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기록상 5.1시간 (평가 당시 2.0시간)
I went and visited the library as a teenager to get some books to read. After reading a couple of them, including Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six I found out that the library had a video game section where I rented games like: Thief: The Dark Project and Journeyman Project but also a little game that carried the name of a movie I watched around that time and one that I happened to like in particular, this game was named Blade Runner. This was about 23 years ago.

I played the game and seeing how it wasn't related to the movie directly in terms of Characters but seeing how the world was the same I was really happy that I got to explore that world and roam through it but also experience a story that in some ways equals and in some sense rivals the movie's own plot because in essence the theme is the same, the lore is similar but I always felt that the game had a bigger way of world exploration or more of an immersive way to experience the story and it was this story that really moved me in similar ways in terms of its subject matter where I learned that it was okay to be critical of the human race, because the humanity that these mediums portray is sometimes lacking and that is what makes the memories bitter sweet. At Tyrell the motto is: "More human than human", and that shows in the replicant characters that sometimes seem to resemble humanity more or better than the human characters do in both the game and the movie, but perhaps also the book itself which the subsequent mediums are based on.

This gave me a very melancholic feeling at times, especially towards the game's end but also at the very beginning, the interaction between Runciter and Lucy for instance that borders on sadness, but as it goes: all things come to an end and it is this very feeling in memory that I've carried since watching the movie and experiencing the game that I can say that today, the game's found on Steam and that I am very happy because of this because this way I can prolong that feeling of a world that "portrait of a sleep deprived".

Wake up, time to die!

To surmise the bittersweet feeling the game evokes, here is a little poem, partially found in the game.

A Poison Tree by William Blake:

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole.
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.
2024년 6월 6일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 6일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 17.0시간
It's good as a game. It's quite enjoyable because it brings about a type of feeling, a type of excitement that isn't really familiar in almost all the gaming I think and in that way these Thief Simulator games are quite unique but a little bit shocking or absurd compared to kind of things that we would take away from the real world.

Emergent gameplay related to acts of rebellion that in real life would be outrageous is exactly the thing that makes these games so much fun and I think gaming as a whole and particularly FPS gaming has had this same excitement about it when it first came out but because we are used to FPS games so much over the course of our lives, at least we who play games and also really restricted to games I think, it then becomes a nice change to be able to sometimes diverge from this established standard and to deviate into realms such as this game has to offer.

It's really well made and well put together and it's a joy to play. I think this game engine for this game feels really smooth and is kind of beautiful as well so a lot of aspects from this game and the past ones culminate into a great and joyful experience that is as irregular as it is unique when it comes to gaming and gaming conventions like genres.

Plus all the tools of the trade are present.

Once you get into it though it does feel like a relatively short game, even though if there is plenty to do in it, it feels like one just rushes through it post acquaintance and introduction.
2024년 6월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 93.6시간
I really like this game because there is something about the chaos that it presents and the role that you play in it, and this has been the case since I started playing Battlefield 2 way back and subsequent releases since then like for instance Project Reality, Battlefield 3 and 4, 5 and now this one.

The formula has remained the same, with a lot of weapons, customization game modes and maps in essence but one aspect that I like about this particular release, and a thing that really makes the older games fade by comparison is the ability to customize your weapons during the match and also to be able to, with a specific and individual operator to be able to switch weapons in game mid-match. This feature makes this particular Battlefield game really my favorite out of the bunch even though in the past I have really loved BF3 and BF4 especially, I felt that 4 had really a lot of maps and a bunch of them very interesting and beautiful ones and BF4 had really a LOT of gadgets too, and this game does not really have that variety which is a pity but again the fact that you can modify your weapons mid-game really makes me feel that this game has something others had lacked.

Oh also one of my favorite things about this game is that we finally get to use the whole arsenal available as any class and as any operator that we chose to play. This is something that old games really, really desperately needed I feel.

