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50.2 h registradas (38.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 22 de noviembre de 2023.
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Publicada el 27 de noviembre de 2021.
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38.6 h registradas (34.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 25 de noviembre de 2020.
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109.0 h registradas (87.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 26 de noviembre de 2019.
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29.0 h registradas (28.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Despite being a mediocre player, I’ve been a big fan of RTS games ever since I first picked up Age of Mythology back in 2003, and for anyone who has played an RTS game before, Ancestors Legacy, from studio Destructive Creations, will be instantly familiar. Basic mechanics are much in line with the tradition of RTS games. You have a base from which you collect resources, recruit units to build armies, and set out from into contained maps to combat enemies. At the central bases you can build new buildings which allow you to recruit new units, which let you expand faster or excel against different enemies. Part of the charm of this game is how seamlessly you can slip into it if you have any RTS experience at all. I, who is in no way a RTS expert, quickly understood the mechanics and dove into gameplay.

Centered around four playable nations from the Middle Ages—the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Germans, and Slavs—the game dives into historical conflicts between the four factions between 8th and 13th century. It is within the context of this setting that the game becomes most interesting. Beyond genuinely teaching me something about the Middle Ages (admittedly not something I expected going in), the game uses it’s setting to justify gameplay—with each faction feeling distinct, and much of the game revolving around trying to build up your bases and townships to defend against historical enemies.. The player must manage three resources: wood, iron, and food. All three of these resources go into recruiting new units, buying new buildings, and upgrading units as well, so securing and continuously producing these resources becomes necessary to win. This then feeds organically into the real meat of gameplay—expanding you reach. Each map is proliferated with small townships that are occupied by citizens and some even defended by roving soldiers. You must control of them if you want to start syphoning the resources they produce continuously. The towns, once taken over, can provide constant resources, and can be upgraded to be more defensible—allowing you the freedom to move on and conquer more. What is most interesting about this, however, is the freedom for strategy. Resource cites are always set at the perimeter of these townships. You can raid them without even taking over—collecting resource bundles in the process, you can slaughter all the citizens you come across to prevent anyone from alerting guards, or you could make a beeline to the center of town in an effort to conquer the townhall and not risk damaging any resource collection sites but at the risk of a bigger fight. Much like combat in the real world, the game encourages you to plan and coordinate, but accommodates individual playstyles. You never feel boxed in, and that’s one of the greatest strengths of the game.

Equally strong is the game’s upgrade system for different units. Each faction has their own assortment of units, though many fill the same basic roles. Where the factions diverge is that each unity type can be upgraded by researching new technology, which allows for the player to give them custom abilities, stronger attacks, or even new armor. An when I say new armor, I literally mean new armor! Their armor changes as you upgrade it! Like literally, on the model! This made me incredibly happy when I first realized. Just an example of a little thing that makes the game that much more engaging. But this customization is paired also with a stance mechanic for each troop type. Their stances allow them to fill different rolls in combat, and even gives them utility outside of a fight. For example, the basic infantry defensive stance allows the troops to detect and disarm traps that other units can set on the battlefield. This system is incredibly useful during combat and often is key the difference between a skilled player and someone like me (who struggled for ages to achieve the necessary level of micromanagement).
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019.
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4.9 h registradas
Nice balanced game. If you are killer you already won. Dont bother to play this ♥♥♥♥
Publicada el 26 de mayo de 2019. Última edición: 27 de mayo de 2019.
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21.9 h registradas (21.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I have played Dawn of war 1 all its expansions as well as Dawn of war 2 and all its expansions to. I love this this game, I think it is an excellent addition to the Dawn of War franchise. Is it perfect? No it's not, but is it fun with excellent production values, art direction and overall gameplay experience? Yes, yes to all these things!

Now what I have been seeing is people either focusing on how its not the same as DOW 1 or not enough like DOW 2 ( when DOW 2 came out people ♥♥♥♥♥ed it was not enough like DOW 1 but now DOW 2 is more an "authentic" dawn of war experience then DOW 3 is, people are just fickle). Well Dawn of war 1 was not perfect and we should stop crying about how they didn't clone that game.

