Seth   United States
:beachsphere: tf2 best game ever made. :fergus:
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241 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 25 Thg05
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chơi lần cuối lúc 18 Thg05
streambnji 12 Thg05, 2019 @ 7:49pm 
+rep massive dong :mmzombie:
syukieo 28 Thg09, 2018 @ 10:47pm 
hey so like could you quit harrassing me on my profile? I don't appreciate you trying to out-compliment me. It's quite rude and if it's a fight you're picking than fine... You are a kind, soft man who makes everyone feel wanted and you have pretty eyes. I hope you age more beautifully so you can grace the earth with your glowing presence. ♥♥♥♥ you, I love you.
syukieo 22 Thg06, 2018 @ 5:33pm 
Hey i know you, you're the cool guy up the road. The one who's nice, right? Rumor has it you're pretty too
syukieo 18 Thg04, 2018 @ 3:42pm 
A+ TrAch3aUwU💦🥵 26 Thg12, 2017 @ 11:35pm 
▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ Sorry, I just dropped my bag of Doritos in your comment box. ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄
Rabbit 13 Thg08, 2017 @ 7:17pm 