Another aspect that I like that isn't always available but is present in my favorite game mode called Rush is how you can when shot down crawl to relative safety and call upon a medic to revive you and if they do not hear you, you can attempt to even try to crawl to them and then hopefully they can see you then and help you out where in previous games this was either not a thing or the revive system was a bit different but I think how it is in this game at least in the rush game mode it's really cool.

I was very hesitant to buy this game, even later after it released and when its price went down by a lot but once I ... pulled the proverbial trigger (haha) I really did not regret it and played almost all of my play time consequently as say a gaming session executed within a few weeks.

That being said... I kind of miss Battlefield 4 a lot, I have installed it recently and played a bit of it but it is kind of old by now and you notice it playing and they I think haven't implemented the lean mechanic found in that game in this one which I found a bit of a pity but overall... Battlefield 2042 is kind of good and fun but I hope for future installments that they would give us a bit more content, some of which was found in older iterations mechanics wise, equipment wise and maps wise. Maps in 2042 are huge which can be a double edged sword but because Battlefield games always have relatively a lot of game modes this can be somewhat mediated I think.

I do love the Battlefield series of games for multiplayer PvP gaming and it shows.

Please, do not ask me how I managed to get a k/d ratio of almost 10 in this one though.
2024년 6월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 21.2시간 (평가 당시 3.5시간)
Middle earth: Shadow of Mordor. A great mix of Assassin's Creed and the Witcher that stands on its own.

Quite dark and that in a literal (environment, setting) and a figurative (lore, theme) sense and I quite like it. Game is pretty brutal and goes hard on the Orcs or the Uruks found within that populate the world.

There is stealth as well so it makes this quite a serious game and seriously enjoyable as well in terms of the possibilities of cat and mouse gameplay and what's more is that the AI is actually pretty good for this purpose, so the game can be aggressive and sword play cut and slash or it can be more patience and observation driven in terms of how the AI "perceives'' the world around it and how you as player go about eliminating individual elements to I don't know, fulfill objectives and stuff.

It's really kind of a beautiful game with awesome sword fighting. There is also archery available but you got to get arrows through the world which are scattered throughout or draining enemies from energy (archery's sort of "spiritual" if that makes sense), but still gameplay is quite satisfying.

One thing that's funny to me is that this is obviously a console game in the vein of many others on Steam that are available but the part that is funny or amusing or entertaining to me is that I actually like console games because there are a few reasons for this. One of them is that the way they are developed where the developers making console games usually compared to the PC platform have to work with less so to speak in hardware terms so to me it makes the games in a way more creative then "pure bread" PC games where this feature or design choice harkens a bit back to the early stages of PC game development where the consoles back then were really much worse off than they are today in terms again of the hardware capabilities and power and PC's back then were also kind of weak but then people, the developers making these games I think had to put a lot more creativity into the games one way or the other in order to make them good and from this mentality I think a lot of classics spurred on furthermore I think it is because of these hardware limitations of the past is that we got so many memorable games, where I have to think of games like Metal Gear Solid for the consoles and or other games for the PC like System Shock 1, way back when, and then System Shock 2 and Thief 1 and 2 but also Deus Ex later on and after Deus Ex released and Deus Ex 2 (Invisible War) came out, is when this line and divide between PC gaming and Console gaming started to really blend together, for better or for worst in terms of PC games exclusivity where today the world seems to be "flipped around" where Consoles have the exclusivity often (for instance as is an example Grand Theft Auto 6) because these console games tend to have a bigger turnaround than PC games do and that is all well and good but as long as we as PC users and PC gamers will have to some extent somewhat good and powerful PC games with high framerates and high graphical fidelity together with great and immersive gameplay I think this shift to the console market of the gaming industry isn't necessarily the worst thing because my review here of this game that I like, has a little bit shifted into this analyzing and pondering about PC and Console games in which sense again I claim that Console games can be good games because they are made out of a little bit a different source so to speak and that could be a good thing in some ways like I mentioned about creativity but also then…