Dawn of War 3 has some elements that people are focusing on that have been borrowed from other RTS games. These elements were picked up by MOBAS and the saturation of the MOBA market means people think Dawn of War 3 is copying these MOBAS. DOW 3 is not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MOBA its a Dawn of War game which has always focused on more tactical squad action ( like its cousin Company of Heroes 1 and 2) with base building. It focuses on combat over your base management (just like every other Dawn of war games, Dawn of war 2 of course did away with it completely).

Now this squad tactics focus is augmented by the use of elites, these are just very powerful battlefield shattering heroes that really make a huge impact on the game. With the right pick and the right timing a single hero can turn a battle right on its head and people are complaining its like a MOBA with the focus on a single super powerful hero. Well the thing is you do have to use your elites and manage them but you can never neglect the other elements of the game play, your army and base management.

The way I see it there is a triad of game play. Army management, base/resource management and Elite management. You have to do all three but with the right selection you can focus on any one of those elements have really powerful strategies.

This game is also beautiful with excellent graphics and effects,. The audio barks from the troops are just awesome with the Orcs really standing out and feeling like Orcs should be an amazing mix of Mad Max mayhem and beauty with the brutal comedy of 40K Orcs.

Also the the criticism that the game is too cartoony really doesn’t track with me, we have peacock coloured space elves fighting shakespearan voiced zealot knights fighting cockney Mad Max orcs, 40k is spectacle and darkness.
Publicada el 23 de agosto de 2018.
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17.7 h registradas
Some games are made so that you can mindlessly mow down hordes of generic whatsits with your fat, noisy bullet-hose.
This is not one of them.
Some games are made so that you press A repeatedly in a series of menus so that you can watch your numbers go up every now and then.
This is not one of them.
Some games are really boring.
This is not one of them.

This game is an inspirational, madcap epic - in the proper sense of the word. A single individual against vast and innumerable odds, conquering his way through adversity with nothing short of awe-inspiring trenchancy. Weild thunder and lightning? Check. Throw fireworks? Check. Use a guitar as a magical death-array? Bam, done. Slaughter enemies with a souped-up motor-car forged by The Ozz of Metal? Go ♥♥♥♥ing crazy.

This is a game that you do not soon forget. This is a game where they've taken a masterpiece setting and given it a thick, heavy pulse, full of grit and power. This is a game, ladies and gentlemen, that properly represents the spirit of Metal.
Should you thirst for blood and lightning, for power and amazement, for a five-star cast and white-knuckle writing, then spend your money on this fantastic game. Play it, enjoy it, and cherish it. It's well worth your time.

One last thing, if you love Jack Black, you'll be a bit disappointed, as his character is not as Jack Black as some Jack Blacks you might have seen. If you hate Jack Black, you'll be happy to know that his character is not as Jack Black as some of the Jack Blacks you might have seen.
Publicada el 12 de junio de 2018.
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58.1 h registradas (56.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The Crew is a sort of Hybrid between classic 'linear' racing games like NFS and open world titles like Fuel.

For everyone who is not a fan of the 'always online' gameplay: You can pretty much turn off all online notifcations/invites etc. and essentially have what comes close to a Single Player Experience.

With the most recent Expansion Bikes where added and I have to say they are lots of fun. Be it a Racebike for zipping around in an urban environments ( especially between cars ) or a Dirtbike for really going off grid and doing lots of jumps, finding creative lines through the environment and even stunts - it gives the game a cool new perspective.

The open environments are visually impressive - combined with complete day/night cycle and weather it's one of the best looking open world driving games i have played.

There surely are more Hardcore Simulation Titles Like Forza, Dirt, F1 etc. The Crew combines relatively easy/casual gameplay with a great open world. And if you are looking for it there are many races/challenges that can be tough.

The open world is a scaled down and somewhat 'morphed' version of the real continental usa. All places however look and feel good and give you a real sense of experiencing a specific region of this big country.

