
Kreka 最近的评测

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In the midst of "It's so over", I found there was, within me, an invincible feeling of "We're so back".

Yer it pretty good so far.
发布于 6 月 5 日。
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总时数 2,430.0 小时 (评测时 351.8 小时)
Buttery smooth gameplay, cripplingly addictive, at times incredibly frustrating. Recommended!
发布于 2020 年 9 月 19 日。 最后编辑于 2020 年 9 月 19 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 8.9 小时 (评测时 8.8 小时)
Paid DLC is not acceptable on an unfinished main product.

Alsdo the game still runs badly, the UI needs work and so much more polish overall.
发布于 2016 年 9 月 2 日。
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总时数 77.7 小时 (评测时 30.0 小时)
Its better, a lot better. Constant improvements have put the game in a good state, it looks and runs better. Content is more fleshed out and theres a more to do. Is it perfect? No it still needs work but its finally at a point where I can havea good time with tthe game and enjoy what it has to offer.

Old Review 28/08/16: A skeleton of a what could of been something much greater.

No Man's Sky is especially dissapointing not because of the sheer amount of content which was shown missing, but the potential it had to offer.

As it stands I cannot recommened this game without a serious rehaul to the product.
发布于 2016 年 8 月 28 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 8 月 13 日。
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总时数 11.9 小时 (评测时 8.4 小时)
Smooth, stylish, dripping with atmosphere. Furi is as gorgeous to play as it looks with some of the best production values in an indie game I've played in a while.

Its a unique blending of 1 on 1 fighting using schmup gameplay and melee combat. Its much easier to asee than describe though so do check it out.
发布于 2016 年 7 月 6 日。
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总时数 62.9 小时 (评测时 24.3 小时)
Simply one of the best single player shooters I've played in years. Doom is rich in content and has such a smooth, polished and kineticly charge combat system I can't see myself ever getting bored of the simple act of shooting things. And thankfully id has stuffed in so much mroe than just fanatastic combat and enemy design.
Levels are sprawling arena's and mazes designed to tempt you with the possibility of digging up all kinds of secrets to enhance your gear, or build up your information on the world. My first campaign run lasted about 10 hours on medium difficulty and I missed a large number of the secret areas and collectibles. And I dived straight back in for a second run on Nightmare difficulty because its just so well done. The combat in paticular shines due to the dance you end up performing with the enmies, each enemy fires projectiles you can track visually and avoid, or they melee you up close. Every shot is avoidable making for a delicate balance of aggression and evasiveness needed to survive. This is further complemented byt the excellent set of 10 weapons, each with different situational uses and all while feeling balanced to each other. They are also bloody fun. Not to mention in all of this its a fantastic PC version, with a wide range of options, fov settings, UI toggles, 21:9 support out the box and... its just, great.

This is a game I see myself replaying frequently in the next few years. Alone I'd say the single player makes this a worthwhile package, but with the multiplayer and snapmap make for very nice additions.

Now, I hated the multiplayer in beta, it ran like arse, the fov was tiny and the controls felt sluggish. Thankfully the amazing performance carries across the entire game and as such, I actually kinda enjoy the multiplayer. Granted its not amazing and if you're expecting a new generation of arena shooter than you wil be dissapointed by the 2 weapon limit and loudout setup for weapons. However, as an arcade, fast paced, casual shooter its a great distraction and worthwhile palying. It shares more in common with games like Halo and Timesplitters with its vast variety of daft game modes, simple but intricate maps and fast paced combat. CS:GO it is not but its good fun in short burst. With a bit of tender love and care from id, this could be something very fun.

Snapmap is the underdog of the game modes. Snapmap is a suprisingly powerful map making tool given its simplicity to use. In essence its Litle Big Planet, or Super Mario Maker in Doom form. Make, share and play user created maps. Its biggest drawback is that the maps are made with tiles and as such your going to be seeing a lot of the same arcitecture. Theres also only one theme currently, though they are plans to add further themes. Its strength comes from the freedom to program and set up triggers between all entities in the map itself. Its allowed for some pretty strage creations already popping up on the community hub, from the standard horde based multiplayer set up, to tower defense Doom, parkour maps and make your own music maps, theres a ton of potential from snapmap, which again, need some love and care from id to really shine.

All in all you get an incredibly good singleplayer, an ok multiplayer client and a decent mapmaker tool for your single player and co op needs. Its great and if the beta put you off, I'd urge you to reconsider.
发布于 2016 年 5 月 18 日。 最后编辑于 2016 年 5 月 18 日。
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总时数 74.4 小时 (评测时 26.0 小时)
This review is for the base game, no DLC.
Alrighty, so lets talk performance first since that seems to be the elephant in the room. For me? Good, had to tweak a few settings like shadows to medium but everything is cranked up nicely otherwise for a very nice looking game at a smooth 60FPS. Seriously it looks and animates fantastically and as it stands Treyarch have already fixed some issues and are working on more. So performance is alright, and if it sucks for you then thats what Steam refunds was made for.

Now as for the game itself? Best in the series so far.

Easily my favourite, a fun campaign with a lot of great set piece moments backed up by the most diverse gameplay in the series. Being able to edit your loadouts and abilities for single player always struck me as an odd thing to be missing from previous entries in the franchise and now its finally here, its opened up a lot of different ways to approach the campaign and offered real replayability. Not too mention once you finish the main campaign you unlock a SECOND campaign called Nightmares, which takes you through the same story levels, but remixed and reworked to have a completely original storyline incorperating zombies and powerups. Loads on offer. Can get repetitive but overall good fun, I have not tried the 4 player co op with the campaign yet.

So far, seems like the best balance in the Black Ops games. Lots of fun varied weapons, haven't felt too spammed so far. The addition of jetpacks and wallrunning has givin a new verticality to how engaments can happen. This combined with a *slightly* slower pace than normal means positioning and flanking are really important this time around. Specialist are also in, giving you a choice of charecters to bring into the fight, giving you total of 18 different abilities which can be activated after a certain amount of time has passed(which can be sped up by killing). Dedicated servers are in so lag and hit reg are decent, but its matchmaking only. As it stands though this works fine and has been designed to not have the same issues Advanced Warfare had of never finding a game. Plus Treyarch have announced modding, mapping, dedicated server files and a server browser for March 2016. Hype!

The game comes with the Shadows of Evil map, a 1940's noir inspired zombie romp with less Nazi influence and more Lovecraft. Its a really, really big map with a lot of content. Plenty of easter eggs, hidden bits and bobs and loads of perks, traps, power ups and everything else scattered around the map. Its almost TOO much, making it one of the toughest zombie maps I've played in a while but its nice to know theres always more lurking around the corner, and makes surviving to the higher rounds all the sweeter. You also get a bit of customisation this time, being able to tweak what guns you can find for yourself, what perks you can get backud up by a persistant levelling system just for zombies. Very, very good and the most varied gameplay yet.

So uh, yeah I like it. If you've been off the CoD bandwagon for a while this is one of the best to pick up and get back in to for a loooong time. if you hated the games, this isn't going to change your mind. But it does offer a lot of content, all of which is very smoothly and confidently put together. So give it a go, I need more people to party up with!
发布于 2015 年 11 月 8 日。 最后编辑于 2015 年 11 月 8 日。
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总时数 60.9 小时 (评测时 59.7 小时)
Well its back to how it should be. GG Valve/Bethesda. Hopefully next time the execution will be a bit smoother.

As it stands a good game with fantastic scope for extending and expanding its rich content.
发布于 2015 年 4 月 25 日。 最后编辑于 2015 年 4 月 28 日。
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