In terms of games sort of simplicity, I like console games too because the mechanics of console games are kind of well-designed and are entertaining at face value where for instance games on the PC can tend to get a bit more complicated especially if games on PC are simulations where more keys are necessary than are just found on a controller but in essence the idea here is that there are no PC exclusive games anymore, that there are simply games that are sort of simplistic in nature or a bit more complicated but PC gaming has become Console gaming because both the type of games have become intertwined with one another and again this isn't necessarily a bad thing it is just that sometimes features that I personally miss cannot be made to have a comeback and to flourish because of the nature of the controller and in part hardware of the consoles but also because I think people in generally, like general public, where the most money is to be found as an or for an industry really do not desire complexity in their games like for instance with the amount of buttons that they have to press playing a relatively simple game but to me sometimes games that have this as a feature, games that are complex in through their input, the games (G)UI and gameplay but also to an extent in their visuals and fluidity (console's 30 or 60 fps compared to a PC's 144+ fps) is something that I kind of miss but the point is that there are games that do have this, even today with the blending of platforms and games like the Witcher 3 or System Shock remake or Cyberpunk 2077 are a testament to this which I am glad for and so this game, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, even though if it might not have the most impressive visuals and gameplay loop and diversity of enemies or elements like control schemes is still deep enough and mechanically engaging enough and looks visually astute for me to give it a recommendation because it is in essence good and fun to play.
2024년 6월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 4일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 29.3시간 (평가 당시 12.2시간)
This game has made ascend to enlightenment by helping me reach my inner Zen by channeling my Chi into being one with the machine.

Highly relaxing, highly recommended. OHMMMM
2024년 3월 21일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 3월 21일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 44.5시간 (평가 당시 19.9시간)
So I really like this game a lot, the gameplay of it and of course this exploratory nature of space.

Now the game has two categories that are content and mechanics.

The mechanics that are there are really interesting, like of course what I mean mostly is the space travel and the space ships like building and this is for what it is pretty cool I think.

Now as far as the content goes, I am still in the early stages of the game but from what I am experiencing there is relatively lot to do which ties pretty nicely into the mechanics of the game including the content like the story.

From what I understand the critique of the game is that there is not enough content, and that the mechanics are shallow but because this game is relatively unique, it's a storytelling game from a RPG survival/action perspective, and because there aren't really a lot games like this out there (I do not consider No Man's Sky to be in the same category as this game) I think we have to be, critics or not, satisfied with what we have here and ought to enjoy it and at least show some thanks, perhaps not praise but that is up to you, for what we have gotten.

Remember that people loved older games from this developers catalogue and they were also kind of "shallow" and "superficial" yet for some reason it was all right because they were great games and I see a great game in this too at least one that I can and am so far enjoying. I do not want to jump on the bandwagon and cry about stuff that people think it's a given while it's more of a gift.

Yes game could have been a lot more and such and so, but just look at Star Citizen. How long the development on that game is going on for and what type of incomprehensible (not yet available, I think) system you need to run that game well. And it's nowhere near finished after sinking so much time, money and effort into it it's obviously clear to me that we ought to thank daddy Howard for what we have got because even though you don't want to admit it....

It's a pretty darn neat game.

2024년 3월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 3월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 33.2시간 (평가 당시 29.2시간)
Predecessor of Dying Light 2 and a very fair game by that.


Times have changed so things look different these days and some would argue for the worst or for the better but not just in how a thing looks, I must say that when I first booted up the game the graphics but not just the textures the whole world resonated with me because I find it really beautiful. The buildings resemble and remind me of my youth (minus the zombies, hahaha), a place where I lived as a youths really had such similar buildings, not by the sea side but regardless this sort of architecture always appeals to me and resonates with me just kind of like a sort of Brutalist Architecture so whenever I am in the game I think of this and just at times take a moment or two to just take in the sights and sounds because the game has both and I mean that in a very good quality I think.


This is one of the finer zombie games I feel like. A lot of about it is really great and I enjoy playing it and in that regard because I think it's quality product I would recommend this to others because they might, for varying reasons have a great time with the game and might even, which I know people are, be touched by it.


