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21.7 hrs on record
So far so good!
Posted November 21, 2023.
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0.2 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)

You need a patch to get the proper experience, google it.

Im not into this kind of games, because mostly are straight forward "action" and thats boring for me. But this game has all the action in the world but the teasing is top notch, so without being realistic, the game tease you, gets you invested on the "achievements" and development of the relationships. It makes you wait, be patience, move around, fail, etc.

Things that could be better:

Character design, mostly all of them look the same. Without a few exceptions its like Kardashian City, i would like to see some age features on older women, petite ones, short ones, tall ones, etc.

Some poses and dialogues are too over the top, like something no one would ever say or do outside some cheap porn movie (just moment, most of the game do the right thing)

The main character looks weird, specially when he smiles.

But overall, its an awesome game. I had it for some time and ive just bought it on steam to give money to the devs.
Posted November 3, 2023.
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8.0 hrs on record
Muy recomendable. Lo jugue por primer vez ahora y la verdad que fue como volver en el tiempo a una epoca dorada de los juegos, sin sentir que pesa en la jugabilidad o ningun aspecto. La banda sonora es excelente y recomiendo el MOD de camara atras.
Posted August 27, 2023.
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37.0 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
Entiendo por que a la gente le gusta este juego. El sistema de combate es realmente genial y se disfrutaria mucho con amigos... si tenes la paciencia.

La historia es terrible, se quieren hacer los Tolkiens y te bombardean con un lore imposible de asimilar la primera vez que lo jugas, mil dioses, mil demonios, mil maldiciones y vueltas y mitologia... es como comenzar a ver game of thrones por el final de la historia. Se pasan y no saben introducirte en la historia y se hace tedioso.

La dificultad es ridicula, te encontras un perro? Es un demonio legendario atrapado en el que te mata de un solo golpe... hablas con una anciana? Es un demonio legendario atrapado que te mata de un solo golpe. Encontras un cofre? Se conjuran varios demonios legendarios que te matan de un golpe. Es demasiada dificultad y ya resulta ridiculo. No podes dar dos pasos sin que ocurra algo que te supera.

Es tedioso, denso, aburrido a largo plazo. De entrada enamora! Pero a medida que avanzas y en lugar de profundizar en la historia se abren y ramifican millones sin darte una respuesta a ninguna, acaba saturando.

Lord of the Rings, el lore es mas complejo que física cuántica, pero la HISTORIA es simple! Sencilla! Accesible y el lore le da profundidad.

Me ♥♥♥♥ un anillo identificado y me bajo todos los stats de mi perosnaje por la mitad... y googlea la solucion, que se encuentra cuando acabas el juego. Semejante tonteria es trollear al jugador y la falta de inmersion sea por la historia o porque todo tiene un demonio imposible dentro, lo hace insufrible.

La verdad, gusto personal... no lo recomiendo.
Posted August 13, 2023. Last edited August 13, 2023.
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35.8 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Juegazo! Es como la version cinematografica del 4 original. Mejores personajes, mejor historia y menos boludeces... menos Ada, que pena que no aprovecharon esta oportunidad para retroceder la estupidez de hacer que Ada sea como Batman, casi con super poderes y una estetica ridicula que desentona con la saga entera.

Sigue siendo ridicula y aca peor que nunca, literalmente es como un personaje con cheats puestos.

Por lo demas, lo ame.
Posted March 24, 2023. Last edited March 27, 2023.
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76.2 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
Let this be a lesson to all the companies, when they attend to hateful woke activists that don't even care about movies/games, they fail.

When they attend to the fans, people with actual passion, it's a success.

We own this world, not them.

Never forget that.
Posted February 11, 2023.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The game is garbage.

Zombies and ordes see you all the time, you dont have time to even open a map, you even spawn next to ordes. The game its plain unfair, not hard, unfair and the game gets a hard one everytime you get killed, like its fun that the game its imposible and you wont last... like if that makes it a good game.

Its crap.
Posted January 22, 2023.
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6.2 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
You should be ashamed for distancing yourself from Justin Roiland just for some false acusations and dont even bring him back after he is proven innocent.
Posted January 13, 2023. Last edited October 4, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
Modern games are pure graphics and they lack mechanics, interactions, etc. Games like these try to go all the way on making you interact, use and try anything, old and new machanics, etc... its pretty cool.

But so far im having problems with the "realism". Im trying to steal something from a house and the couple patrol the damn house 24hs, like Metal Gear soldiers, it makes no sense. They sleep in turns, 5 minutes each, they never live the home, they never sleep togheter... its dumb.

Also, never ending tutorial, you got to love that.

Edit replying: I understand but it takes the whole immersion out when you see they dont sleep, they patrol the whole house, basement, backyard, frontyard, all night none stop.

As a humble suggestion (i dont know if some of these elements are already in the game)

I would darker the game and turn off all the light on the houses at night so its pitch black (its too bright) and by that and adding noisy elements (cans, bottles, brooms, trash). Also maybe valuable items could be in containers as State of Decay, that the character takes some amount of time searching it, but you can rush it at the risk of making noise. Money shouldnt be laying all over the place, so containers makes sense and makes you chose between stealing more at risk or less but safer. Maybe improving with a skill?

I suggest to remove the outline of the "selected" people, its not realistic and it makes thing much easier when actually the risk would be "ok, i saw them sleeping, but i dont know now..." maybe having randoms wake up to drink water or something (but not a lot, so its kind of an event).

Maybe only having them patrolling after they hear a sound, like... it was "nothing" but lets stay awake in turns just in case.

As noisy you can add cats, dogs and many more special elements, that would make us be really scared as we cant see at all (unless we use a light) and taking chances looking for stuff on containers and furniture, without knowing if its gonna be worth it.
Posted December 6, 2022. Last edited December 7, 2022.
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A developer has responded on Dec 7, 2022 @ 12:12am (view response)
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20.2 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Que bombazo, por favor. Es el juego perfecto de TMNT que venimos mis amigos y yo esperando hace decadas. Ojala salga un 2... pero ya.
Posted November 24, 2022.
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