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4 people found this review helpful
10.7 hrs on record
For whatever reason, I can't get into this game the same way I could with Warhammer 2. Not enjoying the new factions, and the game feels unoptimized. I'm certain its not a bad game, but I find myself picking other games to play instead.
Posted December 29, 2023.
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145.6 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
Theres submarines now.
Posted March 28, 2023.
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30.9 hrs on record
TransRoad USA. A game that does not advertise itself as a game about a trans-persons roadtrip through the US, a FPS, Turn based strategy game, nor a visual novel. And those are all positives, because the game is none of those things. The turn of events is very unsurprising as you create a company from scratch and scratch your scratch all the scratching scratch to complete domination of the map by transporting stuff via trucks.

7.5 / 10.
Posted March 10, 2022.
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268.9 hrs on record (161.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Factorio... in Space!
Posted November 25, 2021.
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190.5 hrs on record (98.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Rule vassals, life good.
Vassals rebel.
Kill vassals!

Think about vassals...

Posted November 30, 2020.
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28.1 hrs on record
Game longevity

Game took about 25 hours to fully complete - Everything in the game unlocked, and all steam-achievements unlocked.

Was fun though, as far as slime-based slavery simulations on the market, this is by far the best one 9.5/10.
Posted June 30, 2020.
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1.3 hrs on record
Loading screens are long, which goes well with the battles that are long, which goes well with all the animations that take far too long (and many of them are quite frankly redundant). These things are forgivable though, but the continous stuttering when opening menus, the backpeddling mechs and the sheer dullness of being dragged into a story that you have little control over (You have an illusion of choice, but the campaign is absurdly linear), no all of that is acceptable..

What ultimatly tips the scales against battletech is that there is no blonde hair.
Posted April 25, 2018.
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1,409.6 hrs on record (1,072.4 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
The best evidence there is for the theory of evolution.

Have you ever had any doubts regarding whether or not mankind is the result of intelligent design or if evolution caused this to happen? A single match of matchmaking will eradicate all doubt you could possibly have. As you gaze upon the unfathomable play that your ingenious teammate is about to commit himself to undertaking you will not only question intelligent design. No sir/madam, you will question the very intelligence of your own species.

As you stand there, on the B bombsite on De_dust 2 in a 3 versus 1 situation to take home the match and you watch the clock ticking down. 10 seconds remaining. 9.. 8.. and you see your teammate dashing onto site, grenade in hand. Ready to plant the bomb. 7 seconds left. You take solace in the fact that he now has plenty of time to get the bomb down. 6 seconds left. You see him crouched on site. 5 seconds left... Time is running out and you hear your other companion call out over voice-coms - Plant the bomb! Plant it now!, 4 seconds left... your bombcarrying companion is making his move. 3 seconds left. Has he begun planting?

That is when you hear it. The all too familiar sound of a grenade hitting the floor. The bomb has been dropped, your teammate is now soaring with the birds as his brilliant tactical move of planting the grenade, rather than the bomb, dawns upon you and your last remaining companion.

In this dark, cold and lonely world, you have now lost the match. You have no time left to plant the bomb. An everburning flame of hatred for your fellow man has started to burn within you and you will never again trust your team.

By signing up for matchmaking in Counterstrike Global Offensive you do adhere to the simple notion that you are infact going to develop a sincere and deep hatred for your fellow man, you will grow to detest the russians. You will forever wish for the destruction of the Swedes. You will without a doubt find the finnish obnoxious. On occasion, you will run into an estonian player and be uncertain of whether or not you should judge them as harshly as you do the others. This uncertainty will be gone within seconds of them making their first play.

Upon reaching 400+ hours of playtime in matchmaking you will find yourself embracing the fact that you are a giant among dwarves. You are infallible. Your team is not. You alone can lead your team to victory and the entire time you work towards that goal you will have to battle not only your own team, but also the opposition.

The game is fantastic. My mother always stated that you ought not to go to bed angry, and as such the logical conclusion is that you should never play this before going to bed. You will get angry. You will grow to hate everyone. You will most likely develop a mild case of hubris. You will also invest excessive amounts of money that you can not afford to invest into skins that in no way or form will help you become a better player, but what does it matter, it is not your fault after all. It is your team doing the errors.

