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I have fond memories of playing Galactic Conquest (THE mode to play) for hours upon hours in my PS2 days in glorious 4-player splitscreen with family and friends. Now that my kids are old enough, I was looking forward to playing Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection with them. Controllers were at the ready, and my PC hooked up to the TV as usual.

The first letdown was seeing that the game does not support more than 2 controllers. Who could have thought it a good idea to remove 4-player splitscreen, the best aspect of these oldies? As I recovered from the initial shock I thought, okay, we might still play it in online mode using four of our PCs. But then, the next surprise: Galactic Conquest is not supported online! Given the low level of challenge posed by the AI in these games, the only reasonable way to play Galactic Conquest is 1v1, which completely misses the point of a large-scale cooperative war.

Unfortunately, with the developers having crippled it like that, I can only recommend this version to fans of 1v1 or possibly to those who don't mind playing standalone battles only and missing out on Galactic Conquest. For the rest of us, there's no way around dusting off our old consoles if we want to experience these games in the way they were meant to be played. Refund requested.

PS. How do you bulk up two single-CD games to a 60+ Gb monster, and for what reason? Prestige?
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