 10 matches and watching some Twitch Videos of good players you find out that to be competitive you need
to go for Health Boost Perks or Damage Reduction majorly and that most go that direction as it seems like if you do else you are more likely to loose the early combats.
This counts for casual players.
Of course like in every Game there are skilled players capable of going different perks but compensating it with great fightings.

I watched some Video Guides from Good Players to find out how to improve.

The first big step in getting better was that good players say that the "Hit Box" stays up a little longer after you finished a attack.
And also good players tell you how to cancel your attack with a block and then fast move to a push.
This little new knowledge helps alot getting far better in fights.

Func and Airdrops - As a new player you have no feeling how much Func you can collect in a given time. And you have no clue what Airdrops you should go for.
I did choose Suprise Airdrops to increase my rating of pool to choose from.

Now i know that most will go for a "Mid-Cost Airdrop". 125 Func Airdrop is reachable.


I have played so far maybe 50 matches in total. So still very new. But the Game Concept ( Hunger Games) , the 20 Minutes and the action and tension you feel are just what i Love.
I love to be challenged and to be forced to have a hard situation to deal with.
If you are new to the Culling it is hard - but if you do your first kill you cheer!
I had my first Total Win of a Match and it was very much fun to make it.
I have fun to try to outsmart a enemy and when i succeed it makes me Fun.

If you loose a lot of fights in a row you need to be a personality who can cope with it and get motivation out of it and not frustration.
I am that person and you need to be such a person.

Longterm Motivation for me:

If you are a person who easy gets frustrated if he does not have a high percentage of successful moments in a Game, then this is maybe the wrong game.

I for example would say i have a not good Rating but still have fun. I would say out of 5 battles i win often only 1 or 2.
That is not much and some would say bad. But it is enough for me.

You will see Twitch Videos with players who have won alot of times and have the opposite - like 4 wins out of 5 battles.
Be honest withyourself and see them as what they are - the minority.

Enjoy if you win once a Culling Match and see it as something special.
For me that it is.

Other Fun Factors:
I love the Option to collect new Outfits through playing and getting Rewards. Some Clothing is very special and Rare.
This is nice.

Suggestions: Please add a higher variety of "Reporter Comments" to the Game. They are often good for a laugh but currently too repetitive.

I think removing the Health Bar of the Enemy would ad to the Game Fun. The blood gives you enough hint if he is about to get killed or not.
I think not knowing how much Health the Enemy has would improve the Game.

- Option: Add to a current Perk - Hide Health


I currently feel hooked to the Game and see myself looking forward when i get some spare time to be able to play it.

So i can recommend it as a very Fun "Early Access" Game aware that they are improving the Gaming Experience.

But all be aware it is a Early Access!

But Fun!

Posted May 31, 2016.
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400.9 hrs on record (336.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Hi all.

Patch .55 is finally one of the patches that gives me hope that the game is moving towards "Survival".

Why i love this patch:

I was starving and food had a new role.
I was happy to find food and eat something.
I had to drink water from the pump, i got sick and was happy to find medizine
I was happy about a apple!
I had no can opener and had to open almost dead from starving my first can of food i found after a long time - and i spoiled it - only 14%.
I then found going into the next room a can opener and cursed and laughed.

Finally the Zombies are "dangerous".
You have to think moving in the town. You have to sneak, hide.

So basically to make it short:

I would cry if now the "KOS NoobS" start complaining and ruin this .55 update.

I hope they start using there brains and start playing "survival dayZ".

The newe loot system destroys the boring "loot spots" all those kiddies run to.

So thank yo Developers for the awesome update.

You win me back as a customer. I did believe in it becoming a "Survival" game. Almost lost my hope.
But .55 patch made my day!

Kind regards


Posted April 4, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
350.8 hrs on record (322.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you are looking for a Game with a strong community, a game that has heart and a own charming feeling.
This is the Game.