Playing zombie games isn't just about fun it's also about the melancholy of it all, where certain things touch upon the soul and the game has an abundance of that even when I think of the time that when the game was released, how that time has passed and how for instance well for one we all grew a bit older but also how design of games changed in the meanwhile where the games of today really look very high fidelity but sometimes some older games, even moreover regardless of how they look, are gems and this one is certainly one of them and I am glad that I found it and also am glad that I like it so much.

At its core it's just kind of a melee zombie shooter but I like using the bow and arrows and there's plenty to do in the game since it's got an interesting storyline that I like experiencing.
2024년 2월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 2월 24일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 62.5시간 (평가 당시 53.5시간)
Okay this is shaping up to become a wonderful game.

We had melee and some quite interesting combinations of fighting zombies with great parkour but now we have gotten a guns update which just adds to the mix of even more variety of in which way we can choose to fight zombies in this city.

Personally I always liked bow and arrows but the weapons, guns are a nice addition to the otherwise beautiful game.

I hope they keep expanding and also adding to the story itself because at the end of the day what is a zombie game without plenty to hear, see and do. ;)

2024년 2월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 2월 22일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 3.4시간 (평가 당시 2.3시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Bust a fat Xenonaut.
2024년 2월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 2.6시간 (평가 당시 1.0시간)
You know that feeling when you fall in love?

Well this isn't it because games are virtual goods so it's kind of hard for one to fall in love like in a physical sense however that does not mean that one can not appreciate something that isn't real and in that sense, as other reviews and a lot of them can contest at this moment in time (overwhelmingly positive), a lot of people feel this way about this particular game.

For one I was a fan of Star Wars: Republic Commando, a tactical shooter that reminds me of this game and even though this particular game feels more arcadey that does not take away from its core.

What I see when I look at the core, without staring is that the game looks beautiful and that it plays really nicely. This combination is already something that would engage me with a product like this and on top of that I really am interested that is to say: intrigued by the story. I already kind of am a fan of technology and the potential future it holds, albeit depicted in a warring sense in this game but still it does not take away from the wonder of it all. I think the developers have been meticulous in designing and building this game and it shows.

I do like it a lot. I have been postponing the notion to buy it for a long time and now that I have I am satisfied with how the game plays and how it looks and again its story. It is not something I would necessarily go out of my way and to buy again let's say at full price because it's a type of game that except the story and the action found contained within the story I do not necessarily like in terms of let's say the skill aspect where in a PvP; Player versus Player environment I am kind of not interested in competing but with emphasis on competition and the fact to really get some skills you have to learn them first which isn't a huge problem the issue with me is that to get good at a game let's say in an online environment one has to develop like let's say create and sharpen and maintain those skills in which sense I'd rather play 100 games than just simply get really good at one. Even though this has happened in the past, that I've dedicated myself to one particular game for a long period of time and had even gotten good at it, let's say that age and slowly but surely growing older does not help in this regard of like being able to achieve what once was possible even though I do not speak for everyone when I say this but somewhere in between there lies a truth.

A truth that goes something along the lines of;
I'd rather have thick plot armor than a poor experience online, by which I do not hint at my own skills and the willingness to use them but rather I'd fight in a Co-Op with my brothers against the big bad (that's like powered by an AI of sorts or just a CPU) rather than fighting against them. Against Us. Also fact that sometimes cheaters can ruin the fun (not commenting on Titanfall multiplayer which I know or just assume that a lot of people are a fan of but rather: speaking in general terms) is something I am not so much willing to deal with too much "these days" or since they kind of swarmed the online games, but that's something for another time...

Anyway, I am and still will remain more of a fan of tactical first or even third person shooters and most of all: immersive sims but I think that a few aspects of those things in this game, despite its fast pace can be somewhat found and this is why I do like the game contextually, thematically and as well aesthetically and I would recommend it to other players to jump into it and play at least the single player component because it is pleasing and fun.

Dedicated to (the game and) memories and shared experiences.
2024년 2월 19일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 2월 19일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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