It should be mentioned that Microtransactions are included in this title; to complete your car collection you are incentivized to purchase ingame Credits for actual currency. Some cars can only be bought for real currency.
However - If you follow the main campaign and upgrade your car throughout you have a relatively solid machine at the end.

All in all i think it's a good game and might even be worth a look for open world fans who are not necessarily racing fans - just for exploring a beautiful looking big gameworld.

Give it a try.
Publicada el 11 de mayo de 2018.
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15.6 h registradas (11.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Bloody great fixed and revamped retail version of the UT2004 Co-operative survival horror mod developed back in 2005. Set in possibly near future, in London, where a military contract project to create super soldiers goes wrong and the unfinished clone mutants have laid waste to everything in their way..
What's good:

The gunplay..oh MAYN the gunplay. Excellent gunshot noises, they sound simply such that they never get old, there's sharp reports and then there's more pew type for some weapons, all sounds fit their weapon. Also reload sounds are nice, almost no stock sound effects, and even where there is those, they are modified so it's fine with me. The TWI made reload sounds are great, not any overly sharp or crisp cheesy clatter etc..Also animations are fluid, the weapons have a fittingly harsh recoil, not realistic yes but who the f*** wants realistic guns in KF? Also the weapons shake your vision nicely, gives a nice harsh physical feedback into firing your guns..alright let's not write a book.

The Zed Time feature, randomly a slow-motion kicks in that lasts for a couple of seconds, lets you see them nice gun animations in detail, Specimens getting their limbs torn, heads popped and with demolitions slowly seeing how they turn to red paste..also it lets you catch a grasp accurately on what's going on around you, you can look around a bit to think what to do once the game speed returns to normal.

Specimen visual designs and their behavior, all of them have some kind of purpose to help and murder those damn survivors for once. They look suitably scuffed, grimy and some a bit grotesque and quite intimidating. Some of them are still pretty much human but others are full on cyborg mutants and have proper body horror and look disfigured. So their behavior then..so as I said all of them cooperate with their complementary to each other tactics, for example Clots aren't that bad even in groups but if they grab you you're in for a bad time because the bigger muties can get to pummel and bash you unhindered or simply a swarm of lesser specimens might overpower you. And Husks prevent players from being safe by simply staying away..those ♥♥♥♥ERS will no doubt at some point remove a good chunk of your precious armor and deal over the course of a few seconds a moderate dent to your health. Bloats can massively impede a readily panicking player from aiming properly and seeing what's going around themself. Crawlers often finish a lone terminally injured player who was just about to get some distance and continue fighting.

Great level variety, some of them almost solely outdoors maps, some a good 50/50 mix of outdoors and indoors, both viable camping areas. Also there are night time, evening etc maps and some with quite somber weather. Some have very nice vertical axis variation too!

-Proper weapon variety in each class, in some classes though it's rather damage per second difference vs. one shot damage. But a weapon with high DPS vs one hit power suits some purposes better.

-Pretty good gore system for being in 2004 era game engine. Same gore effects apply to both players and the specimens I may add. Dismemberment can happen, at the limb joints and of course neck, leaving visible bone and roughly torn flesh and blood spraying too. The next level of gore is that a specimen either loses half of all his limbs or simply gets turned to small chunks and red mist which looks endlessly satisfying as a Demolitions. So yeah pretty nice gore, it can be quite terrifying to see your player get torn to pieces by a Fleshpound's pummeling.

-Raw soundtrack, most of it badass Industrial by zYnthetic, and then a smaller bunch of action tracks are more standard metal. Fuels your rampage suitably. At downtime there plays some well done ambient music, pretty much all of it too by zYnthetic.

What isn't good..

-Removal of the great weather effects and ambient sounds in the maps Westlondon, Manor, Bioticslab, Offices. In the mod version 2.5 atleast, these maps had amazing atmosphere.

-The slight lack of voicepack variety, could have been like 4 different voices or so. I do like the voice acting though, it's silly and not all too good but in a charming way.

-You can't disable Trader's lines while still keeping the random player chatter on..
Publicada el 17 de junio de 2017.
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