It is still heavy duty under development but i am already having alot of fun.
And fun is what counts for me most.


The Fun i did later find out was not caused through the Game - it was caused through the participation with a Development for me.

And i will be ever grateful that i did get access and felt part of it.

The direction the Game did go did ruin the Fun for me on the long run.
I did not feel it did develop into the "Kickstarter Vision" - but did go further and further away.

I love "playing in a believable world". That is important for me. Not for others maybe , but for me very important.

And it did end for me basically like this: All Areas that i did like had mainly been areas that Players could not change.

Owlstown had a beauty when the Developers did present the Vision - but the moment Players startet decorating houses - placing palm trees, snowman, strange constructions -

i hatet it. It destroyed for me the world i wanted to feel home in - and reminded me to much of
Second Live or Chaos.

I remember Ulitma Online had also alot of Player Creations - but maybe because of the over the top look and not 3d world it did not feel out of place.
It was fine - did not destroy my feeling.

Furhtermore the Player Owned Towns did come to the Game - and it did cause it´s price on Development Focus and How the Gaming World would end up for me.

I did feel totally "pushed away" after the POT did come to the Game. At first i did not mind as they said it would be probably not more then 15 - 20. That is what they did expect. And i think they should have sticked to a limitation.

But now we have 300 and more i think spread over the Map.

So a Game full of Second Live feeling and missing NPC variety of towns like Ulitma Online had.


The Discussion within the Community are so much around "Economy, Money, Worth" - not about the Adventures, the Fun they had in the Game.

And alot of ideas or suggestions get destroyed because of the "Business System" and the fair of "Wealth" or "Investment Loss" that could happen because of it.

It is a big turn down for me.

I did record beauty of the Game and that is out there - but it is like jumping from a trash barn into a flower garden back and forth in this game. Depends what Instance you run in, and what taste the Player has who owns it for example.


The Solo Game that is supposed to be build into the MMO World -

i am no Game Developer - but my common sense tells me - can´t live up to what players expect.

The are confronted with to many Limitations based on this MMO/Hybrid/Solo Game.
You can´t create the same Solo Experience like on a pure Solo Game

So thats also a reason i do my thumps down at current state because i do not see it coming

To many "squishy communication" that did leave.To often they did "create a misunderstanding" for us customers about it. Or not in a way a Non Game Developer can understand it.

Many Threads had been about "Discussions" about what the "Game" is actually going to be.
Community Members did through back and forth "References", "Quotes" from all different sources like Video Presentations , Telethons, Interviews, Forum Posts of Developers, Hang Outs and more.

You did feel often like in a Jungle of "this is what the Game is" and Community Members sitting in different corners believing that this will be the outcome.

So a general confusion still about how the Game will turn out.

And as long as we still can´t tell what the Game will be at the end it is impossible for me to give a Thumps Up.


Also it is to expensive if you wan´t to have the full joy of the Game.

The strongest Part of the Game is still in my opinion the Housing System. It had the most focus also.

But it is far to complicated to get there if you do only your base investment.

They lure you of course into the direction of spending High Amount of Money for all and everything for Items, Deco Items, cool Houses.

The argument Development comes up again, and support of the Development.

But Shourd of the Avatar is not the only Game out here. Why should i as a customer spend 10 times the amount of money if i can have almost the same experience in other Games not hurting my wallet?

Shroud of the Avatar is a "Roller Coaster for me of Emotions i had".

I had so much Fun with Community members that have left out of the same reason i have and some of them still there.

But more of the ones i did have this "High Community" feeling have left in my case.

I truly wan´t this Game to succeed and suprise all of us. And me saying: Wow...they did pull the right plugs at the end and did not expect it to turn out into a "Game".

But at the end i feel like "Ultimate Collector: Garage Sale" did show up to many times in the Game Development Direction of Shroud of the Avatar.

Posted January 23, 2015. Last edited September 14, 2016.
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