9/10, It'd be a better game without the teammates.
Posted May 28, 2017. Last edited May 28, 2017.
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298.5 hrs on record (281.7 hrs at review time)
Upon entering Rhovanion we were set upon by a new type of enemy. This enemy would forever change my perception of this game, as I stood there, awestruck by the brilliant mechanic before me I could not help but to contemplate the big questions. How was this not caught in testing? Worse yet, if it was caught in testing, who thought it was a good idea to let it through?

As my initial shock vanished, I came to the conclusion that something of unfathomable importance had just happened on this Tuesday morning in the Norcrofts. I must admit I had my doubts as to what was happening after having first acquired my Glider in the Wold, but this.. no this was something different entirely.

In all of this I could not help but think to myself that "This may have looked dumb, but in all honesty these graphics somehow still holds up fairly well." This thought was destined to continue for some time but as I spotted some gathering nodes I swiftly went into a state of blinded greed where I threw all safety and precaution to the wind as I dashed over to mine it. Sadly, I was still in combat.

At this moment I realised that the mighty fine enemy who previously had left me awestruck still remained in existance. Unfortunately it was nowhere to be seen. I decided to cut my losses and move forward with my quests. Close to ten minutes passed as I was flailing away at seemingly unendless quests including the slaughter of what I now presume to be a close to extinct race of Goblins (Seriously, if you don't like beating up Goblins, this game is not for you, theres millions of them and you WILL have to kill every. Single. One. Twice.), I was monitoring my minimap as usual. An old habbit from my days of playing Delta Force 2. Granted, there was no radar in Delta force 2, but still the point stands. I should say that there was a minimap in Delta Force 2, but this one only displayed the topography of the landscape and did in no way alert you to the potential hazards of an enemy that had attacked you over ten minutes ago charging back at you from nowhere. This minimap however, does precisely that. I watched a red little marker on the minimap come charging at me at inhumane speed. Inhumane for two reasons. Primarily because it was not human. But the fact that this tiny goblin was also mounted seemed to also contribute to this partcular notion. The lil' guy attacked me. Once. Before charging off into the distance once more.

At this point I could but embrace one simple fact: I will never get out of combat, that superbly speedy and obnoxiously sneaky Goblin will keep me in combat until one of us perish. Being stubborn, rather than lazy, I opted to simply track down the bugger. This, I might add, is where my true adventure began. For the next thirty minutes, I would walk back and forth in the middle of Norcroft (For those of you who have never seen Norcrofts, its just a huge plains.), Every once in a while my good friend the mounted Goblin, whom I after the third time attacking me had been baptized George, would attack me to keep me in combat. All while dashing off into a different direction than which I was traveling towards before in an feeble attempt to catch him. Fed up with this little concept of a mounted enemy who apparently does not know how to stop, I opted for running to the edge of the map and await Georges return next to one of the many mountains that encircle the plains.

As George had a tendency of walking by roughly every ten minutes I decided to go grab myself a drink. Not that it is relevant for the review, but I should probably inform you that it was a cup of Tea, Lemon green tea. Highly recommended.

Upon returning I was, to my dismay, at about 3% hp with a Norcroft Field-bear happily chipping away at my health. However this was not all! Looking at my minimap I fondly observed how George was, indeed, nearby. The poor little fellow had got himself lodged into the mountainrange on the side of the map and tried incredibly hard to get himself dislodged. This process, apparently, took around ten minutes, then he would charge off and slap someone, most recently: me, in the face before dashing off and getting himself stuck on the other side of the map.

It was with resounding joy I found myself dying to that Field-bear and watching Dear old George finally reset and return to his appropriate location in the fields where he belongs and will graze away peacefully until he runs into another player who will undoubtedly rejoice in the idea of never having to leave combat ever again.

Unfortunately however, the gliding characteristics of the mounts in Rhovannion prohibits me from ever moving past the area due to sheer amusement, but other than that..

Posted April 15, 2017.
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15.3 hrs on record
Modding support has a tendency to redeem even the worst of games, salvaging what was initially a horrendous game into something grand thanks to the players visions of what the game should be like.

This game holds no such hope. One can but asume that this game was concocted within the darkest areas of a developers mind. Forced into existance regardless of what quality that existance would hold. With a pricetag so grand it rivals Call of Duty. In essence, this truly is the kindred spirit of Call of Duty. Something so vile and yet profound. Its blatantly horrendous state of play is only surpassed by the humongous lack of value one will obtain through acquiring this game.

This game would forever be my chosen one if I had but one refund to request.

But lets not end on a bad note. The graphics while flying around is pretty nice.
Posted November 30, 2015. Last edited November 30, 2015.
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