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34.9 hrs on record (30.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
"Extermination" is very good for a pre-release, however my biggest problem with the game is how other people build bases. Not entirely sure how to fix it, but when you give everyone the ability to build, people tend to completely screw it up and you'll lose the match because they absolutely must have all 4 autoturrets right next to them. I would still highly recommend this game even with my one complaint, I hope they keep updating it!
Posted April 28.
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1,062.4 hrs on record (712.0 hrs at review time)
It's got TANKS!
It's got PLANES!
It's got BOATS!
Posted August 25, 2020. Last edited January 24, 2021.
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5 people found this review helpful
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7.6 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
why the ♥♥♥♥ am I reviewing a game from like two years ago? because it is incredibly forgettable and I honestly forgot about it until I scrolled down into my steam section of games that I have uninstalled. Since I got the game for the campaign only because a coworker told me that the "opening on Normandy was well worth the game since it's historically accurate and ♥♥♥♥" or whatever the ♥♥♥♥ jesus I'm not going to lecture on how inaccurate this game is (not that wahmen and integration ♥♥♥♥ that seems to be the only thing that I remember seeing all of the youtube "experts" talking about three years ago). Let's just keep it at the campaign has NO replay value, unlike the FAR superior CoD WaW. If Activision could get their ♥♥♥♥ together I would suggest updating WaW with the graphics of this game, which is one of the positives for WWII. I have more hours in WaW just playing the campaign over and over again then I have playing this ♥♥♥♥. Activision, you want some mechanical advice or an "expert" researcher for your next WWII game if you ever decide to make it? Shoot me a message, I'll work for free! Seriously! It'll be your best game, I can guarantee it!
Posted February 8, 2019.
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1,150.5 hrs on record (380.5 hrs at review time)
I've put over 500 hours into the base game (I played this game a lot offline), and am now only starting to grow tired of it. I believe any game that can hold my interest after over 20 DAYS in game is a very good game My only problem is that every time that any friends start an online game, we never seem to finish it. That's an us problem. As that is the only negative thing I could tink of, 8 years after release I feel this is a must have game for all gamers, along with the greats like CS or Garry's mod.
Posted September 16, 2018.
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